Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 15 – April 1979 – 7p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1979.


Primary School
Parish Council
St. John's Church
Congregational Church
Tennis Club
Sports and Gala Day
District Council Election
Northavon Adult Road Safety Quiz
Charfield and District Friendship Club
Charfield P.T.A.
Parish Council Elections – an Introduction to Candidates
Youth Club
Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee
Charfield W.I.
Charfield NR Pigeon Club
Friends of Yercombe Lodge, Stinchcombe
Can You Help Please?
Church of England Childrens' Society – Family Week
Water Survey
Young Wives
Mothers and Toddlers
The Bristol Folk House
Charfield Luncheon Club
Charfield Schooldays
CHADRA Open Meeting
Letters to the Editor
Citizens Advice Bureau
Charfield Residents Association – Chairman's Report
Diary of Events
The Country Code
Village Organisations – January 1979



To judge by the cheer that went up as the Brickworks chimneys came down there were few regrets at their passing. Even those who remember with nostalgia the good old days, when most of the inhabitants of Charfield found their work as well as their homes in the village will admit that those days are past. And in comparison with some of those old days, Charfield is now thriving – unlike some of its near neighbours.

But those of us who work in Bristol and the other nearby towns and see Charfield as a haven from industrialisation and suburbanisation should respect those aspects of the country scene which attract us. Local industry is part of that scene, although it need not intrude on anyone, and agriculture is still the largest single local industry. Having fought to restrict suburbanisation, we must recognise the right of the local farmers to farm their land efficiently. Adults, children and their dogs are all doing considerable damage, none of which is necessary, to their enjoyment of the countryside. We must all observe the Country Code before we can expect full co-operation from these farmers.

One way in which Charfield is particularly fortunate is the willingness of all residents to join in the social life of the village. Through the Parish Council we have an opportunity to govern our own affairs which most urban and suburban communities do not. The General Election has caused our Parish Council Election to be postponed until the 24th May so people now have longer to decide whether to stand. Nominations must be in by midday on Saturday 28th April.

Congratulations to our new District Councillor Mrs. Jean Bennett, whose nomination was unopposed. You will find a message from her in this issue. We offer her our best wishes in a difficult job.

Copy date for the next Newsletter is 22nd June.

Jon Barrance. Publicity Officer.
Falfield xxx.

Primary School

Newer residents in the village may not be aware that in 1968 plans were drawn up by Gloucestershire Education Committee for a new school here. In 1970 the nucleus of this new school was opened. i.e. the present infant block. Since 1968 the school has doubled in size but there has been no attempt to complete the planned new building; either before or after local government 2reorganisation, in spite of continual pressure from Managers and the Parent / Teacher Association.

A meeting with Mr. G.F. Crump, Director of Education, was arranged in March and attended by Managers, teachers and representatives of the Parent / Teacher Association. A strong case was ably presented by representatives from each of these bodies for a phased implementation of the plans, with priority for a hall and improved junior toilet and cloakroom facilities. Although admitting our case was a good one, Mr. Crump referred to the financial crisis and continuing economics as making it impossible to contemplate any permanent improvements. The most he could offer was a temporary building that would serve as a hall, if and when such a building became available.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Cromey-Hawke, our County Councillor, who suggested that we should regularly press the County Council for improvements.

On a brighter note, the school cross-country teams have again performed well in the Dursley series of five races, the girls team emerging as easy winners and the boys team pushed out of first place in the last race. Congratulations to Sarah Taylor who fought hard to become the girls individual champion.

Mr. D.A. Malpass,

Parish Council

The Annual Parish Meeting for Charfield, the one meeting a year to which the public are invited to attend and participate, was held on Wednesday 28th March at Charfield School. This meeting is always well publicised on the village boards and in the local Gazette and this year 17 residents in addition to the Parish Councillors and guest speaker Mr. C.W. Frost, Director of Technical Services at Northavon D.C. attended the meeting.

Six reports from local organisations which had been supported by the Parish Council by way of grants were submitted and presented to the meeting. In addition was the financial statement from the Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee, for which the Parish Council act as Trustees. All the Clubs and Committees reported on a successful year financially and socially and the Chairman of the Parish Council congratulated all the dedicated people behind the scenes who provide a social venue for every age.

The Parish Council accounts for the year 1978/79 were presented to the meeting and accepted subject to audit at a later date.

The Chairman of the Parish Council Mr. C.H.T. Goscombe, gave his report on the activities of the Parish Council during the last year. Some of the subjects covered were: Footpaths, Village Planning, Holiday Playscheme, Vandalism, Allotments, Speeding and the Memorial Hall.

Mr. C.W. Frost was introduced and he informed the meeting that he welcomed the opportunity of attending and stated that he would cover one or two subjects of particular interest to the area and hoped to inform those present of some of the work carried out by his department and perhaps cancel out the awful press reports. He hoped to dispel the view that the Council worked without proper control or good sense.

Mr. Frost gave brief details of the new Sewerage Works which would be completed shortly. He informed the meeting of the planning problems involved in a scheme which would have a life of 80–100 years.

3The subject of the proposed elderly persons accommodation on land behind houses in Wotton Road was extensively discussed at the meeting. The Parish Council had objected on two occasions to the proposal but Mr. Frost pointed out that all the pros and cons had been weighted up. Rarely was any one site ideal, but an agreement in principle had been reached by the Planning Committee. It was pointed out that the Parish Council would have a further opportunity to object when the application for full permission was made.

Mr. Frost gave details of how his Department is run, where the money comes from and how it is divided. He clarified a number of points where confusion had arisen, e.g. County or District Council responsibility.

An interesting question time was followed by the Chairman thanking both Mr. Frost and all the residents for attending the meeting.

Clerk to the Council,
Mrs. J. Hughes,
x Berkeley Close.

St. John's Church

The Churchwardens are glad to take this opportunity to thank all the Clergy, Lay Readers and Organists who have so kindly filled in, during the Vicar's absence and to wish everybody a joyful Easter.

April 15th.9.45 a.m.Eucharist.Canon J. Fisher.
 3.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. J. Golding.
April 22nd.10.30 a.m.Matins.Mr. D. Parker.
 3.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. I. Murray.
April 29th.9.45 a.m.Eucharist.Rev. A. Fraser.
 3.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. D. Parker.
May 6th.9.45 a.m.Eucharist.Rev. J.D. How.
 6.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. C. Knox.
May 13th.10.30 a.m.Matins.Mr. A.J. Scott.
 6.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. D. Parker.
May 20th9.45 a.m.Eucharist.Rev. R. Meredith-Jones.
 6.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. D. Parker.
May 27th.10.30 a.m.Matins. Mr. D. Parker.
 6.00 p.m.Evensong.Mr. C. Knox.

C.F. North,
x Station Road.
W-U-E xxxx.

Congregational Church

Sundays11.00 a.m.Sunday School.
 6.00. p.m.Evening Worship.
Tuesday3.00 p.m.Bright Hour Fortnightly.
Easter Day.11.00 a.m.Family Service.
Evening Worship6.00 p.m.Preacher Mr. F. Symons of Bristol.
Sunday June 3rdSunday School Anniversary Services.
 11.00 a.m.Family Service.
 6.00 p.m.Evening Worship.

Why not come and join us?

4Any enquiries to Church Secretary:- Miss M. Turner, xx The Green. Falfield xxxx.

He Loves to Carry “Lambs”.

Permit the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not. Mark 10:14

The famous American Preacher Henry Ward Beecher was often disturbed when people minimized the importance of the conversation of children. One Sunday when speaking on this subject, he ended his sermon by saying “Those periods when little ones feel drawn towards higher things and hear the call of God are just the times when you who are parents should try to lead them to Jesus. It is not hard to make a child or a tree grow right if you train them when they're young, but to make them straighten out after you've allowed things to go wrong is not an easy matter”.

A small boy, the youngest of three children, expressed his desire to declare his faith in Christ. His father thought he might not understand what he was doing and told him he should wait until he was older before making such an important commitment and public profession. The youngster thought for a few moments, then he remembered the story they had read that morning in Mark 10. “Daddy”, he said, “didn't Jesus say he wanted little children to come to Him? Well, I believe He meant what He said!” The simplicity of his son's faith touched the father's heart, and together they went to see the preacher about the matter. Not long afterwards the boy and his two brothers were received into the fellowship of the local Church. All three had truly accepted the Lord.

We should never stand in a child's way when he wants to come to the open arms of the Saviour. Jesus loves to carry the “young lambs” and bring them to the fold of God.

If to Christ the precious Saviour
Little children wish to come,
Parents, teachers, O I pray you,
Never tell them they're too young.

Tennis Club

A JUMBLE SALE is to be held on Easter Saturday, 14TH APRIL, 1979 – 2.00 p.m. in the Memorial Hall, Charfield. Everybody welcome. The money raised is to help repay a loan given by the Management Committee to cover the extra costs of resurfacing the tennis court.

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be on THURSDAY 26TH APRIL, 1979, 8.30 p.m. at Julie Hillier's, xx Manor Lane, Charfield. All members are welcome and anybody interested in joining the Club, please come along.

The Tennis Season is due to start in April and subscriptions will be due then too! The subs are to remain the same – £2.50 Adults, £5.00 Family Membership, £1.50 Juniors.

An American Tournament is being organised for the weekend of April 20th – anybody interested in playing please contact the Secretary.

J. Swallow,
xx Manor Lane. Fal: xxxx.


Sports and Gala Day

DON'T arrange to be busy or away from the village on 14th July – if you do you will miss the only day when the whole village is involved in Charfield's popular community event.

DO remember to consider entry in the village Craft Competition, details of classes will be published shortly. The idea will only become an attraction and interest if you take part.

DO come forward yourself, or encourage your Club Committee to put their thinking caps on for new ideas for side shows and games.

A Village Hall extension is planned and a profit making Sports Day would be welcomed and the Committee hopes that an extra-special effort will be made by one and all.

Jenny Hughes,
x Berkeley Close, Fal: xxx.

District Council Election

Once again I have been nominated by the local Conservatives to stand as a candidate in the Northavon District Council elections, and as you will no doubt have read in the papers, I was unopposed.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to say to you that I will, to the best of my ability, look after the interests of all electors, irrespective of party. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Jean E. Bennett,
xxxx Farm,
Charfield. Fal: xxxx.

Northavon Adult Road Safety Quiz

On Monday, 5th March, the Armstrong Hall, Thornbury resembled a high-level examination room. A bright red square was the symbol for the Charfield & District Residents Association Team, and we entered the hall expecting to find a row of four red squares at a table. But this was not to be; the red squares were scattered at random among the coloured triangles, circles and stars of all the other teams.

The Team, Bert and Doris Oldland, Bernard Harris and myself took a last glance at the new Highway Code, wished each other “Bon chance” and departed to our places, thrown to the mercy of our individual memories. The proceedings were opened by Councillor Fox, Chairman of Northavon District Council, and then the Question-master (should I say Invigilator?) took over.

Round 1 – “Crossing the Road” – was a straightforward questionnaire on the Green Cross Code, with diagrams to fill in, “right or wrong” boxes to tick and a picture with ten deliberate mistakes, of which we all spotted at least fifteen.

6Round 2 – “Observation” – started with a film about good driving practice. Geared for questions about all the hazards and contraventions of the Highway Code which we spotted in the film, we were baffled by questions “Was the driver of the green car wearing spectacles?” and “What was the registration number of the blue car?”, which were not quite what we expected.

Filled with tea, a biscuit and renewed enthusiasm after a short break, we resumed our places for Round 3 – “General”. This was a series of written questions about some aspects of driving, which was unfortunate for the three teams entered by the Cyclists Touring Club. A “fill in the blanks” excerpt from the “Fog Code” (or “---- Code” as the item was headed on the paper), and some questions about motorway lane markings left many drivers looking as blank as the cyclists.

As the scores were totalled and read out, the smiling Question-master commented on the fact that Charfield W.I. team has the same score as CHADRA, on Round 2, and Charfield Young Wives were only two points behind. His smile faded when he discovered that exactly the same happened on Round 3. CHADRA commanded ninth place overall, with 182 points. The Charfield W.I. team were rather more successful, a score of 193 putting them in 7th place. The contest, however, was won by Bristol Polytechnic, who scored 230 points and go on to represent Northavon in the Avon County Final.

The quiz was both entertaining and informative, and with Charfield's excellent turn-out of three teams, we can expect to bring home some trophies next year.

Dave Beer.

Charfield and District Friendship Club

When are we going to see the end of this terrible weather, it is the worst I can ever think of, but let us brace ourselves and just sing the words of that good old song “Look for the Silver Lining”.

Having said that I must tell our members that their committee is intent on doing their best to give them a happy start for the Summer Days that must be near at hand, Coach Drives, Whist Drives; afternoon Dancing with “Auld Tyme” and anything that goes to make a happy atmosphere on Club Days. For those of you who care to join us here are the Dates for your Diary.

April 25th, at 2.30p.m. in the Memorial Hall.

Bring and Buy on Wednesday May 9th, at 2.30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall.

We look forward to meeting old and new members at all our meetings.

Cheerio, look after yourselves, see you April 25th.

R. Isherwood,

Charfield P.T.A.

Parents of schoolchildren are already aware that the School Managers and the P.T.A. Committee recently called a meeting with the Director of Education – Mr. G.F. Crump to press our claim for the provision of a hall to be built on to the infant block. Although he agreed with us, he could hold no hope for a permanent hall being built within the next few years. The P.T.A. intend to carry on pressing for further improvements to the school and hope that we can call on the people of Charfield to support us.

7On a brighter note we are holding our Spring Fayre on Saturday April 28th at 2.30 p.m. and we would be grateful for any donations for the various stalls. Members of the Committee will be collecting items during the previous week.

Margaret Clarke,
P.T.A. Secretary.
xx Underhill Road. Fal: xxx.

Parish Council Elections – an Introduction to Candidates

The Committee of the Residents Association have argued at length over the attitude they should adopt to the forthcoming Elections for the Parish Council on the 24th May. However, the eventual agreement was unanimous that we should:-

 a) Not sponsor individual Candidates,
but,b) Do all we can to stimulate interest and encourage debate.

Accordingly, at our next Open Meeting on the 26th April (8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall) we shall be holding an open forum for prospective Candidates to speak and answer questions from the floor. Due to the postponement of the election because of the General Election, nominations close after that meeting and we cannot now ensure that all Candidates on the official list will be invited. We therefore offer this open invitation to all prospective Candidates to attend that meeting. Candidates will be invited to speak for a set time and the questions may be put to all or individual Candidates. Order of speaking will be drawn from a hat and an independent person will take the chair.

Residents Association (CHADRA).

Youth Club

We are pleased to report a promising beginning to '79. We have had a marked increase in membership and members have been participating fully in various inside activities. In addition, we have started a cookery club which has been enjoyed by the girls (and the occasional boy). Sharon Lowe produced a tasty cake for Dave's son's birthday and they have also made various goodies for their own and other member's consumption.

Our programme of talks was begun successfully by Dave Taylor of the Ace of Clubs with an illustrated talk on the running of a disco.

Perhaps our most popular activity is our club “Championship” where the members are competing in various activities ranging from table tennis to balloon blowing. We hope to present the Shine Trophy to our championship boy and girl at Sports Day. So far football Penalties has been won by Neil Harmer and Table Tennis by Mike Martin and Jo Birt.

Due to the weather outside activities have been limited but the Boys and Girls 5-a-Side Football teams got through to the semi-finals of the Yate / Sodbury League led by Paul Nixon and Patsy Mawle.

The members have formed a Committee chaired by Dave Spill which is actively helping in the running of the club. They are at present busy planning our Sports Day contribution and a team to be captained by Neil Harmer to enter in the competitions. Future plans include a fishing competition to be organised by Sean Everett, a camp and visits to other clubs.

8We were able to lend a hand with the Playgroup Jumble Sale, and their forthcoming Skittles Evening. Sarah and Tracy continue to provide Bingo teas. If any other club would like our help do contact Dave Colla, (Fal. xxxx) and we will do our best.

Our thanks to people in the village who responded to our appeal for help. We would still like to hear from anyone else who would like to join us and anyone who would like to pay us a social visit to see more of our activities in action is welcome.

Sarah Burnett,
xx Manor Lane. Fal. xxxx.

Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee

May Day Madness.

The Management Committee are holding a mixed 7 aside Football knockout competition on MAY DAY (May 7th). They ask if anyone could put forward a team of eight to compete, with at least two of the team being women.

A team can be made up from roads, culs-de-sacs, houses or just friends. More than one team can be entered by one group or area.

We are hoping to have other activities organised for this day to run alongside the football matches. If anyone has any ideas for such activities please let the Secretary know. We are also hoping to have refreshments organised and if anyone is willing to help with this or organise anything else along this line again please let the Secretary know.

Please inform Mr. Hannigan, x Durham Road of your completed team list by 20th April.

All money raised on this day will go towards the proposed extension of the Hall.

Secretary: Mrs. J. Hall,
x Berkeley Close. Fal. xxx.

Charfield W.I.

Dear Ladies,

Well, what good can we say of the weather so far this year? Maybe that's why we haven't seen you at our meetings? Please do give it a try. You will enjoy it.

We are looking forward to social evenings and outings during the summer months. On June 16th, you will see us manning the Mammoth Jumble Sale in the Village Hall. Please save all you can no matter if you don't think it's any good, someone does, and it's all profit to the Grand Sports and Gala Day in July, the Village benefiting from these events.

Our 51st Birthday Party was enjoyed by members on 29th March, and a good time was had by all with delicious food and good entertainment. Two members were presented with gifts for twenty-one years of membership 9this year (we have longer serving members as well).

If there are any questions you would like to ask, please feel free and we will be pleased to help you. Look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

Pat White,
President. Fal. xxxx.


Our main fund-raising event was a Jumble Sa1e in February which brought a good profit. Thank you everyone for your help and support. We rely heavily on fund-raising to keep our fees as low as possible and yet maintain our standards regarding equipment at Playgroup.

The next main event in this Year of the Child is a Balloon Race in May, which will be our gesture towards celebrating National Playgroup Week. I hope everyone, young and old, will enjoy this event.

The waiting list for Playgroup remains short and most children are accepted in the term following their third birthday. You are very welcome to bring your three year old to visit Playgroup prior to entry, we recommend a few visits towards the end of term, when all our children are happily settled.

Charfield Playgroup is a member of the North Avon branch of the Pre-School Playgroup Association and there are branch meetings every month, always with an interesting and informative topic. Please enquire at Playgroup regarding these. Also if you are interested in taking a Basic Playgroup Course, I can advise you where and when you can start. This course is not only for Playgroup Supervisors, but also for parents of the pre-school child.

As a final plea – has anyone access to plain or coloured paper, about 10″ × 8″ approx., suitable for pencil and crayon work? Our stocks are low. We are always glad of cardboard boxes, especially large ones – so think about Playgroup before you throw anything out!

Anna Wood.

Charfield NR. Pigeon Club

Once again the pigeon racing season is only a few weeks away, with all the excitement and preparations that lead up to the first race. Most fanciers have by now some young birds in the nest; of these, some, it is hoped, will be future Champions, yet I am afraid, as with human beings, very few pigeons ever reach this pinnacle.

Indeed if every pigeon fancier could breed Champions at will every year, the appeal would quickly go from this fascinating hobby.

It was very nice to read in the Racing Pigeon Weekly (2nd March, 1979) that over £10,000 has been raised by Pigeon Fanciers for the “Lord Mayor of Leicester Scanner Machine Appeal”. This is just one of many charitable organisations to he helped by fanciers throughout the country. The Star and Garter Homes for Disabled is another charity that benefits tremendously from schemes organised by the Fanciers.

10As can be seen from the above, although pigeon racing is a very enjoyable hobby, it also has its serious side and in our own small way we contribute in making the lives of less fortunate people than ourselves just a little bit easier to bear.

K. & S. Parker,
Joint Secretaries,
x Newtown. Fal. xxxx.

Friends of Yercombe Lodge, Stinchcombe

Sunday 1st July, 1979. Several gardens in the Stinchcombe area will be open to the public. Proceeds in aid of the funds of YERCOMBE LODGE. This is a preliminary notice, hoping that you will pencil in this date. Further details including posters will appear later.

Any information, including membership of the Friends of Yercombe Lodge gladly given.


Pianists for Sunday evening informal services at Yercombe Lodge during the summer months.

Pay – Nil. Reward – Happiness in helping disabled people.

If anyone would like to help, please contact me; also should anyone like to attend one of these informal services you will be most welcome.

P. Ellis,
xx, Berkeley Close.
Fal. xxx.

Can You Help Please?

WRVS Northavon are again looking for Hostess's for Children's holidays.

We are looking for kindly mothers who would be prepared to take a child into their homes for a week, in order to give a child an insight into normal happy home life.

If you can help, please contact:-

Mrs. Audrey Atherton,
WRVS Holidays Organizer,
xxxx House,
Tel: Thornbury 41xxxx.

Please telephone now, for further information.

Church of England Children's Society – Family Week

On behalf of the C. of E. Children's Society, may I thank all who contributed so generously and especially all the helpers who delivered and collected envelopes in such very inclement weather. A very worthwhile total of £89.77p has been sent to the Society by National Giro.

Grateful thanks to everyone.

Evelyn Denslow. (H.L.S.)


Water Survey

We had hoped that the Water Board would be able to send a speaker to our next open meeting on the 26th April (8.00 p.m. Village Hall), to talk on the water supply to Charfield and answer your questions. Unfortunately, it could not be arranged for this meeting, but we hope to have a speaker from the Water Board at a later date.

The current state of our investigations is that:-

a) The problem of scum on the top of hot drinks is due to the hardness of the water (although there is still some doubt about this).

b) Various theories have been put forward to explain the taste of the water. These are:-

(i) The chlorination of the water (necessary and within currently accepted limits)

(ii) The reaction of the water with certain plastics.

(iii) The incompatibility of supplies from two different sources.

It would appear that the human taste is very much more sensitive than any analysis method yet devised. Taste can detect about 1 part in 1 in 1010, analysis only 1 in 107.

c) There have been fewer complaints of taste recently. The Water Board have invited anyone who notices a taste to 'phone them (Freefone 981). They might then be able to correlate the taste with a particular event.

We have also expressed the concern of residents over the recent interruptions of supply.

Residents Association (CHADRA).

Young Wives

The Young Wives A.G.M. was held this month and a new Committee was elected, for the coming two years.

After a very successful year last year, and some super fund raising, i.e. £300 from our sponsored “knit-in”, I only hope our new Committee can follow that!

New members are very welcome to come and join us. We meet every 3rd Thursday of the month in the Village Hall at 8.00 p.m. Keep an eye on local shops for Posters on forthcoming events.

Finally a big thank you to last year's Committee.

Jackie Husher,
Chairman, xx Manor Lane.
Fal. xxx.


Mothers and Toddlers

For 20p – where can you get lots of toys for the under 3's to play with, mums to share with you the joys of motherhood plus coffee, cake and squash for the children thrown in?

At Charfield Mothers and Toddlers Group!

We meet at the Village Hall 1st and 3rd Thursday each month (except school holidays) between 10.15 am and 11.45 am.

Just bring a little one aged from birth to 3+ (new age group) a mug for the squash and if a new member, 30p for the annual subscription fee.

If the “Spring Clean” involves clearing out suitable toys – may we have first refusal? All donations gratefully accepted.

Mrs. H. Griffiths,
xx Underhill Road,
Fal. xxxx.

The Bristol Folk House

An adventurous new adult education project has been outlined by the Bristol Folk House in a letter to the Parish Council. Apparently they will be equipping a bus to take some of their classes to rural areas. Details have not been fixed at this stage, but Art, Literature, Languages and Discussion Classes are the most likely.

The Folk House have asked the Parish Council what the demand for the classes might be and they in turn have asked the Residents Association to gauge your reaction, so now it is over to you – if you would like to see the bus visit Charfield, let us know. Please make a special point of doing so, because if you don't, we shall have to assume that there is no interest.

Please contact: Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane. Fal. xxx.

Charfield Luncheon Club

Thanks to the generous donation from the Tavern “Senior Citizen” football match, new equipment has been bought for the Luncheon Club. We hope you have noticed the new kettle and the first aid kit which we have also been able to provide for general use in the Village Hall. Our thanks to Rod Wells for making the first aid box.

As it is now some time since we wrote in the Newsletter and in the interim its circulation has grown and new residents have arrived in the village, it is perhaps appropriate to give notice that the Luncheon Club is still a very thriving institution, always ready to welcome new members. The Club meets in the Village Hall, on alternate Wednesdays with the Friendship Club from 12.00 noon to about 1.30 pm. Mrs. Amer provides a wonderful lunch and the charge is still only 25p. Membership is open to any retired or handicapped person and transport is gladly provided where necessary.

Sue Barrance,
Fal. xxx.


Charfield Schooldays


There are seven words hidden in the square, to do with education and Charfield School.

50p for the first correct solution out of the bag on the 30th April,

All entries to xxx Manor Lane.

CHADRA Open Meeting

26th April, 8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall.

Everybody welcome.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir,

I found the “Message from the New Chairman” in the last issue of the Newsletter fascinating and full of profundities. In laying down the policy of CHADRA for the ensuing year which is, quote: “It is my view that the Association should assist and co-operate with the various organisations in the village and in particular the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee” unquote, I think the new Chairman is quite right and has indicated by his statement that he has his priorities right. Unity is the most difficult asset to achieve, and having achieved it, to preserve. Chemically, we are all so different having been changed and altered by environment to such an extent, that attitudes become platitudes and everyone tends to fight for his or her corner. That is why I wish to raise the question of Allotments and their provision for the benefit of the parishioners. It was so ludicrous for the Parish Council to think that an allotment could cost in the region of £2–£3 per week as an economic rent, when surrounding Parishes are a more viable proposition. Allotment holders throughout the country save £50,000,000 a year on our import bill, so that in itself should be sufficient recommendation.

What I would like to see is the co-operation between the Parish Council and CHADRA extended to provide allotments for the residents of Charfield. Wishing you every success,

Bert Oldland,
xx Cotswold View.

(Please see the Chairman's Report in this issue – Editor).

14Dear Sir,

I would like to thank the Committee members for the work done in the Manor Lane Planning Appeal, the result of which has been announced since the last Newsletter.

From the initial rumblings, through the collection of cash to pay for the Solicitor, finishing with the distribution of the letter giving the result, it represents hours of hard slog.

One wonders what the outcome would be if CHADRA applied itself to the matters that seem to have replaced “Planning” as standard village conversation:-

1) Water – or lack of it, which is infuriating.
2) Electricity – why do we seem to have a power cut every time there is a high wind.
3) Gas – any chance of getting it brought to the whole village?

Well, I can dream can't I!

Yours faithfully,

B. Wells (Mrs.)
xxx Manor Lane.

Citizens Advice Bureau

We are frequently asked what are the functions of Citizens Advice Bureau. The Aims of the C.A.B. Service are:-

  1. To ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available; or through an inability to express their needs effectively.
  2. To exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally. The Service therefore provides free to all individuals an impartial service of information, guidance and support, and makes responsible use of the experience so gained. We feel that as the number of enquiries increase monthly we have been accepted as a local service for the benefit of the community as a whole and with our specialised training on all matters pertaining to Social Services, Social Security, Income Tax, Family and personal, among others, our up-to-date information service will enable us to help and advise you.

The Organiser will continue to attend the Friendship Club meetings in the Village Hall to give help and advice – thus saving the O.A.P's the fatigue and expense of travelling to Wotton-Under-Edge.

Your nearest C.A.B. is at Berkeley House, Long Street, Wotton-U-Edge, (Tel: W-U-E 3210) each Thursday from 10 am. to 4 pm. We may open an extra day after Easter if the demand continues.

If you wish to contact C.A.B. at any time other than Thursday, please 'phone STROUD 2084 which is open every day from 10 am to 4 pm, and from 9.30 am to 11.30 am on Saturday.

Mrs. J.K. McGonnigill, Organiser.


Charfield Residents Association – Chairman's Report

The next meeting of the Residents Association is on 26th April at the Village Hall, commencing at 8.00 pm., and I sincerely hope that we will have a good turn-out.

Two items which residents might like to raise are:-

  1. Over the years, various discussions have taken place of a formal and informal nature concerning the youth of Charfield, particularly the 18+ Groups. Is it the wish of the younger people in the village that something should be organised on a formal basis for them? If so, maybe they would like to come along and tell the residents and the Association what they would like to see done, and suggest how their requirements can be met.
  2. There has been considerable discussions again, of an informal and formal nature, about allotments. We print in this Newsletter a letter advocating the case for allotments but there are opposing views. The Residents Association does not wish to interfere with the Parish Council, but would like to think it can help in reconciling the two views to obtain a solution satisfactory to everyone. We only achieve this in some measure if interested people come to the meeting.

Mr. R. Baker met with me recently to inform me, as your Chairman, what intends to do with his farmland at the back of Manor Lane. Mr. Baker will be grazing cattle in these fields, and therefore he is going to erect a new fence consisting of stakes and two strands of barbed wire to endeavour to keep his cattle from encroaching on the gardens adjoining his land. Certain hedges will be taken out of the fields to make the fields more economic from a farming point of view. Overall, his propositions appear to be reasonable.

When I walked the fields with Mr. Baker, I was somewhat surprised at the condition of various boundary fences, and noted numerous gates erected to enable people to have access into the fields. Certain instances were noted where people had extended their gardens into the adjoining land. Once the cattle are grazing at the back of these properties, not only does the farmer have some responsibility, but also the residents within the area have a responsibility to ensure that they, their children or their animals do not become a nuisance to the farmer or for that matter, a danger to his cattle.

I wish to thank Mr. Baker for communicating with the Association. Any residents within the village who would like further details, if they would like to contact me, I will be able to expand on the information which the Association has received.

Finally, my thanks to the editorial team, and those hard-working distributors who walk around the village selling our Newsletter.

M.G. Burfield,


Diary of Events

APRIL14thTennis Club – Jumble Sale, Village Hall, 2.00 p.m.
 15thEaster Sunday.
 20thTennis Club – American Tournament.
  Management Committee – May Day Football entries required.
 26thCHADRA – Open Meeting, Village Hall, 8.00 p.m.
  Tennis Club – A.G.M.
 28thP.T.A. Spring Fayre, Charfield School, 2.30 p.m.
  Last day for nominations to Parish Council
MAY6th1st Woodend Scout Group are having a SPORTING CLAY PIGEON SHOOT at Manor Farm, Old Charfield, starting at 2.30 p.m. Any queries, telephone W-U-E xxxx.
 7thMay Day Madness, Village Hall.
 9thFriendship Club – Bring & Buy, Village Hall, 2.30 p.m.
 12thCHADRA Jumble Sale, Village Hall, 11.00 a.m.
 19thPlaygroup – Balloon Race. Village Hall Car Park.
 24thParish Council Elections.
JUNE16thJumble Sale. Proceeds to Sports Day.
 22ndCopy date for next Newsletter.
JULY1stGardens Open Day in aid of Yercombe Lodge.
 14thSports Day.

CHARFIELD NEWSLETTER is produced by The Charfield & District Residents Association (CHADRA).
Secretary – Mrs. M. Smith, xxx Manor Lane. Fal. xxx.


The Country Code

[Graphic: Signpost]


Farmers are legally obliged to allow the public to use all footpaths but this does not give you the right to use them as you would your own garden or even a park.
The footpaths are strictly for walking along or resting, if necessary.

PICNICKING is not allowed. You should remember that a farmer can shoot you dog if it is harassing his livestock.


Village Organisations – January 1979

    ChairmanMr. M. Burfield, xxx Manor Lane.Fal: xxx.
    SecretaryMrs. M. Smith, xxx Manor Lane.Fal: xxx.
Angling Club.Mr. Toomey, x Wotton Road.Fal: xxxx.
Brownies.Mrs. J. Green, x Horsford Road.WUE xxxx.
Baby Sitting Circle.Mrs. M. Hall, xx Durham Road.Fal: xxx
Chess Club.Headquarters at the Railway Tavern.
Congregational Church.Miss Turner, xx Charfield Green.Fal: xxxx.
Conservative Assoc.Mrs. G. Mill, xxx Manor Lane.Fal: xxxx.
Cricket ClubMr. T. Wheeler, xx Berkeley Close.Fal: xxx.
Group Scout Leader.Mr. A. Smith, xxx Manor Lane.Fal: xxx.
Drama Group.Mrs. J. Peaster, xxx Manor Lane.Fal: xxx.
Football Club.Mr. R. Hale, Xxxx House, Charfield Mills.WUE: xxxx.
Friendship Club.Mr. R. Isherwood, x Severn Close.Fal: xxxx.
Health Visitor & Welfare Clinic.Mrs. F. Storey, Thornbury Health Centre.
(2nd & 4th Thursday at the Hall)
Thornbury 41xxxx
Keep Fit.Mrs. P. Light, xxx Manor Lane.Fal: xxxx.
Luncheon Club.Mrs. C. King, Elm Tree Farm, Tortworth.Fal: xxx.
Mothers & Toddlers Club. (1st & 3rd Thurs)
    Leader-Mrs. S. Burnett, xx Parklands, WUE.WUE: xxxx.
    Secretary-Mrs. H. Griffiths, xx Underhill.Fal: xxxx.
Hall Management Committee.
    Secretary-Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close.Fal: xxx.
    Booking Sec-Mrs. K. Dand, xx Berkeley Close.Fal: xxx.
Netball Club.Mrs. J. Hillier, xx Manor Lane.Fal: xxx.
Parochial Church Council.Mr. C.F. North, x Station Road.WUE: xxxx
Pigeon Club.Mr. Parker, x Newtown.Fal: xxxx.
Playgroup.Mrs. C. Haines, xx Horsford Road.WUE: xxxx.
County Primary School.
    HeadmasterMr. D. MalpassFal: xxx.
    Parent Teacher Assoc.
      Chairman-Mr. C. Hall, xx Durham Road.Fal: xxx.
      Sec:Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Road.Fal: xxx.
Parish Council.
    Clerk to the CouncilMrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close.Fal: xxx.
Tennis Club.Mrs. J. Swallow, xx Manor Lane.Fal: xxxx.
Street Warden Scheme.Mrs. L. Harris, x Station Road.WUE: xxxx.
Women's Institute.Mrs. P. White, “xxxx”, Charfield Hill.Fal: xxxx.
Young Wives.Sec. Mrs. S. Crompton.Rangeworthy 2xxxx.
Youth Club.Mr. D. Colla, x Avon Road.Fal: xxxx.

Other Useful Information

Police.P.C. Radburn, Charfield Police House.WUE: xxxx.
ElectricityM.E.B., Severn Vale, District Office,
Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury.
C.S. 318380
WaterBristol Waterworks Company (Head Office)
Bedminster Down, Bristol.
(Faults outside normal working hours
ask operator for Freefone 981).
Bristol 665881
Avon OilsUnit 1, Avonbridge Estate, Avonmouth Bridge, Avonmouth.
 Boiler maintenance & Emergency ServiceA/mouth 7671
 Accounts QueriesA/mouth 7281
 Other enquires (Customer Service Unit)A/mouth 7737
Northavon District Council Emergency ServicesThornbury: 416262

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 18 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor and Julia O'Connor-Beach.

Last update: 2016-11-28.