Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1977.
Charfield 17th Sports' and Gala Day – Sat. 16th July
St. John's Church
Charfield Parish Council
Charfield Primary School
Street Warden Scheme
Committee for the Elderly and Housebound
Charfield Amateur Dramatic Society
Charfield Youth Club
Charfield Ladies Netball Club
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield Parent Teacher Association
Charfield Tennis Club
Young Wives
Charfield Congregational Church
Charfield Contact Scheme
Charfield Hall Management Committee
Mothers and Toddlers Clubs
Citizens' Advice Bureau
Royal British Legion
Charfield Jubilee Committee
Roving Report on the Silver Jubilee Celebrations
Let's Have a Competition
Education Cuts
Charfield Mills: Holborow Steam Engine
Charfield Jubilee Committee Knockout Competition
Reflections on the Jubilee Celebrations
Letters to the Editor
Do We Need a Charfield Community Association?
Reflections on Coming to Charfield
Roving Report on the Silver Jubilee Celebrations
The Country Code
1Congratulations to her Majesty the Queen on her Silver Jubilee – Charfield feels very much part of the celebrations because Captain Mark Phillips lived here for a while and was christened in the Village church.
For the last few months a great deal of time has been spent preparing for the Silver Jubilee Celebrations. Now that the activities have taken place there was one noticeable thing in that the village was able to get together as “one”. Further on in this newsletter there is an article on the setting up of a community association, maybe now we should be thinking in terms of working together as a community. If there were to be further development in the village, the community spirit would never develop.
Most of us will notice that the Village Hall looks much cleaner now as a result of a spring clean; this is an example of the ladies working together to preserve the centre of our community.
We must congratulate our elected County Councillor, Michael Cromey-Hawke and wish him well in his duties for this area.
We now look ahead to the Annual Sports' Day on 16th July and we hope the village will support this in strength.
The publication date for the next newsletter will be 18th September, so can we please have articles on any subject of interest.
Coming hard on the heels of the Jubilee Celebrations is the Village Annual Event. Much hard work has gone on behind the scenes for many months by a Sports' Day Committee of the main Memorial Hall Management Committee. On paper it looks to be a successful combination of new ideas around the old highly successful theme. Whether it is a success will depend greatly on the help and support on the day and, of course, on the weather – for both there is a good record.
The day will open with a fancy dress and decorated bikes competition, so get your thinking caps on for good ideas and a parade will be led by the Downend Church Lads Brigade Band. During the afternoon there will be two Punch and Judy Shows by Uncle Colin and a display of Morris Dancing. In addition to fairground rides there will be a model steam engine and donkeys and ponies for children's rides. The main display will be a high speed 2aerobatic display and subject to last minute problems which may arise we hope the Red Arrows will Flypast. There will be many interesting static displays, including a model railway layout, rally cars, army vehicles and an emergency crash/rescue vehicle. All this and much more will go around the Sports events which become more popular every year.
It is not the committee's object to make a profit on the day but, of course, any made will go towards improving the facilities of the Hall and Playing Field. Your Hall and Playing Field so please give your support in any way you are able. There is a list of side shows and games inside the Hall and many of these have yet to be manned. There are many jobs to be done in the week prior to the 16th from marking out the race track to erecting tents, or just moving chairs and other items to the required spots. Can you help? If you can please contact the Chairman: Mr. John Poskett or Secretary: Mrs. Jenny Hughes.
I am writing this under the spell of our Queen's Silver Jubilee Day, the 7th June, having been deeply moved by the television programme that brought that day into the lives of millions who would otherwise have known little about it. What an exciting spectacle it was and how clearly delighted were the ordinary people waiting at the side of the road when the Queen in her walk from St. Paul's Cathedral to the Mansion House, stopped here and there to talk to them. One wished that the conversations could have been heard; but I did hear her say to someone “Thank you for coming.” They will never forget that experience.
Descending to a humbler level, nor shall I forget our village Jubilee service on Sunday 5th June when the Church was nearly full. What a delight it would be if it could always be like that, and how helpful and uplifting it would be for us all. Well, the only thing that prevents it is YOUR personal decision! If every ‘you’ made up their minds that it would be so, it could be so.
Since the last Chadra letter, we have started a new-style Family Service at 10.30 a.m. on the SECOND Sunday of every month. For our first service there was an excellent congregation. How about making your date with us on that Sunday? I hope we may be helping to shape something new and I would welcome YOUR contribution to this. The children helped only too gladly on the first occasion. Do encourage them by bringing them because I think we have so much to give them. As parents we do not want to rob our children of an understanding of some of the important truths about life – especially as some of us (at their baptism) have promised that they will be given the chance to understand these things. In time, of course, they may choose to reject some of these things. But they cannot reject what they have not first understood. Anyway, apart from this serious touch, I thought the service was great fun. And it won't be longer than 45 minutes – perhaps even shorter.
Kenneth G. Grant.
The Council held the Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd March and although this is the major opportunity for members of the parish to have their say and report to the Council, the meeting was not very well attended. Reports 3from various organisations in the village were read, the accounts and a Chairman's Report on the work of the Council over the past year heard, and District Councillor, Mr. J. Tully, put the controversial point, which provoked a good discussion ‘Is there a need for County Councils?’
The evening concluded with a general discussion of problems which the Parish Council might be able to solve and a slide illustrated talk on wildlife in the area by Mr. Keith Ridley from the Glos. Trust for Nature Conservation.
The Council was pleased that the new Bus Shelter at the bottom of Charfield Hill was erected successfully, although it has yet to be painted.
At the present time the Council is looking into the feasibility of supporting a play scheme for the children during the summer holidays without the use of the school. A committee consisting of Council Members and interested people will look into the possibility of organising outings, sports, walks, etc. but, of course, lots of organisation will be required and volunteers needed.
No decision has yet been made by the District Council on the final Draft of the Village Plan for Charfield. District Councillor, Mr. J. Tully, reported at a recent meeting that the Planning Committee were to have further discussions with the County before a final decision was made.
Due to cuts in the Avon Education budget it will no longer be possible to admit children to school until the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. This is very much regretted by the teaching staff and the Managers but as no allowance is made in terms of staffing or finance for under fives, we have no alternative.
A further restriction is that our part time teacher – Mrs. L. Torkington – will from September only work one session a week instead of four. This is unfortunate because her time was spent with small groups of children who needed a little individual help.
You may like to know that the Junior Sports will be on Tuesday, 12th July at 6.30 p.m. and the Infant Sports on Thursday 21st July at 1.45 p.m. You are very welcome to be with us on these occasions.
After a very busy period in March and April, during which we had a most successful Tramps Supper to celebrate our birthday and came 2nd in the Little Avon Group Rally Competition, Charfield W.I. looked set to relax and enjoy our usual round of speakers and demonstrations, competitions and enjoyable social events. However, we have been very unlucky in that two of our speakers have suffered leg fractures although one was brave enough to hobble to the meeting in a plaster cast! Our next talk before the summer break will be “There's so much to see in Bristol”.
Having had a few weeks to catch our breath after the Jubilee Celebrations, we are now thinking about the Sports' day Jumble Sale on 2nd July, and, or course, we shall be serving refreshments on Sports' Day itself. Let's hope for glorious weather like last year.
4Other events include a Mystery Tour on 30th June, a trip to Weston for the Avon “Bargains Galore” Sale on 23rd August, and a Harvest Supper later in the year. We extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Grantham of Berkeley Close who recently joined us and we should be pleased to see anyone who would like to visit us on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.15 p.m. (not August).
Mrs. Una Bohin
This scheme has now been operating in conjunction with the District Nurses and Health Visitors for six months. We would like to stress again that our intention is not only to visit the elderly, (to do shopping, do minor household tasks and chat), but that we are also very willing to offer assistance to younger people who are temporarily incapacitated by illness or have a longer term handicap. Although we currently receive most of the requests for assistance from our District Nurses, we would like to hear directly from anyone who feels that we may be able to help them in some way. Even if you think that your particular problem is beyond the scope of our available resources, please do still contact us – we may be able to work out a solution. The one aspect of our resources which we do feel is inadequate is our ability to provide a service of drivers and cars. But, we do hope to be able to tackle this problem in the near future, by co-operating with the Committee for the Elderly and Housebound. We would welcome all enquiries, and offers of help (especially if you can provide the services of a car and driver). The people whom you can contact are:
Jackie Swallow xx Manor Lane, Charfield Pat Waring xx Underhill Road, Charfield Jan Hannigan xx Underhill Road, Charfield Jacky Freegard x Willow Park, Charfield Lin Hannigan x Durham Road, Charfield Mary Hall xx Durham Road, Charfield Youth Group via Alan Husher, xxx Manor Lane, Charfield Lynne Harris x Station Road, Charfield (Wotton 3xxx)
If you would be interested in helping, particularly if you have a car available occasionally during the day, please contact:
Mrs. Lynne Harris x Station Road W-u-E 3xxx Mrs. Sue Barrance xxx Manor Lane Falfield 5xx Mrs. Cherry King xxx xxxx Farm Falfield 2xx
Our last production “Cock-a-doodle-doo” went off – we think! – quite successfully and was very well received at Leyhill Prison when we did a performance there a few weeks later.
We are p1anning our next production – a Three Act Farce – for Nov. 11th and 12th, but in the meantime hope to raise funds for badly needed new scenery and props by a Jumble Sale in September.
New members will be more than welcome and anyone interested please contact Jackie or Alan Husher – Fal. 4xx or Jenny Peaster – Fal. 5xx.
Activities of the last “session” have included:-
FORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONS – Caving, Rounders Tournament, Hiking, Cricket Tournament, and Chariot Racing. (Our home-made Chariot has been entered for the Stoke Gifford Field Day Race on July 2nd) – Speed Trials will commence immediately!!
We would like to thank everyone who sponsored our recent Netball Match, which raised £75 for the Silver Jubilee Funds.
We will be finishing Netball in a few weeks and taking a break through July and August. I hope all our current members will return when we start again in September. I would also be very pleased to hear from anybody who would like to join us on Tuesday evenings, 7–8 p.m. at the K.L.B. Sports Hall (transport available).
Julie Hillier,
xx Manor Lane, Charfield.
Tel. Falfield 5xx.
Playgroup Leader: Anna Wood
Supervisors: Carol Becker, Carol Tarry, Rita Jones, Monica White
Since the last newsletter we have held a successful skittles evening for parents at Almondsbury Social Club. All who participated can testify that it was a most enjoyable function but we had hoped for a rather wider attendance. At the beginning of the Summer Term a short film about Charfield Playgroup was made by Avon Community Communications Organisation and this gave our three and four year olds the opportunity to show their talents as budding film stars!
In the near future we will be holding an Open Evening especially for the parents of children approaching Playgroup age. This event is designed to show prospective parents some of the activities undertaken by the children and to talk about the purpose of a Playgroup in extending the environment of a pre-school child. It also provides an opportunity for parents to raise any queries they might have and to discuss Playgroup with the Supervisors. We hope that as many parents as possible will attend this event on June 27th at 8 p.m. in Chapel Schoolroom.
Once again it has been decided that the Playgroup outing will be to Victoria Park in Bath where we have had such a good time in the past. The date has been fixed for Tuesday July 5th so please will Playgroup Mums book this in their diaries.
6The recent announcement from Charfield County Primary School on the Admission of Infants, which restricts their entry until the term after their fifth birthday, will inevitably have repercussions on Playgroup. We would like parents to know that we are doing our best to consider the interests of the pre-school children in the village and to deal fairly with admittances to Playgroup. Any parents who would like to put their child's name on the waiting list should either visit Playgroup on any Wednesday morning between 9.15 and 12 noon or on Mon. and Wed. afternoons between 1.30 and 3.15, or contact the Secretary Mrs. Claire Haines, xx Horsford Road, Charfield, Phone Wotton-under-Edge 2xxx.
We are planning to run a Playgroup course in September. This course is open to any interested parents and is intended to give parents ideas for amusing young children at home or in a group. The course is useful training for would-be Playgroup Supervisors. It will start on Sept. 6th from 7.30 to 9.30 and will run for 6 weeks for a cost of £1 for the course. Would anyone who is interested please give their names to Anna Wood, x Cotswold View, Phone Wotton-u-Edge 2xxx.
Dear Parent,
Since the last Chadra Newsletter the P.T.A. held a very successful
Spring Fayre. Grateful thanks are extended to all parents who donated to
the Fayre, especially those amongst you who created the marvellous handicrafts,
which sold extremely well.
Thanks are also to be extended to Mr. Rob Freeman (PTA Representative – Jubilee Committee) who organised the Jubilee Treasure Hunt on Tuesday 7th June. This proved very entertaining to both parents and children alike.
Future functions which the P.T.A. are planning include a Barn Dance and a Car Treasure Hunt both to be held in July. Details of both these events will be sent to parents in due course.
Another date for your diaries is our A.G.M. on 21st September at 8.30 when our guest speaker will be our new County Councillor Mr Michael Cromey-Hawke who is also on the Education Committee. This will be an ideal opportunity to discuss the cut backs in education.
Jan Hannigan
Secretary PTA.
The tennis season is now under way – weather permitting and we have had a very good response from new members.
In April we held a Trad. Jazz Dance which although not very well supported was a very enjoyable evening.
We have also recently held an American Tournament which took all day to run but all those who took part said they enjoyed it.
We will be holding more tournaments later in the year including a Juniors' Tournament and will finish up the season with a BAR-B-Q.
Anybody interested in playing tennis and wanting to now more about the club should contact:
Mrs. Jacky Swallow, xx Manor Lane, Charfield.
As I have recently become Chairman of the Young Wives Club, I would like, on behalf of my committee and myself to wish everyone the best in the Jubilee Year of 1977. The Club is now in its 7th year and is still as interesting as it was at the start, perhaps even more so now that we have over 50 members. We have a very interesting year ahead of us including:-
July 21st Bamix demonstration
October 20th The Sheepskin Industry (Morlands)
November 17th A catering demonstration the Danish Agricultural Producers.
December Christmas Party.
The September meeting is an open evening. Details will be available at a later date. New members will be very welcome.
May I take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped on Jubilee Day at the Children's Tea. The response for donations of food was overwhelming and I thank everyone involved most sincerely, as I am sure the children thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mrs. S.J. Nixon,
xx Underhill Road.
Sunday evening July 24th at 6.00 p.m. (D.V.) – Mr. David Park with group from Lydney – Mark 1–16. Light refreshments afterwards. Please come.
Sunday evening August 28th at 6.00 p.m. (D.V.) Mr. G. Stevens with the Invasion from Kingswood. Light refreshments afterwards. Please come.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services. Sunday Oct. 2nd (D.V.) morning 11.00 a.m. evening 6.00 p.m. Preacher Mr. F. Symonds of Bristol.
Gift Day Saturday Oct. 1st.
Any enquiries to Church Secretary Mrs. M.K. Turner, xx The Green, Charfield. Tel. Fal. 8xxx.
Since the last newsletter I have received a few Nature Trails and Walks within Northavon, or the addresses at which you can get the necessary information. The only trouble is that they are not very local for us as we are right on the furthest edge of the Northavon/Glos. border. Mind you they would probably be fine for a day's outing. I hope that you all have a good holiday and that if you need any help at any time and you think I may have the information that you require then don't hesitate to call me at: xxx Manor Lane, Charfield, Tel. Falfield 6xx.
Should you not be able to contact me please try – Mrs. McGonnigal at xxxx Farm, Poolfield Lane, Charfield. Tel. Fal. 3xx.
Mrs. Marion Smith
Contact Scheme.
The Management Committee would like to thank all the ladies from the W.I. and Young Wives who have helped to clean up the Village Hall. This has made a tremendous difference to the Hall and we hope that in the future everyone who uses it will ensure that it is left clean and tidy.
The Hall plays a major part in our village life and as such we all need to work together to maintain it as an asset to our community.
8The Management Committee feel that the Hall would benefit from an annual spring clean and we hope that we can rely on the ladies of the village to help with this in the future.
Pam Smith, Bookings Secretary.
Our club continues to thrive and we welcome new members to our meetings (first and third Thursdays 10.15–11.45 a.m.) and hope they will enjoy themselves. A new play-tower has been purchased which we hope will be well used. Any further information from Judy Golding tel. Fal. 5xx.
Since the Citizens' Advice Bureau opened 9 months ago in Wotton-under-Edge the number of enquiries has dramatically increased so that there is an obvious need for such a service in the area.
Many people are still not quite sure what Citizens' Advice Bureaux do. Each Bureau is staffed mainly by highly-trained voluntary workers, who provide a free, independent, and entirely confidential service to the community. No problem is too small or too large and the advice given is impartial, and open to everybody regardless of race, creed or politics.
It has now been arranged that the Organiser of the Wotton Bureau will attend the Friendship Club meetings in the village hall in order to advise any of the members who may have a problem, and so save them the journey into the Bureau office.
We have been able to give help with all kind of problems including electricity bills, family and personal, divorce, disabled pensions, income tax, rent and rate rebates, wills, to mention but a few. Remember the Citizens' Advice Bureau is there for your use and if you have a problem it will guide and advise you.
Your nearest Bureau is at Berkeley House, Long Street, Wotton-under-Edge, and is open every Thursday from 10–4, telephone number Wotton-under-Edge 3xxx, and no appointment is necessary.
The Royal British Legion is always available to anybody wishing to become a new member. For further details please contact: Chairman and Secretary – Mr. S. Mussell, x Manor Lane. Tel. Falfield 5xx or Treasurer – Mr. J. Poskett, xx Charfield Green, Tel. Falfield 8xxx.
It is with regret that we have to inform you that our No. 2 Group Chairman, Mr. Tom Partridge of Staple Hill, Vice Chairman County Executive Committee has died very suddenly. Sympathy has been expressed and sent to the family.
Mr. Mussell.
Back in March when I put pen to paper my thought was – “How can I tell everybody what we're going to do; all the plans, scheme, ideas; suggestions; all the terrific enthusiasm voiced by the committee.” Not being a literary minded person I decided not to; instead, I gave a general outline of what 9we planned and then asked for your help over the coming months.
Thank you, residents of Charfield, your support exceeded our expectations. As event successfully succeeded event the hard work put in by the people of the committee was made worthwhile.
I have often been told that there are two villages in Charfield – the old and the new – all I can say now to that is ‘rubbish!’ I have been, and I know I speak for my Committee, delighted by the response to our call for help where all those organisation did all sorts to keep the money pouring in. Who says there's two villages? – only the odd die-hard. This Silver Jubilee proved that Charfield is a very active, intermixed social community and it proved it by making such a contribution that every event run by the committee was a resounding success and from the many people that have thanked myself and other members of the committee we now that the majority of you have enjoyed it, too.
Now the main events are over I have heard a few sighs of relief (did I hear my own among them?) and I can appreciate why. I'd like to thank all the Committee for the continuous support and work. None of them failed or dropped by the wayside. I'd like to mention them all but I think if I just mention one or two the others will understand. Don Smith, vice-chairman. Thank you, Don; a very able vice-chairman as he proved when I was indisposed. Jill Hendy, secretary, I think this young lady has 26 hours to her days. Thank you Jill. Peter Peaster, treasurer. Jet time-lag didn't faze him and the money is correct. Ta, Pete. Sue Barrance, publicity. I feel Sue should have had two more helpers but she coped (even into the small hours). Thank you, Sue. Thank you also to Una for her coins, Mrs. Till for her Food, Rob Freeman who organised a very good treasure hunt enjoyed by all, and all the others on and outside the committee who helped.
For those who would like a coin case for their crown and have not yet ordered one – they are 11p. each and can be obtained from Mike Morris, Fal. 6xx; Don Smith, Fal. 8xxx; or Una Bohin W-u-Edge 2xxx. This also applies to those who have not yet received a coin; if you want it in a case they are 11p. from any of the above.
The winning number of the prize lucky programme is No. 478 and was sold by Mr. D. Parker, so if you bought from David, check your programme.
I have asked in the past for suggestions for our permanent feature. There is still time for any ideas, so please, if you have any thoughts on this matter, contact any of the committee.
At the end of this screed I still feel I've missed something out or forgotten somebody, so I'll finish by saying, ‘Charfield, despite only having 2000 people, celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in a way that surpassed the efforts of many a larger village and town and this Jubilee has gone a long way to making Charfield a closer-knit community than ever before.’
Thank you all for your support.
Mike Morris, Chairman,
Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee.
Horsford Road / Cotswold View / May Grove Street Party on Mon 6th. June.
Strong winds, black clouds and heavy showers heralded our street party on
Jubilee Monday, and from 12 noon, intrepid Dads were to be seen at Mrs.
Sheppard's end of Horsford Rd. constructing a brilliantly designed series of
temporary awnings and shelters – mainly from ladders and frames of garden
swings. Miraculously, at 3.40 – not 20 minutes from zero hour – the skies
cleared and the children arrived at the party in brilliant sunshine and
looking very festive in their fancy hats and an assortment of other Jubilee
regalia – streamers, flags, rosettes, etc.
After Mrs. Popham had judged the fancy hats – won by Nicky Terrett, James Selby and Claire Jenkins – the children hurried to the selection of delicious party goodies and the men hurried to the beer and cider (a few, it must be said, to remain by the barrels for most of the afternoon!) After tea came a slow bicycle race and a fast (well, fairly fast) pedal car race for the youngsters. Mums and Dads then attempted to eat buns on strings, with varying degrees of success, and at about 5.00 p.m. the male contingent were coaxed on to the road to take part in a Tug-o-War, the outcome of which was a resounding success for Cotswold View over Horsford Road.
All too soon, it was time to take down awnings, wash glasses, empty tea-pots, sort out crockery, give out sweets and balloons and depart for home.
Many thanks must go to Mr. and Mrs. Haines who organised the party, to ‘Rinty’ who did so much to help clear up the ground, to the parents who helped in so many ways, to those adults without children who assisted in various capacities and to all those who just came to enjoy themselves and helped the afternoon go with a swing. In particular, a warm welcome was give at the party to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and family of No. x Cotswold View, who had moved in the previous Friday.
As they say, a good time was had by all, and we were pleased to find that over £5 had been made on donations which was given to the Village Jubilee Fund.
Grand Jubilee Barbecue
Despite the inclement weather the people of Charfield turned out in force on
Tuesday evening, business was brisk – at one stage the food ran out and fresh
supplies had to be quickly acquired. Whilst people hungrily munched hot
dogs and beefburgers they were entertained by a folk group so there was the
steady munch of food with a guitar backing! Meanwhile, inside the village
hall, the thirsty were catered for by a licensed bar and the disco was
starting to warm up. Well, the rain held off until the final hot dog had
been sold; those stalwarts who had stayed outside then went in to join in
the disco; there were Grandparents, Parents and children all dancing and
celebrating this Jubilee – having a wonderful time. Many a reluctant child
had to be taken home by Mums and Dads before they fell asleep. It was
indeed a night to be remembered.
Berkeley Close Jubilee Street Party
On Saturday, June 4th, Berkeley Close held a very successful Jubilee Street
Party for all the children in the road which was festooned with bunting and
many of the houses were gaily decorated for the occasion.
Miriam Ealey began the afternoon, at three thirty, with pony rides. This was followed by a Grand Tea (benches and tables by courtesy of Chris Lowe), food being provided by most of the Mums in the road. Afterwards came the Fancy Hat Competition, won by Keith Dand, who was presented with a silver 11spoon kindly donated by Dick Goscombe, who organised a splendid buffet for the Mums and Dads. Later Dick and his son-in-law, Andrew Nash, entertained the children dressed as a ‘ferocious’ bull, ‘goaded’ by Terry Ealey. Treasure Trails and other games were enjoyed, with prizes for the winners. All the Close families contributed towards expenses, which included cider for the grown-ups, ice cream, prizes and Jubilee mugs for the children. The Party ended around eight thirty after everyone had joined in the dancing. A special thank you must go to the anchorman of the afternoon, Jack Bennett, who provided the sound equipment and kept the show in full swing.
I.M. James.
Unlike 24 years ago on Coronation Day, the sun was shining brightly as Old Manor Close prepared to hold their Jubilee Tea Party on Thursday, 2nd June. The Close was gaily decorated, red white and blue bunting and balloons fluttering patriotically in the breeze.
To the strains of the Wombles some 45 children sat down eagerly to a bumper tea, after which races were enjoyed with great enthusiasm. Jelly and ice cream rounded off the celebrations and everyone voted the afternoon a great success.
A. Resident.
Celebrations for our Queen's Silver Jubilee has given us all a very happy and enjoyable time, scores of pictures must have been taken of our happy Street Parties and on the Village playing fields.
Why not get together and enjoy a showing of all our efforts in a competition which we would like to put on for your enjoyment. Thursday 22nd September 1977 in the Memorial Hall at 8.00 p.m.
There will be two classes:- up to 16 years, and over 16 years.
Every contestant can submit either 3 transparencies or 3 prints, all transparencies must be 35mm and prints can be either colour or black and white. Under 16s can submit any size print. Over 16s must not be less than 4½″ × 6½″. Name and address must be on all entries and transparencies must be in a protective envelope. Applications Forms may be obtained from Mr. R. Isherwood, x Severn Close, or Mr. P. Ellis, xx Berkeley Close. All entries must be handed to Mr. Isherwood or Mr. Ellis at the above addresses not later than September 15th, please. Regrettably those received after this date will not be accepted.
Let's hope there will be a good response and we look forward to a very enjoyable evening on September 22nd 1977 at 8.00 p.m.
Hi Kids!
How about designing a poster for the forthcoming colour slide competition in September. We can then distribute your talent around the village and hopefully get a very promising response on September 22nd. All you have to do is make sure you get the following things on the poster:
date: September 22nd, 1977 time: 8.00 p.m. what it's advertising: Colour slide and photograph competition place: Charfield Memorial Hall.
Could we please have all your entries in by September 1st, 1977. Bring them 12to either Mr. Don Smith, xx Avon Road or Mrs Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane.
There will be a prize for first, second and third so it's up to you. See what you can do with your summer holidays. The Jubilee Exhibition proves there is talent within the village. It's up to you!
Dear Sir,
No doubt everyone is aware of the large cuts in the education budget that Avon County have made in the current year. What is even more worrying is that in the next financial year the cuts are likely to be even more severe. At present, the effect on Charfield County Primary School has been small mainly due to the efforts of the staff in maintaining an excellent attendance record. However, as parents of pre-school children will have heard, from now on no child will be admitted to the school until it has reached the age of 5.
Many of the parents of the children at the village school have already signed a petition which has been presented to Avon County. But, if we are to exert any influence on the Education Committee more concerted and continuous effort is required. The Avon Campaign against Cuts in Education has been launched and has already held two public meetings in Bristol. Other areas outside Charfield have expressed a willingness to help.
Our children have a statutory right to be educated, let us make sure that they can enjoy these rights by adding our weight to the rapidly growing force of public opinion which is spreading through the County.
Rob Freeman.
Chairman, Charfield School P.T.A.
The Bone Mill, part of the complex at Charfield Mills was powered by a tandem compound horizontal condensing engine circa 1890. The engine had cylinder bores of 8″ and 14″ with a stroke of 16″. It was fitted with slide valves and rotated at a 100 rpm at 80–100 psi generating 60 h.p. Holborow's were a small firm of engineers in the Stroud area who were later absorbed by H.J. King & Sons of Newmarket, Nailsworth. The engine is therefore of some local significance. There is some uncertainty about its whereabouts prior to its installation at the Bone Mill. One report suggests it was originally installed in a mill at Kingswood – Walk, Abbey, or Langford Mills? Another more specific report made in 1955 suggests that it came from Ithells Mill. This mill was situated between Charfield and New Mills. The site has been well quarried. Only the dam and a few footings remain. Finally, the engine may have been moved by Tubbs Lewis from New Mill.
The engine was removed from the Bone Mill in 1968 for preservation by John Huish of Weston-super-Mare and has since been restored. However, the maker's plate is missing. John would like to purchase this plate or if the owner does not wish to part with it, to borrow it to have a facsimile cast. If anyone has any information about this plate or about the history of the engine please contact John or myself. We would particularly like to hear from enginemen at Charfield mills.
John Huish, xxxx Palms, Church Road, Worle, Weston-s-Mare. Tel. 2xxxx |
Will Harris, x Station Road, Charfield Tel. W-u-E 3xxx. |
It is with regret that I must announce that the Inter village Knockout competition will now not be held. Due to a lack of support from other villages this decision was reluctantly taken. The suggestion that Charfield hold such a competition has also been vetoed as it would only duplicate in many respects Sport's Day which is our present village event.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Morris, Chairman.
Looking back over the Jubilee week it was tremendous to have had such a response from the village for each of the functions organised by the Jubilee Committee.
On the Friday we had the Grand Dance at which there was a very good gathering from the village. Part way through the evening a delicious array of food was brought out onto the floor, Each person then proceeded, plate in hand, to walk down a line of tables making a choice. Thanks must go to Mrs. Till and her team for the great spread. A little later on in the evening 10 ladies were chosen to go on the stage, one of which was to be the Jubilee Lady. Her duties were to present prizes at the various activities and the lady chosen was Mrs. Hatherall.
On Sunday afternoon the village gathered for the Jubilee Service. This was a most stirring service and it provided the village with a central point for the week-end.
There were a number of activities which took place on the Monday and Tuesday – most of which have already been reported in this newsletter. I would, however, just like to consider the treasure hunt. This was well supported and most people found it interesting; in fact, requests were made for another one next year.
To finish I would like to thank everyone on the Jubilee Committee and all the others who helped to make this week so enjoyable for the village.
Don Smith, Vice Chairman, Jubilee Comm.
We would like to thank everyone who helped with the Jumble Sale at which £80 was made. Part of the money has been used to purchase a new duplicating machine which we are using to produce this newsletter. The result of which, we hope you will agree, is very much improved on past newsletters.
If anyone would like to know anything further on the duplicating service we are now able to offer will they please contact either: Anne Taylor, xxx Manor Lane, Tel. Fal. 3xx or Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane, Tel. Fal. 6xx. The charges are as follows:
45p per 100 sheets of paper
15p per stencil (untyped)
50p for any order up to 500 copies + 10p per 100 for additional copies.
We hope that we shall be able to give a prompt and reasonable service to all who may wish to use it.
Dear Sirs,
I have been impressed by the way in which Jubilee Celebrations have united the village. The warring factions of old village v. new estate v. Little Bristol seem to have died in a small fire of patriotic fervour and in some cases royalism. 14If there is to be a permanent memorial to mark these 25 years of the second Elizabethan age could anything be more fitting than to retain this ‘oneness’ of Charfield.
Perhaps the present Jubilee Committee could be maintained or amalgamated with existing committees with social functions to arrange one event for adults and one for children each summer to celebrate Charfield's unity and patriotic pride.
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Wells, xxx Manor lane.
There are many individual organisations in the Village catering for different age groups, different interest, different skills, but is there perhaps too short term an aim within them? Is there more concern in keeping the organisation going rather than develop within a community frame-work?
I am sure that there will be many who will argue convincingly against this premise, yet the formation of a village Silver Jubilee Committee brought groups together to plan corporately for a unique occasion.
The Village Hall Management Committee is yet another example of how co-operation can work.
What then is the problem? Indeed, is there a problem?
Is more information required?
What are the constraints?
Perhaps one point worthy of reflection is communication?
Communication flows not only upwards and downwards but laterally. The formal system is supplemented by an informal communication network based on the social interaction of individuals. To this network flows information, advice – yes, and even gossip!
Communication channels need to be clearly known and reach every member of the organisation.
An organisation achieves its purpose through the activity and interest of all of its members. Yet each individual joins an Organisation for his or her own reason, for what the Organisation can provide and for what the Organisation needs from him. This may be, but if not, should be, made clear.
The role of the Parish Council has a statutory foundation and the Parish Councillors meet regularly and diligently to discuss the needs of the village.
The Residents' Association evolved from a protest group concerned over village inadequacies, to an Association endeavouring to be more positive and supportive.
The Church, the Chapel and the various village activities all play their part as well, yet somehow the link-ups – those lines of communication – are still undefined. “Bush Telegraph” may work with some sections of the village, but not with all.
In all problems of Organisation the human element is the most important one. Needs and feelings require information and ventilation.
Is then a Community Association an answer? What do you think?
David W. Parker,
xx Durham Road.
Five years ago my husband and I moved to Charfield to be near our daughter and family.
15After living in London all our lives, we did this after a great deal of thought because we would be leaving all the facilities a large town can offer. We need not have worried as we have been very happy here and through the Friendship Club and the Luncheon Club we have made many good friends and have become involved in many of the Village activities. We have been made very welcome and have been able to go around and see the lovely countryside. So we would like to express our grateful thanks to all the kind people in Charfield who have made our change a very pleasant one.
Mrs. O. Smith,
xx Manor Lane.
Manor Lane Jubilee Party
On Wednesday 8th June on the lawns of xxx and xxx Manor Lane there was a
Jubilee garden party. 51 children arrived at 4.30 p.m. aged from 9 months
to 13 years. They ate, drank and played games. The elder children
helped with the party before it started. They ended with piggy-back races
and the last of them left at 6.50 p.m.
We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and thank the organisers.
Julie Crompton (aged 12).
Severn Close Jubilee Party
At long last, after having waited for the weather to change for the better,
the optimistic residents of Severn Close decided to go ahead with a party
for the children and a barbecue in the evening.
The kids had the statutory issue of jelly and fairy cakes, etc. and the rain thankfully held off. They enjoyed the novelty of actually being encouraged to make a lot of noise and play games and we had no trouble in making them enter into the spirit of the thing wholeheartedly. A few games were played until they felt they had fulfilled their duty, then went back to the game of football we had interrupted to make them enjoy their party.
We made a very successful barbecue fire from an old oil can and eventually hot-dogs and hamburgers were served, washed down with beer. Everyone enjoyed the evening immensely and we hope to repeat the experience again very soon.
Our thanks to Mr. Isherwood, who although he couldn't be with us, very generously donated a bottle to help the party along.
Guard against all risk of fire.
Fasten all gates.
Keep dogs under proper control.
Keep to the paths across farm land.
Avoid damaging fences, hedges, and walls.
Leave no litter.
Safeguard water supplies.
Protect wild life, wild plants and trees.
Go carefully on country roads.
Respect the life of the countryside.
Farmers are legally obliged to allow the public to use all footpaths but this does not give you a right to use them as you would your own garden or even a park. The footpaths are strictly for walking along or resting, if necessary. Picnicking is not allowed. You should remember that a farmer can shoot your dog if it is harassing his livestock. So keep your dog on a lead.
This issue was produced on 15 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2016-11-22.