Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1981.
Welcome to the 21st Charfield Sports and Gala Day
Children's Corner
St. John's Church
Parish Council
Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee
Charfield Holiday Play Scheme 1981
Charfield National School Foundation
Charfield Chunters No 5
Committee for the Elderly and Housebound
Youth Club
Charfield Primary School
Mothers and Toddlers Club
Congregational Church
Charfield Junior's Football Club
Charfield Cricket Club
Charfield Chat
Scout and Cub Scout News
Charfield Young Wives
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield Parent Teacher Association
Charfield WI
Citizens Advice Bureau
Festival of Flowers – St. John's Church
For Your Diary
Did You Know?
Village Organisations
As the seasons hurry past, we are once again on the verge of another Sports and Gala Day … yet, it is not just another such day, it is the 21st birthday of a Village Event which, in growing from its humble beginnings as a horticultural show to the Spectacular you will witness on Saturday July 11th, has not lost the capacity to bring together and thrill all members of the Community from five to ninety-five. In celebration of this achievement, your Committee has compiled an afternoon of “five-star” entertainment.
For the children, the Fancy Dress Competition, the ever-popular Uncle Pete will be performing his Punch and Judy Show and aerial views of the village will be available from the Sparrows Crane … static displays including vintage vehicles, model railways exhibition in the Hall and a special mention for a very unusual exhibit – a full-size aircraft model handbuilt by members of the Bristol University Air Squadron and lots, lots more … well, what more can be said? … other than – exceptional value for 30p (25p before the Day).
Charfield must be a unique place in which to live. We all know how pleasing is the countryside about us … how peaceful is the village compared with the hustle and bustle of neighbouring, more urbanised, areas.
But it is also unique in that it appears there are no bones of contention … no topic upon which any resident feels strongly enough to express a viewpoint, either for, or against. That, at least, is how I read the deafening silence that has followed two offers to YOU and to make the NEWSLETTER a forum for raising matters which YOU feel affect the village.
So, if you won't, I will. My moan is summed up in two words – INCONSIDERATE PARKERS. Daily, it seems, I am angered by drivers who ignore the car park provided by the estate's shopkeepers. It takes but a TWIST of the wheel and a thimbleful of fuel to turn into the car park and leave Manor Lane free for moving traffic. But no, that seems too logical. Better they say to stop by the kerb. That makes it difficult for drivers who want to use the carpark … it creates a hazard for pedestrians … it blocks the view of drivers leaving the car park.
One day, an accident will happen and then perhaps the unthinking driver will awaken to his responsibility to other people.
But, back to this issue of NEWSLETTER. Thanks to the cricket club and the junior footballers this July edition has a Sports Section. My thanks to them for their copy and I hope they will make a regular contribution.
And finally, in this brief editorial, a plea.
To the many contributors, again my thanks. Next deadline is 18th September, or (as always) earlier if possible.
Geoff Thornton
xx Underhill Road
Written by children – for children.
Answers to the famous bears as posed in the previous edition.
1 Albert: 2 Winnie the Pooh: 3 Mary Plain: 4 Rupert: 5 Teddy Robinson: 6 Paddington: 7 Rug: 8 Mr Bear: 9 Issi No Ho.
1 Why do elephants have trunks?
2 How do you know when you've finished a book?
3 How is an elephant like a brick?
4 What do you say to a giraffe with two heads?
ANSWERS [printed upside down]
1 Because they would look silly carrying suitcases.
2 When every page is red.
3 Neither can climb trees.
4 Hello Hello. How are you How are you.
I am grateful to be able to write in this excellent communicator within the Parish – the CHADRA NEWSLETTER – and in particular to do so at a very special time in the history of the Church here.
Most of you will be aware by now that the St John's Church is celebrating its centenary during this present year. A corner-stone marks the date 1881. Already there have been a number of events, most recently among them our Flower Festival. On July 12 we are holding a special Thanksgiving Service for 100 years during which the Church has tried to serve the community in which it is set. This service will be at 6 pm and our preacher on that occasion will be the Bishop of Gloucester to whom we want to give a very special welcome. We hope that this will be the wish of the WHOLE parish and I would therefore like to ask YOU to do your very best to be present at that service and to bring your friends and neighbours along with you. We do always have an excellent congregation at Christmas for the Carol Service and for the Midnight Service on Christmas Eve. I would ask you please to think of this service on July 12 as in the same category as our Christmas times of celebration. We do not often have our Bishop with us and I am sure that you would find meeting him a most helpful and inspiring experience. DO, PLEASE, MAKE A NOTE OF IT AND, HAVING DONE SO, DO PLEASE COME.
There are other events in July that invite your attention. One is on Saturday July 4. This is a dramatic, musical production called “The Witness” given by some members of another Church and previously performed elsewhere to interested audiences. This will be held in Church at 7.30 pm. NO TICKETS ARE NECESSARY.
The other event is a concert by the combined orchestras of Charfield School and Katherine Lady Berkeley School. This too is being held in Church on Wednesday July 8 at 7 pm, AGAIN, NO TICKETS ARE NECESSARY. This concert will feature, of course, many of our own village children as well as others.
Both of these events promise to be of great interest and I hope you will be able to support them as they deserve to be.
One of the things that we would like to do in this special centenary year is to make a gift to St John's Church of an Organ. For 100 years there has been a tiny organ with only one manual (that is, layer of keys) and even that one is not a full manual. An organist recently asked what one can do to get a fuller sound besides pulling all the stops out. The answer is, having pulled all the stops out there is nothing more that one can do. That is the full volume. The trouble is that this volume is NOT really adequate to LEAD congregational singing. You would not find a smaller organ in a Church if you searched between here and Bristol and between here and Gloucester.
It is for this reason that it was thought a good plan to have another organ so as to express more adequately the musical side of Church life and also to encourage organists to give a recital. That just cannot be done with the existing instrument.
What is in mind is a very new development in Church organs called a DIGITAL COMPUTER ORGAN. Its sound is identical with larger pipe organs and, in fact, one has been installed in Chichester CATHEDRAL, as well as in many smaller Churches and concert halls. It is made by a firm called Allen and a demonstration is planned and will be over by the time this NEWSLETTER is published.
To do this we are AIMING AT PRODUCING £5,000 to install it and cover all the incidentals relevant to that. THAT MAY SEEM A LARGE SUM. SOMEONE IS OPTIMISTIC. But it can be broken down to something quite simple.
4IF 500 PEOPLE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE OR EVEN TO LOAN, £10, THEN THE AMOUNT IS RAISED. As mentioned elsewhere one can pay that for a meal out for two, especially if you include transport. WE HOPE THAT THIS PROJECT MAY APPEAL TO A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO MAKE THE PROJECT A REALITY OF THIS VERY SPECIAL OCCASION. If you have any interest at all. PLEASE DO HELP. Don't wonder who else can, we think it would be a great asset within the village and not merely within the Church. It may well appeal to those with a musical interest as well as those with a Church interest.
DO PLEASE GIVE THIS YOUR EARNEST CONSIDERATION – AND ACTION. Then do please come and hear your organ.
In any case, do come and join in some of our centenary functions and experience the joy and fulfilment of being with others.
Kenneth G Grant
At the recent annual meeting of the Parish Council Mr. D.W. Parker was elected Chairman, and Mrs. S.C. Barrance Vice-Chairman.
Mr. Parker is also Chairman of the Parish Council's Committee for the Holiday Play Scheme being held this year for two weeks commencing MONDAY JULY 27 and MONDAY AUGUST 3. Provisional plans are in hand for activities but these will depend on the number of volunteer helpers who come forward. If you are able to help, even for just a few hours, please mention this to any parish councillor or the Clerk.
Many residents have complained about the nuisance caused by dogs fouling the footpath and the council has obtained copies of the notice publicising the byelaw relating to this:
“It is an offence contrary to a byelaw for good rule and government for a person in charge of a dog to allow it to foul the footpath of any street or public place by depositing its excrement thereon and is punishable on summary conviction by a fine not exceeding £20.
F. Maude
Clerk and Chief Executive Officer
Northavon District Council”
Do you have a pond in your garden? If you do, then AVON WILDLIFE TRUST would like to know about it and the Parish Council has a number of questionnaires waiting to be completed. Please contact the Clerk.
Mrs. J. Hughes
Clerk to the Parish Council
x Berkeley Close
As I will be leaving the village soon, the Management Committee urgently needs a new Secretary.
The Management Committee meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the Hall at 8 pm. Apart from attending meetings and taking the minutes, the Secretary's job involves writing letters, as directed by the Committee at their meetings, and notifying all members in advance of the Agenda for the next meeting.
The job currently attracts a salary of £100 pa plus an allowance for telephone rental. Expenses on Committee business are also paid. Typing skills are not essential.
If you would be interested in taking on the Secretary's job, please contact myself or the Committee Chairman: John Poskett, xx Charfield Green. (Tel Falfield 26xxxx)
Carol Magner (Secretary)
x Katherine Close
Tel Falfield 26xxxx
As reported in the Parish Council notes, the Holiday Play Scheme is again scheduled for two weeks during the break between the summer and autumn terms.
It is funded by the Parish Council, with a small grant too from the District Council and all the helpers are volunteers. The venue is once more the Church Room (known as the Foundation Room) and the National School Foundation Governors are making no charge for its use. As an additional resource – particularly in the event of inclement weather – we are paying a hiring charge to Avon County for the use of the new school hall.
To help us to cover costs we are inviting a VOLUNTARY contribution from the children, at 10p a session and this will also go towards the cost of squash, biscuits, tea etc.
There will be only one coach trip, the cost of which is yet to be determined.
The dates this year are:- | Week commencing Monday July 27 |
Week commencing Monday August 3. |
We shall NOT be meeting on the Wednesday of either week.
Wednesday, July 29 is, of course, the date of the Royal Wedding and we propose to have an INFORMAL tea on Tuesday July 28 for those children who are registered with the Play Scheme.
ANYONE wishing to help with one or more sessions is most welcome AND THIS INCLUDES OLDER YOUNGSTERS prepared to act as MONITORS and JUNIOR PLAY LEADERS.
If you can help please advise the Clerk to the Parish Council or one of the Parish Councillors.
David W Parker
xx Durham Road
The Charfield National School Foundation is now in a position to commence letting the Foundation Room – formerly the schoolroom.
Information and booking forms are obtainable from:-
Mrs Sue Laing
xx Station Road
Tel: Wotton-under-Edge xxxx
Upper Green Farm to Bunsall Farm, returning via Bunsall Bridge to Upper Green Farm. Distance from Upper Green farm about two miles. A shortish walk but with fine views. Terrain is mostly meadows or tracks, with some long grass.
This walk features footpaths 27 and 28 in the South East corner of the Parish. To reach UPPER GREEN FARM, follow the road to Little Bristol and beyond past Charfield Hall. At the junction with Devil's Lane take the left-hand fork down a “No Through Road”. This takes you past the chicken farm on your right to Upper Green Farm. There are no signposts from the road, but you will find the footpaths by entering the farmyard via a driveway leading to the back door of the farmhouse. The two paths lead away through a gate at the right-hand corner of the building beyond the farmhouse. Then bear LEFT, following the path alongside the hedgerow down towards the railway line.
Cross Brunel's ornate footbridge and turn SHARP RIGHT towards the river bridge. Once over the river you are briefly following a footpath in Kingswood Parish which will take you to the B4060 road from Kingswood to Wickwar. Turn RIGHT, and follow the road, passing under the bridge. A little way past the bridge there is a gate on your RIGHT. Go through this, and over Bunsall Bridge which is visible from the road. Over the bridge bear RIGHT, following a pleasant section of the river. After a short distance bear LEFT and follow a broad, well worn track to the field before the farmhouse.
Your destination is then visible across the last large meadows.
A Beer
Mrs Gillian Mill is leaving Charfield in July with our thanks for all her hard work and generous help. We wish her, and her family, all the best in their new home.
Anyone interested in replacing Mrs Mill – in receiving calls for transport help and in organising the lifts required – should please contact:-
Lynne Harris, Wotton under Edge xxxx or
Marjorie Grantham, Falfield 26xxxx
For Sports Day our committee has been asked to run a Home Produce Stall. We will be most grateful to receive offers of help – either to take a turn in serving on the stall or to contribute anything FROM CAKES TO CABBAGES.
It is with sadness the Youth Club has to say goodbye to its leader, David Colla. He has worked very hard as a Leader for the past four years and will be greatly missed.
If you feel you could tackle the job as Youth Leader in Charfield – which is a paid post – perhaps you could contact us on:- Falfield 26xxxx or 26xxxx
Although it has not yet been ratified by the full County Council, the Education Committee has adopted a new policy for the admission of infants to its schools from September 1981. Children whose fifth birthday is on or before September 2nd 1982, may commence school next term, on 2nd September 1981. This means that all children will, if their parents wish, have a full three years of infant education, whereas previously some children had two years, others two years and one term and the rest two years and two terms.
No child has to attend school until the term after his/her fifth birthday. It will be for parents to decide if they wish to take advantage of this new ruling.
The admission date for infants has been a contentious issue for several years. We have been asked to admit “rising fives” if possible, told we must on no account admit “rising fives”, now yet another policy. I very much hope that this arrangement will last longer than the previous ones, because changes of this kind affect, to some extent, the complete organisation of the school.
We were pleased to be able to play a very small part in the magnificent Flower Festival in Church. Recorder players and singers will be joining musicians from Katherine Lady Berkeley's School at a Centenary Concert in Church on 8th July.
We shall be staging our usual Art and Craft Exhibition on the Sports and Gala Day on 11th July, as well as participating in a Painting Competition on that day.
The Juniors Sports is on Monday 13th July in the evening so that fathers can attend. The Infants will be having their Sports on the following afternoon, Tuesday 14th July.
D A Malpass
A warm welcome to all our new members, it is lovely to see some new faces – not that we don't like the look of the old ones of course!
If any other Mums would like to join us we meet the first and third Thursday of every month – 10.15–11.45.
Belated congratulations to our team of “metamorphs” who won the Fancy Dress on May Day. But we don't mention our score at hockey!!
M & T Events
July 9th: | Picnic on playing field 12.00 noon. (Village Hall if wet). |
August 20th: | Visit Stroud Leisure Centre. Leaving Hall 11.00 am. Own Transport. |
September 3rd: | First meeting after summer holidays. |
For further information please phone either:- Wendy 26xxxx or Denise 26xxxx
Denise Jarvis
Sundays | 11 am | Sunday School |
6 pm | Evening Worship | |
Tuesdays | 3 pm | Bright Hour (Fortnightly) Open to men and women, or anyone else who would like to join us. |
Harvest Thanksgiving (DV)
Saturday | October 3 | Gift Day |
Sunday | October 4 | 11 am Family Service 6 pm Evening Worship |
Why not come and join us? Any enquiries to:- Miss M Turner, xx The Green, Charfield, Falfield 26xxxx
Not Enough Faith
The Word is near thee even in thy mouth And in thy heart. Romans 10–8
Men and women will freely commit their lives to causes, organizations, their fellow human beings, and even to animals. Yet when it comes to their salvation they are reluctant to place their confidence in the omnipotent Son of God. I thought of this as I read about a Christian worker who distributed Bibles at a circus. As he gave out copies of the Scriptures he had opportunity to witness to a number of the performers. One young lady when confronted with the claims of Christ stated that she did not think she had enough faith to entrust her soul to the Saviour. Upon questioning her, the believer was interested to learn about her particular act in the circus. She told him that an elephant carried her around the arena with its trunk while she put her head in its mouth! And she said she did not have enough faith? What irony!
Many people have mistaken ideas about what it takes to become a Christian. They think that relying upon Jesus requires a large amount of faith. Actually, all of us exercise this quality in countless ways every day. When we relax in a chair, for example, we believe it will support our weight. So we sit down without giving it a second thought. The real issue is not whether we have sufficient faith, but the reliability of the object in which it's placed.
Friend, do not question whether you have enough faith to be saved. Simply lean upon Christ, the eternal Son of God. The Apostle Paul said, “The word is near thee … that is, the word of faith”. Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth, and be saved today!
God give me the faith of a little child
Who trusts so implicitly,
Who simply and gladly believes Thy Word,
And never would question Thee.
The club entered an under-14's and an under-12's side in the Stroud Youth League during the 1980/81 season with both teams successfully completing their fixture list.
Despite barely adequate membership, the under-14's were able to maintain a position just below mid-table which reflects no small measure of success bearing in mind the limited playing resources available when compared to such areas as Dursley, Wotton and Stroud itself and the team managers were pleased to report a most enjoyable season.
Goals were spread fairly evenly throughout the attack and mid-field but special mention should be awarded to team captain, Philip Train, whose season culminated in a trial for Bristol Rovers Football Club after consistently impressive performances in the centre of the defence.
The under-12's season was [a] highly successful one with the team finishing joint runners-up in their division and only conceding 24 goals in a total of 20 games played. Leading goal scorers were Ashley Hannigan and Steven Harvey who both found the net 16 times towards an overall goal tally of 65 but it would be unfair to suggest that the final position was the result of anything other than a remarkable team performance with the senior members moulding excellently with the more junior players who included four 9 year olds among their ranks. Two players, Paul Spill and Steven Lowe were selected to represent the league team which went on to win the inter-league trophy.
It would be no exaggeration to say that this team provided some scintillating displays which is borne out by the support received during the season and if you like to see good football played without inhibition and in the best spirit of the game, then we suggest that you find your way to the playing fields on Sundays next season as we can promise you that there is even better to come.
Finally, the management Committee would like to thank all our supporters who contributed to a successful season and we hope that our boys gave you as much pleasure as they gave us – congratulations boys!!!
G C Thomas
Footnote: For the 1981/82 season we are entering three teams in the Stroud Youth League – under-12's, under-14's and under-16's and anyone new wishing to join the club should contact the above on FALFIELD: 26xxxx
The weather! Even Reg Baker cannot remember a summer so bad, so we can be sure it is the worst since cricket stopped being played with two stumps and curved bats. Raring to go after 3 months practice at KLB's indoor nets each Sunday, Charfield's cricketers have been rained off (about 15 times) hailed off, sleeted off and even SNOWED off. The Devon Tour, carefully arranged by Peter Dand (whose talents, sadly, will be lost to the wilds of Leicestershire at the end of the season) ended up with two of the three fixtures cancelled. Mind you, we still had a good time – some being so keen as to go JOGGING in the pouring rain at 3 am!
10However, the sun was seen recently, and play is now underway. The club has grown considerably over the last decade and now plays some 70 fixtures a year. Including the Juniors we have over 40 members and to accommodate these are running four teams. Sat. 1st XI, Sat. 2nd XI, Youth team, Sunday XI.
For such a small village as Charfield it is remarkable that for a fourth year we have a place in Gloucestershire League Division 1. There our Saturday 1st XI find the going tough. This season only a few runs each game have prevented them from being top of the league. With the firmer pitches now appearing their chances may improve.
For the first time Charfield have entered a second team in the League. The Saturday 2nd XI started 1981 in Division five. Something of a ‘Dad's Army’ (six players are over 40 – and one over 50) the team has somehow managed a few wins and holds a heady position near the top of the Division.
The Youth team has a number of players with considerable potential. Now that they have regular fixtures in Bristol Junior League all over Northavon, most young enthusiasts get the chance of a game. Indeed, with games for KLB many of them are playing four or five games a week, plus nets on Friday. One of them sits on the club selection committee … one youngster, Junior Captain Neil Gladding, has already had two bowling hat-tricks – one of them in the Youth League and (better still) one for the first eleven in Glos. League Division One. Another 14 year old, Simon Huttley, has attracted attention at County level so all bodes well for when ‘Dad's Army’ finally collapses.
The Sunday team – playing strictly friendlies albeit competitively – is a mixture of the above three teams plus any newcomers.
So, if you have a budding youngster, or want to revive old memories (after all only last year our 53 year old evergreen spin bowler won the Schweppes County Award) give Charfield Cricket Club a try.
Nets are on the playing field every Friday at 6.15 pm. Don't be shy. Remember Ian Botham and Mike Proctor can't last forever.
Rod Alexander
(or Captain Mainwaring)
Home Fixtures
Saturday 1st XI | 2.30 pm | – | July 4, Churchdown: July 25, Westbury on Severn: August 8, Witcombe. |
Saturday Friendlies | 2.30 pm | – | August 15, Swindon Village: August 22, NALGO Swindon: August 29, Horfield. |
Saturday 2nd XI | 2.30 pm | – | July 18, Cinderford St. John: August 1, Woodpeckers. |
Sunday Fixtures | 2.30 pm | – | July 19, Kingswood: July 26, Newent: August 16, Alveston: August 23, Doynton: August 30, Pitman Press: September 13, Leonard Stanley (2 pm). |
Midweek XI | 2.30 pm | – | July 28, Old Fulerians: August 26, Kingsbury. |
Youth League (Under 17) July 11, Thornbury (3.30pm): August 9, Pucklechurch (10.30).
Greetings from sunny Penzance, at least at time of writing it is! We have had our share of wind and rain and sea mists, but they seem to clear up fairly quickly. Some of the Spring storms were very spectacular. In March, I took the boys to the front and we watched the waves breaking over the lighthouse on the end of the jetty. All the fishing boats are then of course confined to the harbour; at one time this Spring they couldn't leave harbour for a fortnight. It's a tough life being a fisherman! At Mousehole, a couple of miles past Penzance, towards Lands End, the harbour is closed off during the winter months by massive oak beams piled on top of each other across the entrance. However, the storms are hopefully over now.
Mousehole (Pronounced Mowsle) is a very pretty fishing village. The name comes from the Cornish words Maew (Gull) and Holh (basin). It was invaded by the Spaniards in the sixteenth Century, as was Penzance, and most of the village was destroyed.
We have seen quite a few seals in the water. At Marazion, there is one that is so friendly, he has been nicknamed “Sammy” and tourists have been warned not to get too close to him in case he bites them. So far we haven't seen any Puffins, though they are around. We did walk out to the Logan Rock at Porthcurno (between Penzance and Lands End) and saw green woodpeckers on the cliffs. The Logan Rock is a famous 80 ton rocking stone that can be rocked with one finger. There is a story that in 1824 a young naval rating, a nephew of the poet Oliver Goldsmith, along with some sailor friends for a prank pushed the stone onto the rocks below. The Admiralty was so incensed about it that he had to replace it at his own expense. If you go into the local pub, you can see sketches of how this massive boulder was winched back into place. No easy task!
We have now moved from the house we rented when we first arrived here, into one of our own, which is lovely. We can see St Michael's Mount from upstairs and have open fields at the back. I bought myself two small Camelia plants for our garden recently. They grow huge around here. We used to think they were large rose bushes growing until we took a closer look. All along the cliffs just now, the Thrift and Rock Roses are out. I have managed to bring a couple of pieces back to the garden here. Most days I go down to the sea front with the dog, or I wait until school finishes and then take the boys to a beach. Of course parking is becoming harder now with all the tourists!
Soon, before everywhere gets too crowded, I want to visit Botallack Head, between Lands End and St Ives. It was along that stretch of coast that “Poldark” was filmed. That is the area where most of the old tin mine workings are. In fact, one builder of a small development of houses where we were thinking of buying a home, has had to stop work because the ground is literally giving way under his feet. Fortunately we are on firm ground here!
If anyone from Charfield is this way during the summer, do call Penzance 6xxxx I'd love to see you. I hope May Day Madness was a great success, also I wish everyone all the best for Sports and Gala Day. I'd love to visit you that day, but it is just that bit too far, and with petrol the price it is, need I say more?
Regards to everyone
Sue Lapham
1st Woodend Scout Group
Once again we are pleased to report the Annual Clay Pigeon Shoot was a great success. The day started very dull and expectations were for a low turn-out. But once again we were pleasantly surprised and worn out after having 199 guns through.
The main pleasure came from seeing people obviously enjoying themselves. Some were even moved to pass compliments on the organisation. This was a measure of the hard work put in by everybody involved but especially Steve Hunter, Bob Hunt, Maurice Marklove and Margaret Clark.
Many thanks to Lord Ducie for presenting the prizes, Reg Baker for the field and carpark, for the meadow, and not least to the competitors and friends. Thanks for your support, see you again next year.
The Venture Scout unit has been out and about, running the skittles at Cromhall Church Fete and showing their cooking skill by running the barbecue at Tresham Court Farm. This was part of the Barn Dance organised by Hillesley PTA. In this we were ably helped by the girls of Kingswood Rangers. We shall be running the skittles at Charfield Gala Day … come and spend your money with us.
Jenny Copperthwaite (PRO)
We are still looking for helpers and leaders for the group – in particular for the Lions Pack which meets in Charfield on a Tuesday evening (6.30–8 pm). I am sure that in a village of 600 plus homes there must be some people who are interested in Scouting besides the few who are already helping.
PLEASE do contact me if you have even the slightest interest so that someone can talk to you and explain what Scouting is all about.
Finally if anyone would like to join the group please contact me so that I can put a Leader in touch with them or, if there are no vacancies add them to the waiting list.
Alan Smith
Group Scout Leader, Falfield 26xxxx
1st Woodend Lions Cub Scouts
The Lions Pack have had quite a successful year with joint events with the Tiger Pack and the Scout troop. We also had outings as a group with two cub packs, scout troop and Venture unit and parents.
The Pack has done well with their Arrow and Badge work, with a steady flow of boys doing their Link Badge up into the Troop.
We had a Bring and Buy Sale in April in aid of the Disabled Child and raised £25.30.
Six boys went on Zoo Quest in May with Mark Morris, now a Scout, and Robert Temme, still with the Pack, each coming home with a prize. Also, boys went on Cub Fun Day and had a most enjoyable time. All the Pack were going to District Cub Camp at the end of June.
13I would like to say thank you to all parents who give up their time to come along and help with the running of the Pack which could not continue to function without this help as we are greatly in need of Warranted Leaders.
J Clothier, 41 Charfield Green, Falfield 26xxxx
Cub Scout Leader
1st Woodend Tiger Cub Pack
We are now coming toward the end of another year's activities in the Pack which will be rounded off with the Cubs' Day Out on July 21 to HMS Venturer and on to a secret destination for an “It's a Knockout” competition.
Over the year we have had many visitors including the crew of a motorway patrol vehicle with their specialised equipment … a stamp collector … the British Full Contact champion (who, since his visit with his team has become the European Champion) and people from the Red Cross demonstrating mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and tuition for the First Aiders Badge. Now, anyone can cut themselves and we have half the Pack to guarantee getting a plaster put on the right way.
A number of Scouters have also visited to tell us about the stars, our badges, and the history of the Woodend Group and to show us uniforms as they used to be worn some years ago.
The Pack has, since September, raised money for holidays for handicapped children through a sponsored silence. A cheque for £103 was handed over at the Dragonara Hotel, Bristol when the cubs attended a recording of Captain Courage's Christmas Show. Also, over £50 was sent to the appeal put out by Blue Peter – proceeds from our Bring and Buy Sale.
The Cubs also did very well during Scout Job Week. Our thanks to all ‘employers’ who kindly helped us to help ourselves.
Part of the training undertaken by two of the Pack Leaders entailed organising an outdoor activity to which another Pack should be invited. This blossomed into the ‘Battle for Nibley Knoll’ with the Tigers, the Lions (the other Pack in our group) the Scouts and Venture Scouts all together at Conygres in Wotton for a really good afternoon and evening. The weather had been very wet for some time but cleared up as the teams of Celts and Romans acted out the game followed by Roman games and a traditional campfire to which parents were invited. It is possible the offspring were recognised by voice alone, but nobody seemed to mind, and the Leaders passed their basic training.
Some of the outings the Pack has been involved in include going to Radio Bristol to take part in the workshop recording the programme Hopscotch, a trip to Ashton Court to try out orienteering, and entering a team in the District Zoo Quest Competition.
We are now looking forward to going to camp at Woodhouse Park and possibly starting work on the World Conservation Badge during the summer which, if we are successful, will be awarded to the whole Pack.
Margaret Coomber
Cub Scout Leader.
Falfield 26xxxx
With summer SUPPOSEDLY here we look forward to a successful Sports Day on July 11. Let us hope we will be lucky again this year and have a fine day. The Young Wives are running four Stalls … Strawberries and Cream, Name the two Dollies (one male/one female) Egg and Bacon – win your breakfast for Sunday morning – and, of course, the ever popular Tombola.
Members of our committee will be calling on every house in the village for donations. Anything you care to give will be accepted. They will be calling on, or before, Thursday July 9. Please give generously as this stall is a good money spinner.
We have a very varied programme for the rest of the year:-
July | 16: | Eric Gadd to talk on the SS Great Britain | |
Sept | 17: | Microwave Cookery | |
Nov | 14: | Trip to London | |
Nov | 19: | Christmas Decorations | |
Dec | 18: | Christmas Dinner | |
Jan | 21: | Inexpensive antiques |
If any new members would care to join us they will be made more than welcome.
Sandra Nixon
The summer term is coming to a close and it has been a very busy time for playgroup families. The children have been on their summer outing to Weston and the weather was a little kinder this year.
I would like to thank all the parents who helped to redecorate the schoolrooms. It is a much pleasanter home for playgroup now and all the hard work is very much appreciated.
We have the AGM in September and again I must thank the retiring committee for their wonderful support and the amount of time they have given to fund raising etc. A special thank you to Simon Mulloy, our chairman who is leaving Charfield this year. We wish Simon, Pam and family all the best in their new home.
We are always in need of coloured paper or card, off-cuts of wood for the woodwork bench, large boxes for painting/playing with. Donations will be gratefully received.
A Wood
Playgroup Leader
The PTA Spring Fayre was again a success with a profit of £278 being made. Our thanks to all who came along and supported us, and thanks also to those who helped.
The committee are to start painting the classrooms on Monday, July 20 and if anyone would like to join us for a few hours, please let Roger Smith (Wotton-under-Edge xxxx) or myself know.
The AGM will be held on Thursday, September 24 in the school at 7.30 pm. There will be wine and cheese followed by a film.
If anyone is interested in serving on the committee will they please let any members of the staff, or myself, know.
Margaret Clarke
xx Underhill Road
Falfield 26xxxx
PTA Secretary
Once again it is Newsletter time and here's hoping we will be enjoying THAT much longed-for sunshine by the time it is delivered to you.
Centenary Year for St John's Church has seen some members busy compiling a Scrapbook of the village since 1965. We have not quite finished as this year still has some important events yet to come – we hope. But many thanks to all who helped, and are helping, this project.
The Jumble Sale on Saturday June 6, put on by the Young Wives and WI members, was a bit of a flop … to say the least. Maybe too many events around neighbouring villages proved too attractive. Still, maybe we can make up for it another time.
Sports and Gala Day on July 11 will be full of fun for everyone and WI members will be busy on refreshments and stalls. Do come along and let us hope it will be a good day all round.
I am sure we would all like to see the Village Hall reach its target for the extension. Some of us are for … some against it. But this village depends so much on it as a meeting place for so many – both young and old – where friendships are made, bringing people together with the friendliness that Charfield is so well known for. So do come along – there are attractions for everyone.
We are looking forward to an evening mystery tour on July 15, which incidentally is mainly ladies. If anyone would like to join us there are some coach seats left at £1.50 each. You are most welcome, just contact me as soon as possible. Hope to see you.
Pat White
The Budget always brings changes in legislation which results in confusion and worry for many people. At CAB we have all the latest information in our files and so are able to explain and give help to the many clients who have asked for our assistance.
It is not generally known that we can assist with legal inquiries and, if necessary, provide a free legal service for those who require a trained solicitor's advice. Appointments can be made through the Bureau.
The organiser will continue to attend the Friendship Club meetings in the Village Hall to help senior citizens with any problems they may have, so saving them the trouble and expense of travelling to the Bureau at Wotton-under-Edge.
In the past year the Wotton bureau – and this includes Charfield – has helped with over 650 problems, and recently the problem of redundancy has grown locally so that we have devised specialist help with explanatory leaflets to give the maximum assistance.
The CAB is, of course, a service for all ages and we would be happy to counsel and advise both parents and teenagers if the need arose. Sometimes it just helps to discuss a problem with an informed and sympathetic “outsider” who can bring an unbiased look to the situation. We offer friendly and confidential advice on all matters.
Your nearest CAB is at Berkeley House, Long Street, Wotton every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm (Tel: WUE 3210). Dursley CAB is open every Friday from 10 am to 2 pm at the Tabernacle, Parsonage Street, Dursley (Tel: Dursley 47370).
At other times you can contact Stroud CAB on Stroud 2084, Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4 pm and between 9.30 am and 11.30 am on Saturday.
We offer a service to the community – try us – we are here to help.
Jean McGonnigill
The 19th to 21st June saw the culmination of many months of careful planning in the Festival of Flowers held in the Church. I am sure that everyone who went will agree it was well worth all the hard work and organisation that it required. The PCC would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way and especially the organisations who helped towards the financial cost. The Wine and Cheese Preview was very well attended and would not have been possible without the generosity of the Scouts and the use of their marquee.
The Ladies of the Thornbury and District Flower Club must be congratulated on the spectacular floral arrangements – they certainly gave their all!
Thank you all for helping us to make it a very memorable and successful weekend.
Celia Wallace
Saturday | July 4th | Musical Pageant “The Witness” at St. John's Church. 7.30 pm |
Wednesday | July 8th | Combined Schools' Concert. St. John's Church. 7 pm |
Thursday | July 9th | Mother & Toddler picnic. Playing Field. Noon |
Saturday | July 11th | Sports and Gala Day |
Sunday | July 12th | Centenary Celebration Service. St. John's. Preacher – The Bishop of Gloucester. 6 pm |
Monday | July 13th | School Junior Sports. Evening |
Tuesday | July 14th | School Infants Sports. Afternoon |
Wednesday | July 15th | WI Evening Mystery Tour, Tickets £1.50 |
Thursday | July 16th | Young Wives. Talk on SS Great Britain |
Tuesday | July 21st | Tiger Cub Pack – Day out. HMS Venturer |
Thursday | Aug 20th | Mother and Toddler. Stroud Leisure Centre. Leave 11 am |
Thursday | Sept 3rd | Mother and Toddler meet after summer holiday. |
Thursday | Sept 17th | Young Wives. Microwave cookery. |
Thursday | Sept 24th | Parent-Teacher Association AGM. School 7.30 pm |
Saturday | Oct 3rd | Congregational Church Harvest Thanksgiving Gift Day |
Sunday | Oct 4th | Congregational Church. Family Service 11 am. Evening Worship 6 pm |
Saturday | Nov 14th | Young Wives – Visit to London. |
DID YOU KNOW that under proposed detailed arrangements that the payment of CHILD BENEFITS presently being paid will change from WEEKLY to MONTHLY, UNLESS YOU, the beneficiaries complete and post for weekly payments?
DID YOU KNOW that the Government did NOT give general relief to Charities from VAT, that the Zero rating will now cover ambulances and wheelchairs only.
To give you facts as to what this means, the Director of the Spastics Society estimates that these concessions will relieve the Society of only £6,000 of the £250,000 lost on VAT, while the rise in petrol duty will cost the Society another £30,000.
This too will affect our work nearer home, at Yercombe Lodge.
DID YOU KNOW that Northavon District Council wanted the Parish Council to foot half the bill for the necessary hand-rails in the toilets for the disabled in this village?
DID THEY ASK the people of Chipping Sodbury and Thornbury to put their hands in their pockets to foot half the bill for the Sports Centres?
Percy Ellis
xx Berkeley Close
Falfield 26xxxx
Charfield Res Assoc (CHADRA) | ||
Chairman | Mr D Beer, xx Cotswold View | WUE xxxx |
Secretary | Mrs J Barnett, xx Willow Close | FAL 26xxxx |
Angling Club | Mr Toomey, x Wotton Road | FAL 26xxxx |
Royal British Legion | Mr S Mussell, x Manor Lane | FAL 26xxxx |
Brownies | Mrs J Green, x Horsford Road | WUE xxxx |
Baby Sitting Circle | Mrs M Hall, xx Durham Road | FAL 26xxxx |
Congregational Church | Miss Turner, xx Charfield Green | FAL 26xxxx |
Cricket Club | Mr T Wheeler, xx Berkeley Close | FAL 26xxxx |
District Councillor | Mrs Bennett, xxxx Farm | FAL 26xxxx |
Group Scout Leader | Mr A Smith, xxx Manor Lane | FAL 26xxxx |
Football Club | Mr R Hannigan, x Durham Road | FAL 26xxxx |
Friendship Club | Mr Orton, xx Wotton Road (Chairman) | |
Health Visitor & Welfare Clinic | Mrs F Storey, Thornbury Health Centre (2nd & 4th Thursday at the Hall) | Thornbury 41xxxx |
Keep Fit | Mrs L Holland, xx Bearlands, Wortley Rd | WUE xxxx |
Luncheon Club | ||
Chairman: | Mrs M Grantham, xx Berkeley Cl | FAL 26xxxx |
Sec: | Mrs F Young, x The Green, Cromhall | WICKWAR 2xxxx |
Mothers & Toddlers Club (1st & 3rd Thurs) | Mrs Wendy Waller, xx Orchard Close | FAL 26xxxx |
Hall Management Committee | ||
Sec: | Mrs C Magner, x Katherine Close | FAL 26xxxx |
Booking Sec: | Mrs L Dagger, x Old Manor Close | FAL 26xxxx |
Netball Club | Mrs J Swallow, xx Station Road | WUE xxxx |
St John's Church | ||
Rector: | Rev K Grant, Charfield Rectory | FAL 26xxxx |
Sec: | Mrs C E Wallace, xx Manor Lane | FAL 26xxxx |
Pigeon Club | Mr Parker, x Newtown | FAL 26xxxx |
Playgroup | Sec: Mrs M Lane, xx Cotswold View | WUE xxxx |
County Primary School | ||
Headmaster: | Mr D Malpass | FAL 26xxxx |
Charfield Parent Teacher Assoc | ||
Chairman | Mr R Smith, xx Cotswold View | WUE xxxx |
Sec: | Mrs M Clark, xx Underhill Road | FAL 26xxxx |
Parish Council | ||
Clerk: | Mrs J Hughes, x Berkeley Close | FAL 26xxxx |
Tennis Club | Mrs J Swallow, xx Station Road | WUE xxxx |
Street Warden Scheme | Mrs L Harris, x Station Road | WUE xxxx |
Women's Institute | Mrs P White, xxxx, Charfield Hill | FAL 26xxxx |
Young Wives | Mrs S Nixon, xx Underhill Road | FAL 26xxxx |
Youth Club | Mr D Colla, x Avon Road | FAL 26xxxx |
Yoga Club | Mrs Bartlett, xxxx Cottage, Horsford Rd | WUE xxxx |
Police | PC Carrow, Police House, xx Wotton Road | WUE xxxx. |
Electricity | MEB Severn Vale, District Office, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury | Chip Sodbury 318380 |
Water | Bristol Waterworks Company (Head Office) Bedminster Down, Bristol. (Faults outside normal working hours: ask operator for Freefone 981) | Bristol 665881 |
Avon Oils | Unit 1, Avonbridge Estate, Avonmouth Bridge, Avonmouth | |
Boiler maintenance & Emergency Service | 9827671 | |
Accounts Queries | 9827281 | |
Other queries | 9827737 | |
Northavon District Council Emergency Services | Thornbury 416262 | |
Yercombe Lodge | Short stay home and day centre for the physically handicapped. Mr P. Ellis, xx Berkeley Close | FAL 26xxxx |
If any of the above information is incorrect, please contact Mrs M Smith, xxx Manor Lane, or Mr G Thornton, xx Underhill Road.
This issue was produced on 18 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2016-12-03.