Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 11 – March 1978 – 7p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1978.


Charfield County Primary School
Charfield Parish Council
St. John's Parish Church
Congregational Church
Sports and Gala Day Committee
Charfield Parent Teacher Association
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield W.I.
Charfield Ladies Keep-Fit Club
Charfield Mother & Toddlers' Club
Charfield & District Friendship Club
Charfield & District Royal British Legion
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – Children's Pantomime
Citizens Advice Bureau
Charfield Tennis Club
Yercombe Lodge
Letters to the Editor
Charfield Youth Service
Letters to the Editor
1st Woodend Scout Group
Garw Valley Male Voice Choir
Letters to the Editor
Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee
Re-Open Charfield Railway Station
Letters to the Editor
Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee
Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee Balance Sheet
Information Sheet
Village Organisations
Drinking Water Survey



Parking outside the Post Office caused a near miss when two cars had to stop quickly to allow a lorry to come down the hill. The Parish Council have done all they can to stop this but unfortunately the powers that be do not feel that it is a hazard. How many more times has this and like incidents to happen before something is done? Or do we wait for a fatal accident to happen?

You will find in this newsletter that we have included an up-to-date information sheet, and we hope that you will find this useful.

Maybe this year we should enter the Best Kept Village Competition.

The date for the next newsletter is 11th June 1978.

Happy Easter.

Don Smith

Charfield County Primary School

This term is so short that it really is time further consideration was given to the fixing of Easter in the calendar. My comments will be correspondingly short!

The staff at the school were just as surprised as you undoubtedly were to be suddenly told that all schools in Avon would be closed because of weather conditions, when in this area there was no need.

We have at last made a little progress towards bringing holidays in line with Gloucestershire, particularly K.L.B. School. Next Autumn's half term holiday has been changed and ours will be at the same time as K.L.B. School. The officers concerned in Avon do try hard, apparently, to make the holidays coincide with surrounding counties but there seem to be many difficulties. Holidays for the remainder of the school year 1978–79 have not yet been fixed but I very much hope that the two counties will be a little more in line than this year.

Mr. D.A. Malpass


Charfield Parish Council

The ANNUAL PARISH MEETING will be held on Wednesday 29th March at Charfield School at 7.30 p.m. The Agenda for the meeting will be published shortly. District Councillor Mr. John Tully will address the meeting and the Council hopes that County Councillor Mr. M. Cromey-Hawke will also attend. Various village organisations have been invited to submit reports and it is the one meeting in the year to which you are invited to participate.

Clerk to the Council

St. John's Parish Church

I've been shut in my own world very much more than is usual for me for some time now and I cannot say I like the experience too much. Couple with it the pain and weakness that go with it and I like it even less. There are times when most of us would welcome a rest from the constant pressure of things but most of us would not barter this wish for such an extreme example of making it come true!

You can't rest in a Rectory any more than any of you could go to your office, to your factory, or visit clients and rest at the same time. It is very difficult not to do what presents itself to be done and as the doing of this takes ten times as long these days, and is much more tiring, it is easy to be too busy and overtired when one is supposed to be resting.

I would like to thank all those who have enquired about me, sent good wishes and helped in any way. I am very glad that so far, despite the decreased number of people available, we have been able, so far, to continue with the same pattern of services and not miss any.

I must say that I always wonder why things have happened in life and try to see some meaning or possible pattern behind them. This is not always easy, never easy for some, not even possible for a few. But it is my belief that life (or God if you prefer, it amounts to much the same in the end) can show us, sooner or later, some meaning in the events of life and particularly in the less pleasant and undesirable ones. I have written about some of these in the April copy of the Church Magazine if this interests you further. I will not repeat here (typing is both slow and painful).

I will just say thank you again and hope that before long I shall be a bit more useful; though sometimes there IS a use in our apparent uselessness. Perhaps if any of you are feeling a bit useless, this may give you a little encouragement. I hope so.

K.G. Grant (Rector)

Congregational Church

Sundays11.00 a.m.Sunday School
 6.00 p.m.Evening Worship
Tuesday3.00 p.m.Bright Hour fortnightly
Good FridayMarch 24th at 2.30 p.m.Spirit Borne Group
Light refreshments served afterwards.
3Easter Day11.00 a.m.Family Service
Evening Worship6.00 p.m.Preacher Mr. T. Bollen of Bristol

Why not come and join us?

Any enquiries to Church Secretary: Miss M. Turner, xx The Green, Charfield. Tel. Falfield 8xxx.

Shall be pleased to hear of anyone willing to help in Sunday School.


He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12.

Our Lords dependence upon God was expressed in His habits of prayer. He often spent an entire night in supplication. All the great crisis of His life down here were preceded or accompanied by prayer. His temptation in the wilderness, the choice of His disciples, His transfiguration, His agony in the garden but a few hours before His crucifixion, are but a few of these. On Golgotha He prayed for those who were nailing Him to the cross. Prayer is an expression of dependence. Let us follow our blessed Example and say:
O thou by whom we come to God, the Life, the Truth, the Way! The path of prayer Thyself hath trod: Lord, teach us how to pray.

Sports and Gala Day Committee

The background work on the biggest Annual Village Event the 18th SPORTS AND GALA DAY to be held on Saturday 15th July is already well in hand. The Committee of 12, only slightly altered from last year, each have a particular responsibility, but altogether they are working for a bigger and better than ever Day.

Following the success of last year's air display as a main attraction, the Committee has booked the Tiger Club again. This year's display will be by four tiny ultra-light aircraft demonstrating precision formation flying; together with the successful combination of Sports, interesting displays and fun sideshows, add a good measure of sunshine and the basic framework is complete. But without lots of support from all the Clubs, Organisations and Individuals in the village the Day will not be the hoped for success.

Help and participation is required at this early stage for some ideas for and the manufacture of new and interesting sideshows. Rob Hannigan is the man to ring on Falfield xxx, he will be most interested in any ideas or help you are able to give.

Mrs. Jenny Hughes – Secretary

Charfield Parent Teacher Association

Dear Parent,

As with several other organisations in the village the Charfield Parent Teacher Assoc. is pushing forward with several money raising projects for the New year.

4First and foremost on April 5th at 7.30 the teachers and parents of the P.T.A. are holding a ‘Sponsored Knit’. This is towards funds for the New School Library being built at the School, and we shall be circulating Sponsor Forms shortly and asking for your support. (Any donations of books suitable for the library would be most gratefully received by the School, or any member of the P.T.A. Committee.)

On Saturday April 22nd we shall once again be holding our Spring Fayre. Several talented mothers are busy at present making items for our handicraft stall. Thank you all!!

As a Social Event the P.T.A. are planning a Mid-Summer Barn Dance to take place on June 24th and details of this will be posted at a later date.

Looking forward to your continuing support.

Jan Hannigan

P.S. The talk at the School by Mr. Lee and Mrs. Andoh of Katherine Lady Berkeley School, scheduled for March 16th has been postponed until next term, due to illness. The School will notify parents as soon as possible regarding this.

Charfield Playgroup

Play Leader – Anna Wood
Supervisors – Carol Booker, Carol Tarry, Rita Jones, Beryl Julian

Our Jumble Sale held on February 4th was a great success. Although the weather was not very good it was well supported. Many thanks to all the people who helped on the day and also all the Mums who contributed with lovely cakes for the cake stall.

Anyone who wants to find out about Playgroup or put their child's name on a waiting list, should contact Mrs. Claire Haines, xx Horsford Road, phone W-U-E xxxx, or visit the ‘Chapel Schoolroom’ whilst we are ‘in session’ – mornings 9.30–12 noon, or Monday and Wednesday afternoons 1.30–3.00 p.m.

Charfield W.I.

This month, Charfield W.I. is celebrating its 50th Anniversary and we are very pleased to be able to invite Mrs. Cook, one of the founder members, to our Birthday Party on March 30th, together with two members of the Friendship Club and the Young Wives.

Several of our members have moved this year, so we would be especially pleased to see anyone who would like to visit or join us in the Hall on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7.15 p.m. Our next meeting is on April 13th – the talk will be “Gifts for all Ages”. We are also pleased to be able to report that the Charfield team have moved into the third round of the County Quiz, after their successes against the Cromhall and Wickwar teams.

If you would like more details of our activities phone Mrs. Bohin, Wotton xxxx or Mrs. Haines, Wotton xxxx.

Una Bohin (President)


Charfield Ladies Keep-Fit Club

Keep-Fit sessions are held every Tuesday morning between 10.30 a.m. until 12 noon at the Memorial Hall. The fee per session is 20p.

The Club has been going successfully for over a year now, but we should be delighted to welcome new members.

You can bring your children with some toys please, because they can play together in the Hall extension while you concentrate on doing the exercises. The children are not confined exclusively to the extension but can come to you if they need your comfort. After a few weeks they will become used to the Hall and the other children and leave you in ‘peace’!

There is time for coffee and a chat afterwards.

For further details ring Falfield xxxx.

Charfield Mother & Toddlers' Club

Due to lack of storage space we have been encouraging mothers to bring along one or two of their own children's toys and this has enabled us to give the toddlers a greater selection of playthings. Is there anyone willing to donate some dinky cars for our garage?

As mothers are aware, an absence of children's drinking cups has been causing a queue at refreshment time and the committee are therefore asking mothers to bring a mug for their children.

An invitation is extended to all mothers of children 1–3 years to join us in the Village Hall on the first and third Thursday of every month (except school holidays) between 10.15 a.m. and 11.45 a.m. All welcome.


Houses in the village seem to be changing hands at a very fast rate so may we as CHADRA (Residents Association) take this opportunity of welcoming all our newcomers to the village. We hope you are all settling in well and trust you will soon feel part of the village and join in some of the activities that there are to be enjoyed. Welcome to you all.

Charfield & District Friendship Club

At our regular fortnightly meeting on February 15th in The Charfield Memorial Hall a very pleasant event took place, our Treasurer Mr. S. Smith presented Mrs. Derham our retiring Chairman, and our Two Lady Secretaries Mrs. Woodlands and Mrs. Sheppard with their Retirement Gifts in appreciation of all the good work they had given to The Friendship Club. Then, as a surprise item, Mrs. B. Amer, our Vice Chairman, presented to Mrs. Derham a beautifully decorated Birthday cake which was gladly accepted. Mrs. Derham thanked everyone for all the help and kindness given to her during her term of office. Presentations over, members rose and sang a very Hearty Happy Birthday Greetings.

6The Officers & Committee for 1978–9 are:-

PresidentLt. Col. Gillett J. OBE. RA. Ret.
ChairmanMr. R. Isherwood
Vice ChairmanMr. B. Amer
SecretaryMrs. A. Bennett, xx Thames Close, Charfield.
TreasurerMr. S. Smith
Committee members  Mrs. Woodlands, Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. O. Smith,
Mr. G Pratt, Mr. B. Amer, Mr. R. Marklove.

During the past year members have started their own Concert Party and hope to put on some interesting shows during the coming months. Rehearsals are already in hand and the members are very keen, they gave their first performance at last year's Christmas Tea Party, and it was a great success. There were Sketches, Songs and Comedy. I must thank them for giving up so much of their time, it is rewarding in itself to know that all their efforts are appreciated by the Club in general.

If you are over 60 and care to come along to our Friendship Club we will be pleased to see you, there is always a Welcome at The Door.

Our next meeting is Wednesday March 29th in The Charfield Memorial Hall at 2.30 p.m. Looking forward to seeing you.

R. Isherwood,

Charfield & District Royal British Legion

A Grand Dance
to the music of
The Gwyn Lloyd Four
in the Charfield Village Hall
on Friday April 7th
9.00 p.m. – 1.00 a.m.
Bar and Refreshments

Tickets £1 can be obtained from either xx Charfield Green or x Manor Lane.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – Children's Pantomime

We would like to thank those who supported the pantomime and hope that they enjoyed it. The proceeds, £82, were donated to “Shelter”. Congratulations to the children for their performance and hard work.

The recent production marked the 4th in a series of shows put on each year. Some of the children have been involved in all the performances. A lot of hard work (and fun) goes into each event – rehearsals this year started in October and were held each Sunday afternoon in various houses, culminating in just a few rehearsals on the stage.

In spite of the fact that most of the children have become more mature in both age and stage experience, this year's performance has probably been the most difficult to effect. Derek Skelcher, who has been the driving force behind each of the shows – both writing and producing them – moved away from Charfield last year. However, in order to keep his promise to the children that “the show would go on”, he travelled 760 miles each Sunday for rehearsals in spite of many other commitments. Unfortunately one of the key rehearsals on the stage had to be cancelled as Derek was snowed up at home in Congresbury! As well as rehearsals Derek has overcome difficulties of distance and found time to organise scenery and props.

The children very much hope that they will be able to work for another production next year and it is possible that Derek Skelcher would be willing to write and produce for them again, providing some help is forthcoming from Charfield. The Children are capable of doing many of the back stage jobs, but adult help would probably be needed with scenery, lighting, etc. If someone with flair or experience were available to assist with rehearsals and production it would help to overcome the difficulties of travelling and fill in on occasions when Derek has other commitments.

If anyone feels they would like to help make next year's show a viable concern perhaps they would contact Ruth Drysdale – Tel. xxx Falfield.

Citizens Advice Bureau

The first three months of 1978 have shown that the C.A.B. at Wotton-under-Edge is becoming very well-known in the area, and the number of clients is thereby increasing. We have been able to help with diverse problems for the young as well as the older generation and we feel that we have been accepted as a helpful part of the community.

Remember that C.A.B.x provide a free, confidential, and impartial service to the community and we aim to help everyone, regardless of race, class, or creed. No problem is too little or too great – we are happy to listen and advise at all times. C.A.B. workers are having continuous training to keep up with ever-changing legislation, so that they may provide the best possible service.


For people with a numeracy problem Britain's first national television-based numeracy course will commence shortly – every Sunday on I.T.V. channels.


National Insurance contributions for most employees will go up on April 6th when the new earnings-related pension scheme comes into force. The new scheme consists of 2 pensions – a basic flat-rate pension equivalent to the present retirement and a new earnings-related additional pension. The scheme covers Widow's, invalidity and retirement pension.


From 3rd April 1978 Child Benefit will be payable at a rate of £2.30 for each child and the first child of one parent families may now also receive another £1 on top of the new £2.30 rate. For fuller information and advice on these and many other matters contact C.A.B., Berkeley House, Wotton-under-Edge (Tel. W/U/E 3210) any Thursday between 10 and 4.

The Organiser will continue to attend the Friendship Club meetings in the Village Hall to give help and advice – thus saving O.A.Ps the fatigue and expense of travelling to Wotton-under-Edge.

8Remember C.A.B. is a free, confidential, and impartial service to the community, so use it, we are here to help!

J.K. McGonnigill

Charfield Tennis Club

The Tennis season begins again in April and in order to get the court into shape a keen band of members are going out each Sunday morning from now onwards to concrete fence posts, erect the new fencing bought with money raised during last season and generally tidy up the court.

During the last season, we have been looking into the possibility of resurfacing the existing court and also finding out costs of building a second one alongside. Both projects are very costly and we have been trying to raise funds in order to apply for some sort of grant to help towards these costs. Our fund raising events during the year have been a Bar-B-Q, two raffles with the prizes going to R. Jones, Manor Lane, Charfield, and M. Tucker of Uley, and a very successful Christmas Bazaar. Our thanks go to all of you who supported us.

For the social side of the club we held various tournaments during the season. In the men's singles tournament Brian Gibb held his title again and the women's title was won by Kim Gladding. We also held a juniors tournament and this was won by Philip Train. In December we organised a Skittles Match for members to keep the club's interest going during the winter months and this proved to be a very enjoyable evening, so much so that we have organised another one for April

Our two next important events are the Annual General Meeting which is to be held on the 13th March at x Durham Road, and a Jumble Sale on SATURDAY 8TH APRIL in the Village Hall. This is to be our main fund raising activity for the year and we hope we shall have a good response.

If there is anybody in the village interested in playing tennis and joining the club and wishes to know more about it please contact Mrs. Jacky Swallow, xx Manor Lane, Charfield.

Yercombe Lodge

I am grateful to those few people who responded to an item in the last Newsletter, and became “friends of Yercombe”. May the “trickle become a flood”

You would be surprised and delighted if you could see the happiness that abounds in a place where handicapped people gather for recreation and occupational therapy.

Why not try dialling xxx, at least to find out what makes “YERCOMBE” tick?

P. Ellis
xx Berkeley Close.


Letters to the Editor

In spite of the fact that vandalism is still continuing in the village I have recently been more heartened by the overwhelming initiative of a small group of girls. How nice it is to see, that in these days of never ending trouble, civility and a sense of wanting to help people in any way possible, there are still some youngsters around like this. I think there is something we can all learn from this enterprising group. Their projects are fairly varied and the wonderful sense of achievement they experience is more than rewarding for them. If there is anyone within the village who feels they would like to know more about the scheme or take up the offer of these competent girls I would be very grateful if they would contact me:- Mrs. Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane, Fal. xxx. and I can assure you that your requests will be duly passed on.

Charfield Youth Service

8 girls from Charfield have started a small youth service. We are here to help old and young people by doing odd jobs voluntarily.

The members are:-  Sarah Moss(14) 
 Teresa Moss(11) 
 Andrea Leahy(14) 
 Wendy Beck(13) 
 Diane Giles(13) 
 Katy Simkiss(12)  working regularly.

We also have a couple of substitutes in case anyone falls ill. Their names are Katherine Hadleigh and Samantha Moss. We work and will call around on Saturday mornings and/or afternoons. If you would like someone to come around permanently would you please contact either Andrea Leahy, x Old Manor Close, Charfield. Phone xxx. or Sarah Moss, xx Old Manor Close, Charfield. Phone xxx.

Thank you.

Sarah Moss and members.

Letters to the Editor

A Mrs. Muriel BRADDICK of TEIGNMOUTH, South Devon, who herself is partially blind and handicapped, seeing the immense possibilities of tape recording as a means of breaking down isolation of handicapped people with long hours on their own, set up an organisation to provide “specially presented tapes of interest to the recipient”. I have read the folder describing the work and would commend it to anyone who has such an interest in this absorbing work.

If you would like to know more, or could help in making tapes on your particular interests, and hobbies, or recordings of church services, etc., a chat on FALFIELD xxx may provide the answer.

Who knows an item such as these could spark off the joy to make someone's life just that little bit more happy.

P. Ellis,
xx Berkeley Close.


1st Woodend Scout Group

Welcome to Mr. Alan Smith of xxx Manor Lane, Charfield, who takes over as Group Scout Leader.

The Spring Fayre was held on Saturday March 11th. Approx. £150 was raised for Group funds.

Job week is the next thing the lads will be involved in. It commences on Monday 27th March and runs for the week. If you have any jobs you feel they would be able to do for you, then please try and give them something to do when they knock on the door.


The troop continues to grow and now has 41 scouts, divided into 6 patrols, meeting at Group H.Q. on Friday evenings. David Workman has been made up to Patrol Leader with Jonathan Tapscott and Simon Paul becoming Assistant Patrol Leaders. Welcome to Sean Everett who recently moved to the area from Lee-on-Solent, Chris Brown who moved from Leatherhead, and Simon Waldock from Kingswood.

The following boys have been awarded Swimming Proficiency Badges:- David Workman, Jeremy Moss, Ivan Jones and Neil Harmer, while Stephen Hunt and Michael Probert have completed their Patrol Leaders training course.


There are now 24 boys in the pack. Recently one of the parents, Mr. Ford, came along to give the boys a talk and demonstration on the making of model aircraft and will be working with a group of boys interested in taking their Handicraft Badge.

On March 11th the football team played Patchway cubs, ending in a 2 all draw, our goals were scored by Darren Greaves and Matthew Jones; grateful thanks to Mr. Greaves who is the team manager.

The following boys have gained the 1st stage Swimming Proficiency Badge:- Matthew Jones, Simon Jones, Nicky Gardner, Nicky Ford, Philip Temme and Richard Ponting.


We will be having an Open Meeting on 27th April when a speaker from the Avon Community Council will be coming to talk on the work of Community Associations. On May 6th we will be having a Jumble Sale.

Sadly we have to say goodbye to our Secretary Rob Drewell who has had to resign due to a promotion at work. Thank you Rob for all you have done for CHADRA and we wish you well in the future.

Don Smith


Garw Valley Male Voice Choir

MALE VOICE CHOIR (Garw Valley – South Wales) of 30 voices plus supporting artistes will be in YOUR HALL on Saturday 29th April 1978, commencing 7.00 p.m.

Come and enjoy a feast of music.

Tickets 60p. Senior Citizens 40p. each.

Available from D Isherwood, x Severn Close. and P. Ellis, xx Berkeley Close. Tel. xxx.

Letters to the Editor

The following letter should have been published in the last newsletter, but unfortunately we overlooked it. Our apologies.

Dear Sir,

May I bring the following item to you for possibly interesting your many readers.

S. Jubilee. A party of children from the Primary School, with the valuable help of Mrs. Kite, planted some 600 bulbs along the North Wall of the Cemetery at the Old Church of St. James. They were Christine Weston, Philip Jeffree, Anthony Bennett, Martin Jeffree, Stephen Golding and Michael Downworth. The bulbs were given by Mrs. Hatherell.

Yours sincerely,

C.F. North
x Station Road.

Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee

It is with regret I feel it necessary to write again to ask if and when a financial report is going to be published, so that the villagers who donated the funds for the Silver Jubilee Celebrations can see where and how the money was distributed.

Are you perhaps hoping that as time goes on people will forget about it?

M. Ealey.

Re-Open Charfield Railway Station

What an asset we have sitting derelict right under our noses – Charfield Station. A rapidly developing village like ours needs links with large cities, like Gloucester, Birmingham, etc. Re-opening the Station would enable shoppers, business men, young people and traders alike to travel easily and conveniently to places of business or amusement. It would put our village on the map once and for all.

So let's do something now about utilizing an important feature of CHARFIELD.

Miss D. Kendall.


Letters to the Editor

After reading the 10th Newsletter I would like to say how in agreement we are with the letter therein about the horrible taste of our water.

It is a great embarrassment to have to keep apologising to company about the ‘queer’ taste of their drink or even more embarrassing (and a great waste) to have to ‘pour it down the sink’ and hope that the next attempt will be better than the last.

On reading that it appears to be due to bad circulation within part of the village – a fault which could therefore be rectified – we would be pleased if CHADRA could do what Susan Lapham suggests and help us with this problem.

M. Shaw,
x Katherine Close.

Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee

The Silver Jubilee Committee held its last meeting on Friday the 3rd March 1978, 14 months after being set up at a meeting in the school hall in January 1977. At that meeting fifteen people were elected to office.

Over the year we held 15 committee meetings and were involved directly and indirectly in over 30 different functions. A few of the committee had for various reasons to drop out, but all worked hard to achieve a worthwhile result.

We of the committee feel very satisfied that we were able to bring the village of Charfield together and show what we as a village are capable of when given the chance.

Apart from the memories we carry of our Jubilee year we have one or two more tangible results. You will have noted (I hope) a row of very fine, tall young trees along the edge of the playing field. They consist of Scarlet Oak, Alder (not Elder) and Ash trees. This is the main permanent feature provided by the wishes of the village. The second item will be an addition to the play area. We have contributed over £100 towards this new item. This will be paid over to the Management Committee of the Playing Field who have kindly agreed to get something really worthwhile for our children to play on. The Silver Jubilee Committee wish to thank the Hall Management Committee for this offer and we look forward to seeing the final item.

It just remains for me to say to everyone who in any way helped, a very big thank you from all on the Silver Jubilee Committee.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Morris


Charfield Silver Jubilee Committee Balance Sheet

Donations 267.38      Refreshments 116.93
Jumble Sale 115.57      Entertainment Bands 105.00
Programme Sale 50.45      Punch & Judy 23.54
Barbeque/refreshments 99.87      Jubilee Coins 146.00
Sundries 11.63      Printing & Advertising 49.30
Dance Tickets 187.83      Prizes 22.71
  -------      Insurance 17.50
Total   732.73      Hall Hirings 6.50
         Committee Expenses 18.00
         Senior Citizens Dinner 50.00
         Replacement Hall Window 15.00
         Trees/Stake & Guard 69.35
  639.83      Total   639.83
  -------        -------
Balance   92.90    
Bank Account83.51  
Charfield Parish Council
hold (Coronation Committee)


Information Sheet


Dr. Jones, Dr. Margerison & Dr. Roberts: 1, The Culverhay, W.U.E. General Calls : W.U.E. 3252, Appointments : W.U.E 3893.
Dr. R.J. Rowlands, Dr. M.P. Rowlands & Dr. Burrows: Chipping Manor, W.U.E. General calls : W.U.E 2214, Appointments : W.U.E. 2850.

Health Visitor
Mrs. F. Storey, Thornbury Health Centre. Thornbury 414477.
Health Clinic meets in Charfield Village Hall on 2nd & 4th Thursday mornings from 10.00 a.m. till 12.00 p.m.

Mr. R.J. Heyluer & Mr. Kitchen: Carlton House, Long Street, W.U.E. Tel. W.U.E 2266.
There are several dentists in Thornbury or Dursley and their telephone numbers can be seen in the local directory.

Frenchay Hospital: All enquires Tel. Bristol 565656.
Southmead Hospital: Administrative Offices : Bristol 622821.
(Both hospitals have a Casualty Department.)

D. Ivel Rees Ltd. 3 Long Street, W.U.E. : W.U.E 3171
R. Westons Ltd. 9 High Street, W.U.E. : 3230
These chemists are open until 6.30 p.m. during the week on a rota basis. In emergency after hours contact Mr. McKlusky, xx Parklands, W.U.E. : Tel. W.U.E. xxxx.

Clerk Mrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close. Falfield xxx.
Chairman Mr. C. Goscombe, Northcliffe, xxx Merlin Haven, W.U.E.
Vice Chairman Mr. J. Poskett, xx Charfield Green.
Mr. R. Baker, Manor Farm, Churchend.
Mrs. S. Barrance, xxx Manor Lane.
Mr. J.W. Clothier, xx Charfield Green.
Mr. S. Mussell, x Manor Lane.
Mr. P. Peaster, xxx Manor Lane.
Mr. D. Prately, xx Wotton Road.
Mr. D. Parker, xx Durham Road.
Should anybody have any queries or worries concerning the village the above mentioned will be only too pleased to try and do something about your problems. After all they were elected by you for the good of the whole village.

County Councillor Mr. Michael Cromey-Hawke, x The Plain, Thornbury.

District Councillor Mr. John Tulley, x Orchard View, Falfield.

W.U.E. CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Berkeley House, Long Street, W.U.E. W.U.E. 3210. Every Thursday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Wotton-under-Edge Wednesday
Thornbury & Dursley Thursday


Village Organisations

Angling ClubMr. Toomey, x Wotton Road.Fal. xxxx
Royal British LegionMr. S.A. Mussell, x Manor Lane.Fal. xxx
BrowniesMrs. J. Green, x Horsford Road.W.U.E. xxxx
Chess ClubHeadquarters at the Railway Tavern.
Congregational ChurchMiss Turner, xx Charfield Green.
Conservative AssociationMr. & Mrs. North, x Station Road.W.U.E. xxxx
Cricket ClubMr. T. Wheeler, xx Berkeley Close.Fal. xxx
Cubs & Scouts:
    P.R.O.Mrs. R. Jones, xx Severn Close.Fal. xxxx
    G.S.L.Mr. A. Smith, xxx Manor Lane.Fal. xxx
Drama ClubMrs. J. Peaster, xxx Manor Lane.Fal. xxx
Football ClubMr. Taylor, x Katherine Close.Fal. xxx
Friendship ClubMr. Isherwood, x Severn Close.Fal. xxxx
Keep-FitMrs. P. Light, xxx Manor Lane.Fal. xxxx
Luncheon ClubMrs. C. King, xxxx Farm.Fal. xxx
Mother & Toddlers ClubMrs. A. Tolley, x Durham Road.
Management Committee:
    SecretaryMrs. J. Clothier, xx Charfield Green.Fal. xxx
    Booking Sec.Mrs. K. Dand, xx Berkeley Close.Fal. xxx
Netball ClubMrs. J. Hillier, xx Manor Lane.Fal. xxx
Parochial Church CouncilRev. K. Grant, The Rectory, Wotton Rd.Fal. xxx
Pigeon ClubMr. Parker, x Newtown.
PlaygroupMrs. C. Haines, xx Horsford Road.W.U.E. xxxx
County Primary School:
    HeadmasterMr. D. MalpassFal. xxx
      SecretaryMrs. J. Hannigan, xx Underhill Rd.Fal. xxx
      ChairladyMrs. R. Jones, xx Severn Close.Fal. xxxx
Tennis ClubMrs. J. Swallow, xx Manor Lane.
Street Warden SchemeMrs. L. Harris, x Station Road.W.U.E. xxxx
Women's InstituteMrs. U. Bohin, Selbourne, Horsford Rd.W.U.E. xxxx
Young WivesMrs. S. Nixon, xx Underhill Road.
(A.G.M. March 16th)
Fal. xxx
Youth ClubMr. & Mrs. A. Husher, xxx Manor Lane.Fal. xxx
Baby Sitting CircleMrs. M. Hall, xx Durham Road.Fal. xxx

Other Useful Information

PoliceP.C. Radburn, Charfield Police House.W.U.E. 2219
ElectricityM.E.B., Severn Vale, District Office
Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury.
C.S. 318380
WaterBristol Waterworks Company (Head Office)
Bedminster Down, Bristol.
Faults outside normal working hours
ask operator for Freefone 981.
Bristol 665881
Avon OilsUnit 1, Avonbridge Estate, Avonmouth Bridge, Avonmouth.
 Boiler maintenance & Emergency ServiceAvonmouth 7671
 Accounts QueriesAvonmouth 7281
 Other enquires (Customer Service Unit)Avonmouth 7737
Northavon District Council Emergency ServicesThornbury 416262

Drinking Water Survey

[The following was printed on an A4 sheet and did not form part of the Newsletter. Each distributor was asked to question the people they were distributing to.]


MARCH 1978

To Newsletter Collectors:

This questionnaire results from the correspondence in the last Newsletter. Please put the questions to as many people as possible on your round.

Indicate the Area Below. Street & House Nos. preferred. Put only one reply per household. Use this column for any additional comments.FIRST QUESTION
Do you ever notice an unusual taste in your drinking water?
Do you find the taste objectionable? (Do not ask if the answer to the first is NEVER.)

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 15 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2016-11-25.