Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1976.
Charfield Parish Council
Charfield Primary School
St. John's Church
Charfield Congregational Church
Charfield Playing Field & Memorial Hall Management Committee
Charfield Women's Institute
Charfield Young Wives
1st Woodend Scouts & Cubs
Charfield Tennis Club
Charfield North Road Pigeon Club
Charfield Youth Club
Charfield Conservative Association
Labour Party & Liberal Party
Charfield Amateur Dramatic Society
Stop Press
Information Sheet
Isn't it good to see that the Tennis Club has had its first A.G.M. and is hoping to play on the court this summer? Also the Youth Club has been reformed and they hope to start in the near future.
We hope you will find all the information on the back sheet useful.
We are pleased to have entries from a variety of Organisations and if anyone wishes to be included in our next Newsletter please let us have your entry by JUNE 13. We plan to publish this just before SPORTS DAY – JULY 17 (make this a date in your Diary) so let's make it a bumper edition.
Don Smith
The Parish Council is most concerned about the amount of vandalism occurring in the village and feels sure that a more vigilant attitude on the part of the residents in the village might help to prevent this. Particular targets for vandalism have been the public seats (2 in the central play area and 1 at the junction of Manor Lane and Wotton Road) and the Public Conveniences.
It is money from the rates – i.e. your pockets, which will be paying for repairs, which in the case of the seats means their being removed from the concrete bases and returned to Listers for repair. New seats now cost approx. £73 each.
Because of economic cut-backs Northavon District Council will not be going ahead with the Little Bristol Play Area and Garage Project as a whole, although it is understood the possibility of going ahead with the Play Area half of the Scheme is being considered. The Parish Council recently wrote to the Director of Technical Services asking him to comment on the possibility of a ‘self-help’ Scheme (the District Council to provide detailed plans and materials and the work to be done by voluntary labour) so that the Scheme could get under-way. So far, no reply has been received but it is hoped to report on this at the Annual Parish Meeting on 24th. March.
Jenny Hughes
Clerk to the Council
Contrary to what I said in the last Newsletter, there will be no change in the arrangements for the admission to school of infants. 2A child whose fifth birthday is between 1st. September and April 10th. may be admitted in September. A child whose fifth birthday is between April 10th and August 31st. may be admitted after the Easter holiday.
During February all parents were offered appointments to discuss the progress of their children with their respective teachers.
We have had some excellent sporting results. Both the girls and boys teams were clear winners in the series of Cross Country Races kindly arranged by the Dursley Athletic Club for schools in the area. Paul Gladding was the individual winner. The football team will end the season at the top of the Northavon Primary Schools Primary League and Neil Gladding has played regularly in the County of Avon Primary Schools team.
The Wotton District Schools Music Festival will be held in Wotton-under-Edge Parish Church on 30th April when the theme will be “America”, in recognition of the Bi-Centenary of American Independence.
D. Malpass
A few months ago we had a slogan “KEEP A CHURCH IN CHARFIELD”. (Incidentally we still have it. We haven't abandoned it!) But is there any point in having a Church in Charfield? In having a Church anywhere? There are some people, a minority of people, who would say that in today's world, the Church fulfils no useful function; that it may have served some purpose when ignorance was rife, when there were no Social Services to meet the needs of those in distress; but now that Education, Health and Social Welfare have been taken over by the State, the reason for the Church's existence is plainly withering and it is slowly dying of poor-attendance!
Well, it might be as well to remember that some people have prophesied the imminent death of the Church for centuries; but somehow it is still here! Why? How does it seem to come so near to death and yet never quite die and is then renewed? Because, I think, it stands for something that is important for the true and full life of Mankind. It appeals to our innate sense of mystery in the face of the wonder of the Universe; to our wonderings about the deep questions of life – and death. I think the Church will continue to be “in business” but its' ways and forms of words may change – have changed! MUST change! Meanwhile it is here – for YOU. Incidentally, remember that you owe us the EASTER holiday you are looking forward to!
Kenneth G. Grant
Easter Services on Sunday, April 18th
Morning Service for children | 11.00 a.m. |
Evening Service | 6.00 p.m. |
Mr. N. Stamps – Preacher
The Chapel is situated on Wotton Road between the Police House and 3the Plough Inn. New members are always welcome.
Miss Turner – Secretary
xx Charfield Green.
The committee has provisionally booked the following dates for Discos
in the Memorial Hall:-
3rd. April; 24 April; 8 May; 5 June; 26 June; 4 September;
25 September; 16 October; 6 November; 27 November.
Wanted Urgently: A responsible person to control the 200 Club. This Club has been extremely successful for the past 4 years in providing funds for various projects and improvements to the Hall and Playing Field. It does not involve hours of work just a few minutes regularly but, as usual, finding the right volunteer is a problem. Also required at the start of the new season, Collectors and the names of anyone wishing to join the 200 Club and to gamble 12½p. per week in the hope of winning one of the following prizes:
£5 weekly; £10 monthly; £60 half-yearly; £200 annually.
The Sports and Gala Day this year is being held on Saturday, JULY 17. Have you a new idea which would help towards making this day the success it has been in the past? Have you even a small amount of time available to help organise either prior to or on the Day? If so, please come to any of the Management Committee Meetings which are publicised on the Notice Board.
Jenny Hughes –
April 8th | Inland Waterways – R.A. Lewin Competition – Decorated eggshell. |
May 13th | Resolutions A Musical Evening. |
June 10th | Practical Painting – Roy Hewish Competition – A painting. |
July 8th | Pub Signs – Angela Gibson Competition – A Pub Sign. |
September 9th | Tramps – A.H. Scarrot Competition – Flower Song Titles. |
October 14th | Making Christmas Crackers – Mrs. Popham Competition – Hallowe'en Lantern. |
November 11th | Annual Meeting – V.C.O. Competition – Homemade Cracker. |
December 9th | Members Night. |
Mrs. K. Jotcham – Secretary
1976 | |
April 15th | British Rail Travel Films |
May 6th | Coffee Morning |
May 20th | “Strange Cures and Strange Beliefs” Curator, Stroud Museum |
June 17th | Mystery Tour |
July 15th | Make-up and Fashion |
July 17th | Sports Day |
September 16th | Bristol Zoo – Mr. D. Packham |
October 20th | Fashion Show |
October 21st | Open Evening Pleasance & Harper – “Diamonds & Jewellery” |
November 4th | Coffee Morning |
November 18th | Guide Dogs for the Blind |
December | Christmas Party (Members only) |
1977 | |
January 20th | Music & Movement |
February 17th | Citizens Advice Bureau |
March | Annual General Meeting |
Yearly Subscription – 25p. Monthly admission – 10p.
Mrs. Ethel Graham –
It is a year now since the Cromhall and Charfield Scouts and Cubs amalgamated to become the 1st. Woodend Scouts and Cubs and this is working very well indeed, with the Scouts meeting every Friday in the Scout Hut at Cromhall and the Cubs (Tigers) meeting in the same hall on Thursday evening. The Cubs (Lions) meet in the Charfield Memorial Hall on Tuesday evening.
The amalgamation was due mainly, because of lack of Cub Leaders, but this has now been overcome and everything is running smoothly and the numbers are increasing all the time.
There have been a number of activities throughout the year. In July, 1975, a visit to Baden Powell House in London and a Sightseeing Tour was greatly enjoyed by Scouts and Cubs alike.
Then there was a Summer Camp for Scouts and Venture Scouts in Wales for a fortnight, but this was not all play as they were in competition with 5the 1st. Severn Beach Troop – our two patrols came 1st. and 2nd.
In the District Camp competition in May 3 patrols were entered and were placed 3rd, 11th and 14th. Then in November 14 Scouts took part in a District-wide game, having to walk 10 miles without being caught by marshals. The two teams we entered did the fastest times of 2½ hours and 2hrs. 4mins. But the District Swimming Gala was another matter – unfortunately, we came in last.
The Cubs have been equally busy, working for their bronze, silver and gold badges, also Hobbies Proficiency badges. The two packs have also formed a football team and after having played 2 games, they have won 1 and lost 1.
It has not been all work though. The Scouts and Venture Scouts held a Halloween Party in October inviting Guides from Cromhall and Kingswood to join them.
The Cub Packs held a joint Christmas Party in the Memorial Hall in Charfield with a Film Show given by Mr. Ken Lane and the boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Another Summer Camp has been arranged for the Scouts and Venture Scouts to be held at Oxford and it is hoped the Cubs will go to a week-end Camp at Avening Green. We have had an Autumn Fayre and a Spring Fayre which have been very well attended and have raised a substantial amount for Scout and Cub funds. Another more recent event was the 1st. Annual Dance held on 26th March at the Memorial Hall in Charfield.
The Cub Scouts entered the District Handicraft Exhibition in February where the Tigers won 6 Certificates (1st; 2nd; 4 Highly recommended). Our thanks to all those who have made our 1st. year so successful.
Joyce Hutley
Public Relations Officer
1st. Woodend Scouts & Cubs
x Old Manor Close
The first Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday, 25th March at x Katherine Close. Anyone interested in joining the Club is asked to contact Mr. Keith Miller of that address.
Jackie Swallow – Secretary
xx Manor Lane
The Club held their Annual General Meeting on February 9th 1976. Mr. D. Poole remains as President. All other posts were filled by new Officers as follows:
Vice Presidents R. Newman & D. Booth Chairman C. Easton Secretary & Treasurer Mr. & Mrs. K. Parker Entertainments Sec. Mr. & Mrs. P. Mann Clock Setter P. Beisley Press Officer C.G. Pearce
Everyone is looking forward to the commencement of the Old Bird Racing Programme, this starts at Worcester and goes through to Thurso – 500 miles.
6The Young Bird Race Programme starts later in the year. This starts at Worcester and ends at Lancaster – 160 miles.
The Charfield Club is always willing to help anyone interested in racing pigeons. This is one of the few hobbies that all the family can enjoy in the confines of their own back garden.
Mr. & Mrs. K. Parker
Joint Treasurer &
x Woodgate House
Dear Villagers (both young and old),
From the support shown at the Village Hall on 10th March many people
must have assumed it was only rumour that the Youth Club was being
We would like to assure you that its revival has begun. It has a new Committee, a Youth Leader (Mr. Alan Husher) and all it needs now is acknowledgement and support from the village.
There are many things yet to be done, of course – premises, Finances, the formation of a Youth Committee, an exploration into what the Youth want from a Club and also what they have to offer to our community.
While these “explorations” are taking place we would welcome suggestions, ideas and positive offers of help – please contact either:-
Alan Husher Youth Leader FALfield 4xx Pete Peaster Secretary FALfield 5xx.
Jackie Husher
We are pleased to say that with a lot of hard work and a number of meetings with interested parties the Youth Club has now been reformed and a Youth Leader appointed. CHADRA would like to thank all those who have made this possible.
We are hoping to complete the Village Study by June so that we can make a contribution to the future of the village.
Regarding the Little Bristol Play Area it has been proposed by the Parish Council to the District Council that the actual work be done by a volunteer force of labour from the village. This could well be the pattern of the future, with Local Government spending being cut-back. This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole village to work together for the benefit of the children of Little Bristol.
As for the future of the village, plans have been passed for a new Sewerage Plant to be built behind Lower Huntingford Farm (the Kennels) between the railway line and the Little Avon with a sewerage outfall into the river. Does this mean that the village will expand with more housing development?
May we remind you that the Parish and District Elections are in May.
7We have had several complaints from subscribers to the Newsletter that the dates they have given us have passed by the time the Newsletter is distributed and we would like to show you why it takes us so long to put the contributions together. Please remember that we can only do this in our “spare-time”.
1 week to collect contributions and collate
1 week to type and duplicate
1 week to distribute to the whole village.
In order to help you to compose your contributions so that this problem does not occur in the future we shall aim to publish the Newsletter during the first week of January; April; July and October. This means that contributions should be in by the second week of December; March; June and September.
If anyone requires help or information please contact:-
Mrs. F. Owen xx Manor Lane FALfield 6xx Mr. Don Smith xx Avon Road FALfield 8xxx.
Anyone interested in running or helping to run the local Branch would they please contact:-
Mr. C.F. North,
x Station Road.
In order to keep a Political balance both the Labour and Liberal Party Representatives in the village were invited to contribute an article but nothing had been received before the Newsletter went for typing.
Frankie Owen
Secretary – CHADRA
The Drama Society are presenting 3 One-Act Comedies on Friday and Saturday, 14th and 15th May in the Charfield Memorial Hall. The plays are all on the theme “Proposals of Marriage” and will, we hope, provide an enjoyable and entertaining evening's programme.
Help “backstage” (or even “onstage”!) is always welcome, contact:-
Jenny Peaster – FALfield 5xx Pat Simkiss – FALfield 6xx
The new Management Committee Booking Secretary is:-
Pam Smith, xx Avon Road, FALfield 8xxx
The date of the CHADRA Jumble Sale is Saturday, May 8th.
Health Visitor: Thornbury Health Centre, Thornbury 414477
Charfield Child Health Clinic – Memorial Hall – 2nd & 4th Thursday mornings.
Doctors: | B.C. Jones; J.C. Margerison; J.K. Roberts, 1 Culverhay, Wotton |
Appointments: Wotton-under-Edge 3893 Enquiries: Wotton-under-Edge 3252 Emergency: Wotton-under-Edge 3252 (24 hours) | |
Drs. Maughan & Rowlands, Chipping Manor, Wotton | |
Appointments etc.: Wotton-under-Edge 2214 |
(Please accept my most sincere apologies for the wrong information listed in the last Newsletter. Frankie Owen, Secretary, CHADRA).
Frenchay Hospital: All enquiries Bristol 565656
Southmead Hospital: Administrative Office Bristol 622821
Dentist: R.J. Heyluer, Carlton House, Long Street, Wotton-under-Edge, Wotton 2266
Midlands Electricity Board Severn Vale District Office Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury | Chipping Sodbury 318380 |
Avon Oils After hours – day and night | Bristol 669852 |
Bristol Waterworks Faults outside normal working hours | Ask Exchange for Freefone 981 |
Northavon District Council Outside Office hours. Monitored Answering Service | Thornbury 416262 |
P.C. White Charfield Police House | Wotton 2219 |
This Station may not be manned for 24 hours a day. If not call:- E. Division Headquarters | Bristol 565333 |
Charfield County Primary School Wotton Road, Charfield | Falfield 518 |
Katherine Lady Berkeley Comprehensive School, Kingswood, Wotton-under-Edge | Wotton 2227 |
Wanted: 1. CHADRA urgently need a typewriter. If anyone either has one to sell or knows of one (Preferably with a long carriage) would they please contact the secretary, Mrs. Owen, xx Manor Lane, FAL 6xx.
2. Within the next few months 2 members of the Committee will be leaving and we need 2 new people to replace them. If you are interested in joining us please contact, Don Smith, xx Avon Road, FAL 8xxx.
This issue was produced on 8 sides of foolscap paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2016-11-18.