Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 43 – April 1986 – 15p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1986.


Charfield Parish Council
On the Beat!
Charfield Residents' Association
Charfield Congregational Church
St. John's Church
Citizens Advice Bureau
Charfield Young Wives
Fitness Centre
Luncheon Club
Katherine Lady Berkeley School – Parent/Teacher Association
Village Twinning
St. John's Parochial Church Council
Charfield County Primary School – Parent/Teacher Association
Charfield Memorial Hall and Playfields Management Committee
Yercombe Lodge
Charfield A.F.C. Record 1985/86
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield Cricket Club
Charfield Tennis Club
Charfield W.I.
Charfield Junior Football Club
Charfield Mother and Toddler Group
Baby Sitting Circle
Wanted – Sponsor for Successful Junior Football Club
1st Woodend Scout Group
Hot Summer Sunshine in November!
Ranger Guides
1st Woodend Venture Scout Unit
Charfield and District Friendship Club
Hospital Transport Scheme for Housebound and Elderly
Village Organisations
May Day Pram Race



The first day of April, some do say is set apart for ‘All Fools' Day’, but why it is called so I really do not know. How many of you were caught this year?

The custom of involving an innocent victim in a harmless practical joke on the first day of April is an old custom with many variations but just how this custom came about is a matter for conjecture. The most likely explanation is that April 1st was the last day of the 8-day New Year festivities when the year used to start on March 25th.

Notwithstanding the great diversity of local customs, the one consistent April Fool's practice is that the victim must always suffer the practical joke before noon, or else the joke may rebound on the perpetrator.

You may have heard that the proposed development at the rear of Manor Lane was refused permission by a unanimous decision of the Northavon Planning Committee is January. 94 individual letters were received by them expressing opposition to the proposal. Remember, during the coming months do not let your declared opposition fade – information has just been received that an appeal has been lodged and the Public Enquiry will be held towards the end of the year.

As Sports and Gala Day is on 12th July this year, it is unlikely that we shall be able to publish another Newsletter in time for that date.

Rosa Gunning.

LAST DAY FOR COPY – MONDAY, 7TH JULY to: R. Gunning, xx Manor Lane. Tel. Fal. 26xxxx

Published by Charfield & District Residents' Association (CHADRA)


Charfield Parish Council

The Parish Council would like to enter the Village in the Best Kept Village Competition but need a co-ordinator. If there is anyone who has some spare time to advertise and organise our entry, please contact the Clerk or any Councillor.

A small area of land which was recently offered for lease by British Rail has now been given to Avon Wild Life Trust to be managed as a conservation area. The 2½ acre site at Huntingford has been left undisturbed for many years and now contains interesting flora and fauna according to the Trust's detailed report. The trust will be drawing up a plan for the Parish Council to manage the area and the cost of fencing the site will the railway will be investigated.

The latest information on the subject of the proposal to build on 29 acres of land behind Manor Lane and Charfield Green is that the applicants have appealed against the decision to refuse the application made by the District Council. The District Council has in turn requested a Public Enquiry which at the earliest will be held at the end of this year.

In the meantime, information on the Avon Rural Areas Local Plan has been circulated to all households. It is this information gathered by public participation which will decide the future of our surroundings. It is therefore extremely important that your comments are forwarded to the District Council Planning Office.

The Parish Council has been in consultation with the Gloucestershire Medical Practitioner Committee with the suggestion of providing suitable accommodation for a surgery extension in the village. The initial response which the Committee received from the two Surgeries in Wotton was not favourable, however the Parish Council hope to arrange meetings with the Doctors for further discussions.

The Parish Council joins with P.C. Ian Williams in his concern about children's safety and road hazards caused by parents taking and collecting their children to and from school. The first problem being footpaths blocked with people and prams, forcing the children to walk in the road. The second is caused by car drivers trying to park as close as possible to the school, even blocking the drive entrance to The School House. A request has been made for double yellow lines to be painted to prevent hazardous parking in Wotton Road and in Manor Lane near the junction, but it is amazing that this action is actually necessary.

The Parish Council has recently assisted the Memorial Hall Committee with the purchase of new chairs and of new tables which will be delivered shortly. This will save the VAT cost involved, approx. £200.00. The two items will cost in the region of £1300 and an applications for grant from the District Council has been made.

The possibility of running a summer holiday playscheme for one week during the school summer holidays is at present being investigated by the Parish Council.

Mrs Jenny Hughes
Clerk to the Council


On the Beat!

Hello again,

The first subject I wish to speak to you about is the collection of children from school. I hope this problem will ease through the summer period but during the more inclement weather when vehicles have been used to collect children, the problems of parking have been highlighted.

The school is in a difficult position. Wotton Road is a busy main road with a high volume of traffic and only limited parking is available in the lay-by at the bus stop. This brings me to the first of the problems associated with the collection of children. There is an entrance to a house alongside the school in this lay-by. It appears that people have been parking across the entrance to this house and causing an obstruction. I ask how would you feel if someone parked across your drive so that you could not get your vehicle onto your property?

The next problem is Manor Lane. There is a small lay-by which people can use, but some people seem to be parking anywhere between Durham Road and the junction of Wotton Road and Manor Lane. This is reducing Manor Lane to a single track road and making it very difficult for vehicles wishing to use this road. I am asking you to stop parking on Manor Lane in the area I have mentioned other than the lay-by as I feel these obstructions are creating a situation where an accident is bound to happen. You may have read in the Gazette I held a discussion with the Parish Council on this matter and, in order to protect our school children, I am pursuing the placing of double yellow lines to prevent parking along Wotton Road, outside the church, and into Manor Lane to Durham Road but this is a long term solution.

The next problem is parents waiting on the footpath, alongside the church, for children to come out of school. This I appreciate is a difficult situation, but please, whilst you are waiting, DO NOT OBSTRUCT the footpath making people walk into the road. It was brought to my attention that the children were safely seen across the road by our school crossing patrol, then had to step back onto the road to get round the obstruction of people waiting on the footpath.

Still on the subject of our children and their safety, I am sure most people in the village will have heard disturbing rumours of different magnitudes of a man in a car approaching children in the village. Let me set the record straight – I certainly did receive two reports about children being approached. The circumstances and descriptions of vehicles, etc., showed that these were two separate and unrelated incidents. The sensible actions of both children involved meant that, if there was a malicious intent, then the possibly nasty incident was averted. Since these reports there have been no other reported incidents but let us be on our guard.

I have spoken to all the children in the local school on this subject, but I ask you parents to remind your children “DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS” and remind the older children at K.L.B. about this problem. Please also remember that if anything suspicious does occur and if a vehicle is used, please get a registration number. No matter what, please report it to me.

To continue from this, it is not only our children who are vulnerable, the elderly are just as much at risk. I have to report to you a pensioner in Cromhall was attacked and property stolen. Again if anything suspicious happens please get in touch with me.

Already in 1986, I have had reported to me a number of crimes involving people's personal property. Petrol syphoning, theft from vehicles, theft of vehicles and burglary. I think it is time to reinforce my message about crime prevention. Make sure your property is secure and, if you require any advice on what measures you can take, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at Charfield Police Station.

Tel. DURSLEY 84xxxx


Charfield Residents' Association

The CHADRA Committee has been asked by the Committee for the Elderly and Housebound whether it would be prepared to take over the Street Warden Scheme in Charfield. Apart from the Transport Scheme run by Mrs. Blower, there has been no such scheme in this village for some time and, as far as can be ascertained, it never involved more than one or two individuals.

However, it is felt that, although an elaborate scheme would not be justified, or within the capacity of our small committee to provide, an attempt should be made to make available to the elderly and housebound any possible assistance (e.g. the collection of prescriptions) or to make contact with the various welfare agencies where appropriate. In order to assess the need and make a start on introducing a modest scheme if it proves to be helpful, it is suggested that any person who requires help or knows of a neighbour who might require help should contact the nearest committee member whose name and telephone number is given below:-

Mrs. J. Clothierxx, Charfield GreenFalfield 26xxxx
Mr. M. Cheskinxx, Farm LeesDursley 84xxxx
Mr. G. Blowerxx, Manor LaneFalfield 26xxxx
Mr. C. Gunningxx, Manor Lane26xxxx
Mrs. J. Crowfootxx, Wotton RoadDursley 84xxxx
Mr. F. Denslowxx, Cotswold View84xxxx
Mr. E. Gillardxx, Thames CloseFalfield 26xxxx
Mrs. M. Talbot
Mr S. Talbot
x, New StreetDursley 84xxxx

Geoff Blower
Hon. Secretary

Charfield Congregational Church

Sundays:Family Service11 a.m. 
 Evening Worship6 p.m. 
Tuesdays:Bright Hour3 p.m.(fortnightly)

EVERYONE WELCOME Any enquiries: Miss M. Turner, xx, The Green, Tel. Falfield 26xxxx

And He made as though He would have gone further

But they constrained Him saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent, and He went in to tarry with them. Luke 24 v. 28 & 29

Jesus is never rude. He would not force Himself upon the travellers, but accepted their invitation to come in. The greatest and most perilous gift in the world, is the gift of free-will.

We can use it to invite Christ to be our guest … or allow Him to pass on.


St. John's Church

It is good to have a ‘Sunday Club’ that has been increasingly thriving. They came over from the School to Church on Palm Sunday morning for about ten minutes to receive Palm crosses (as it was Palm Sunday). There were, I think, 28 of them. On Easter day rather less than this came over again, briefly this time to … well, I won't tell you what they came over for then: it's nice to have a few secrets! Normally they have their whole hour of fun, games, learning and some creative handwork at the School. Some of them join their parents in Church afterwards for a little while but, of course, this is NOT a part of the Sunday Club programme. (It might sow a seed in some minds: that parents can come to Church if they wish and collect their children from Sunday Club in Church.) As numbers of children grow, so does the need for helpers. There is a note somewhere else in this magazine about this. There MUST be some people who have, at some time, taught in a Sunday School or some other youth organisation. Your help would be very welcome. Even now it works out at helping only every few months, and the more helpers there are, the less frequently do duty period come round. Please think about this – then DO something about it: phone Katherine Thomas.

The last few months have been ice-age enough for me, I prefer not to think of a real ice age. Come to think of it, we shouldn't be here to think about it if there were one! At the time of writing this, we have just had another, but very light, fall of snow overnight. So, a week into April, we are still not free of the cold yet but some more hardy plants, daffodils for example, have ventured out. Incidentally, two brave (or foolhardy) primroses stood to attention side by side in my garden throughout February, their soldierly stance dictated by the ice that supported their otherwise frail stems! Certainly soon it won't be too cold to come and join us at Church! YOU would be most welcome. I really think more people ought to know what we are for, the reason for our existence. I find, through visiting, that many have no clear idea and what bearing it all has on life – life here and now. My experience over the years has led me to think that there are more people who MISunderstand what it's all about than those who UNderstand. Certainly, there come times in the life of all of us when we stop to think, when some event in life, frequently a sad or tragic one, makes us wonder if life really has got ANY meaning, or if it is all chaotic chance. I suspect that we have all wondered that at some moments. In our weekly meetings together, we try to gather up the scattered fragments of life's experience and try to see if there is any pattern, any meaning. I am sure there is, and so are many others – not in any final, dogmatic way; certainly not in any ‘know-it-all’ sort of way. Any Christian is a ‘Disciple’, and that means one who is in the process of learning or understanding. It is our (not just my) hope and prayer that others will join us in this quest which ends in peace and joy.

There will be a Garden Sale in the Church porch, beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 17th May. A large number of seedlings, bedding plants, and growing things (horticultural variety!) of all kinds is available. Come and buy, and if you can contribute plants of all kind, they would be most welcome. Kate Ramsey (Fal. 26xxxx) is organising this.

Kenneth G. Grant

One or two enquiries have been received regarding a local Taxi Service. It now appears the telephone number included in previous issues is no longer available. Therefore, to help those who still feel a need for a taxi, I am including – Mr. Lee. Tel. 84xxxx


Citizens Advice Bureau

In spite of the severe winter we have had a very busy year at the Wotton-under-Edge bureau and our numbers are again in the region of 600, more than 100 of which were clients from Charfield. We have covered all kinds of problems dealing with matrimonial difficulties, D.H.S.S., legal, pensions, housing benefit, divorce, unemployment and many more.

There have been many clients with large electricity bills relating to this last extremely cold period and we have been able to advise whether they are eligible to claim some monetary assistance from the D.H.S.S. Fortunately, with the vigilance shown by the various caring organisations locally, we have not had deaths from hypothermia which has saddened other communities.

The organiser attends the Friendship Club in the Village Hall to answer any queries and to give the latest information to pensioners on their rights. This saves them the expense and trouble of having to come to the Bureau which is open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Chipping, Wotton-under-Edge.

We wish to thank Charfield Parish Council for their continued generous support and their appreciation of the free, confidential service to the community which the Citizens Advice Bureau offers.

Jean McGonnigill

Charfield Young Wives

Well here I am, my first major role. May I take this opportunity to welcome all members to Young Wives, old and new, and thank you for your support. A big thank you to Heather and her retiring committee and an even bigger thank you to the new committee (I'm still one short).

Just a reminder, Young Wives meet every third Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. Yearly subscriptions £10. Monthly meetings 30p. Non-members 50p.

Future Dates for your Diary

April 17thMy second major role. A film show and talk by our local P.C. Williams on ‘Social Evils’.
May 15thA talk by Mr. Walrond on ‘Strange Cures and Beliefs’.
May 21stCoffee Morning. We have various stalls from 10 a.m. and PRIZE BINGO at 11 a.m. Cakes, savouries, Tombola, etc. will be requested from members that week.
June 19thOur coach trip to Stuart Crystal at Chepstow. Details will be given nearer the date.

I hope 1986 will be as successful for Young Wives as 1985. I will try my best, with the help of a very valuable committee.

Sharon Vale
Falfield 26xxxx


Fitness Centre

Sport and Fitness training has now become part of our modern way of life. Now that we live in an almost labour saved society, it is the only way left for us to keep body and soul up together.

More and more of the expensively built houses are being equipped with work-out studios, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. However, no-one need be left out with facilities in all towns for sport and fitness training. Many Halls are also used to provide fitness training.

If you are one of the very few people who can work-out alone at home regularly in order to stay healthy, then that is marvellous. However, most of us with the best will in the world always manage to find a more pressing job or activity. A recently published government survey stated that women watch an average of 23 hours television and men 21 hours each week!! That's a lot of sitting and, if you were to tot up car driving, sitting at a desk, etc., then some form of fitness training, every couple of days for a measly hour, is the very least we should do for ourselves. In fact the Health Education Council recommends a minimum of 20 minutes thrice weekly of physical exertion for the minimum health requirement.

Last year I taught 4th year pupils at a school in Yate. It was found that they had, in most cases, lost co-ordination, suppleness, and had quite a poor respiratory duration level. These youngsters only got a couple of fitness sessions each week and have only short walks to school each day. When they have to do say a ¾ mile cross-country it nearly kills them, their parents sympathise and write notes and the vicious circle starts up all over again ready for the forthcoming cross-country run.

So we now have our own offspring even less fit at an earlier age than we ourselves were compared with our parents who were extremely active physically compared with us now, because they had virtually no labour saving devices or personal transport.

Of course, no-one can make us take regular exercise but just stop to think how much forgotten pleasure there is in kicking a ball around the beach when on holiday. Well that same pleasurable feeling is there after a work-out. Indeed, every single time we exert ourselves, we are investing in a healthier middle age. In middle age, every time we exert ourselves, we are investing in a healthier old age. Being healthy is in vogue and will be all the more so as time passes. It is part of our evolution that we find out more about the human race, its diets, diseases, environment and make improvements continuously. Indeed, because there is so much health education around, and therefore no excuse for not knowing how to look after ourselves, that one can envisage a time in the future when the National Health Service will be less sympathetic to those whose disease was caused by self neglect. The N.H.S. is more cost effective now than ever before and it is more and more ready to spend on prevention.

One thing is for sure though, when you speak to someone who does keep-fit, they always tell you how good they feel.

Jeanette Sheppard
The Fitness Centre, New Street.
Open every night 7.30 pm Mon–Thur.

Luncheon Club

Our longest serving Committee member Mr. Cliff Goscombe has decided to hang up his tea towel. Mr. Goscombe has been on the Committee since its inception almost twenty years ago and has served as Chairman for the last three years. We are all very sorry to see him go and wish him all the best for the future.

We have one or two vacancies on the Committee so anyone interested in joining us please let us know.

Jane Higgins


Katherine Lady Berkeley School – Parent/Teacher Association

Our recent “Poems, Pints and Party Pieces” held in the school on February 7th was again a success, with £116 being raised from ticket sales and raffle. A further cheque for £900 was handed over to Mr. Law from the P.T.A. towards the purchase of another video recorder, further Physics equipment and a new library index system.

Also during the evening the second draw of the “500 Club” was made and the winners were:

1st£125Mrs. P.L. White, Merlin Haven, W-U-E.
2nd£50Mr. and Mrs. Emms, Sandpits, Dursley.
3rd£25Mr. J. Scoble, xx, Manor Lane, Charfield.

In the last newsletter I stated we were hoping to arrange an Open Evening on the subject of ‘Drug Abuse’. At the time of writing we have not been able to do this but we have had contact with the police who are doing all they can to assist us.

The next event to be organised by the P.T.A. will be a Barn Dance with the Abbey Folk Band on Friday, May 16th in the school. Tickets available through P.T.A. members.

Following that event we will be holding a Summer Fayre on July 5th and preparations for this are well in hand, as also are the arrangements for the Annual Gymkhana on September 7th in North Nibley.

Finally, I have been asked to remind ex-pupils and pupils who have had to replace any item of school uniform e.g. blazers or sports kits, that Miss Scott of the Languages Department is willing to purchase, for a nominal sum, any outgrown or unwanted items for the ‘secondhand stall’. If anyone has any difficulty in getting items to school, please contact me and I will arrange it.

Margaret Clarke
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx

Action Aid Project

For quite a long while, I've had the idea of Charfield as a Community twinning up with a village in the Third World, to help support it financially. I've lately received details of schemes by Action Aid, a voluntary, non-political organisation, for doing just that.

I feel, as I'm sure many of you do, that I would like, either personally, or as part of a group, to help those who are suffering from drought and starvation in Africa. The problem, however, is knowing that the money sent will be used properly, and not get into the wrong hands.

Action Aid have, among other projects, set up links with a large Refugee Camp in Somalia called Malka Hidda. Somalia borders Ethiopia on the south east and, apart from the fact that they too share many of Ethiopia's problems, they are receiving large numbers of refugees from Ethiopia. This camp not only houses and feeds these refugees, but trains them in skills and methods of irrigation and drilling for water, that will enable them to return home and support themselves.

Would any of you feel that you would be interested in raising money (perhaps on a yearly basis) to support this scheme or any other direct help scheme, whether as individuals and/or groups, please contact me. Perhaps any organisation that is interested would like to choose a representative, and we could discuss possibilities.

Pat Jeans
Fowlers Court
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx


St. John's Parochial Church Council

On behalf of the P.C.C., I would like to thank everyone who supported our recent Valentine's Dance and mini-jumble sale which raised £114 and £60 respectively for Church funds.

Our next event will be a plant Sale on Saturday, 17th May from 10 a.m. in the Church Porch. If anyone wishes to donate plants, etc., would they please contact Mrs. Kate Ramsey, xx Orchard Close, Fal. 26xxxx.

Further on in the year will be our Annual Bazaar on Saturday September 20th at 2.30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall and on Wednesday, October 1st, we will again be holding a Harvest Supper in St. James Church.

As most of you know, we have a thriving Sunday Club, which meets every Sunday morning from 9.45 a.m.–10.15 a.m. in the Junior Dining Room of Charfield School. We have a group of very enthusiastic helpers who operate a monthly rota system: they are looking for more help. If you feel you could give some of your time, possibly every 3 to 4 months, please contact Katherine Thomas, ‘xxxx’, Horsford Road, Dursley 84xxxx.

We would be grateful for your support in any way.

Margaret Clarke
P.C.C. Secretary.
Falfield 26xxxx

Charfield County Primary School – Parent/Teacher Association

I would just like to tell you of forthcoming events which you may like to make a note of:-


As you may already know, this is our main fund raising event. This year, as well as the usual attractions, we have constructed several sideshows for your entertainment. These include coconut shy, target golf, crazy bike, skittles, catch the rat, treasure hunt and others. As most of these sideshows are outside activities, the weather will be our governing factor.


Mrs. Storey, our local Health Visitor, has very kindly offered to come along to talk and answer any niggling questions on the subject of ‘Breast Lumps’. A film will accompany the discussion which shows the simple and practical procedure for self examination. As a lot of interest has already been shown and because of the limited space, free admission is by ticket only which can be obtained from P.T.A. members.

SUMMER FOLK DANCE  SATURDAY  21st JUNE  8.00 p.m. until Midnight

The dance will be held in the School's playground or the School Hall if the weather gets the better of us. The music will, once again, be provided by the Abbey Folk Band and a bar will be at hand to quench the inevitable thirst. A Ploughman's Supper is included in the price of the ticket at £2.25 each. These will be available from P.T.A. members at the beginning of June.

Barry Spindler
x, Old Manor Close
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx


Charfield Memorial Hall and Playfields Management Committee

Having recently had our A.G.M., we can look forward to the start of the new committee year. Several villagers attended this A.G.M. and voting had to take place for both elected and co-opted members. Something that has not happened for some time. We now have a very full committee with representation from all the clubs using the hall as well as 5 elected and 4 co-opted members.

However, we have been lucky enough over the past five years to have a great deal of help for both projects and fund raising events from villagers who, although not on the committee, have given up their time and energies in order that we can continue with improvements to hall and field.

We have many events lined up for the coming year, including 5 car boot sales on 11th May, 8th June, 14th September and 5th October, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., and one already having taken place on 6th April. Please note that these sales make a lot of money for stall holders and might well be a good project for clubs and individuals from the village to attend, especially as stalls cost only £4.

Sports Day Committee have organised a pram race, followed by a disco, for May Day. These events have been organised to help fund Sports Day as well as to entertain the village. Sports Day itself is on Saturday, 12th July, so please put these dates into your diaries so that you do not miss out on any event.

At the present time, the committee is still trying to obtain the release of the extension fund money in order that we can organise a scheme of work within the village hall and playing field. When we know the Charities Commission's wishes, we will be able to let the village know the projects that we are going to undertake.

Some discussion is also taking place with the Sports Clubs using the hall and field in the hopes that we can improve their facilities and therefore release extra space within the hall for clubs and committee uses.

I am writing this article as the new Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, with Keith Smith now the Vice-Chairman. I would like to thank Keith publicly for all his hard work as Chairman for the past three years.

Anyone wishing to know more about the workings of the committee, or to book car boots, etc., please contact me, Jane Hall, x, Berkeley Close, Charfield or phone Falfield 26xxxx.

Jane Hall

Yercombe Lodge

There have been two successful Coffee Mornings held recently, and it was gratifying to see so many friends from Charfield on both occasions. Members of the W.I. who supported us were particularly welcome, and it was a pleasure to be able to give them a conducted tour.

The A.G.M. will be held on Thursday, 8th May, at 7.30 p.m. at the Lodge, and all who are interested in the work are most welcome. Extra help and support is always needed. For further information, please contact P. Ellis, Tel. Falfield 26xxxx who will be pleased to hear from you.


Charfield A.F.C. Record 1985/86

The first team has been fairly consistent this season compared with last season's struggle to stay in the Gloucestershire Northern Senior League. The record so far shows that they have won 11 and drawn 6 out of 24 games, leaving them in a last reported position of 5th in the League. With 6 games left, 3 of which are against the top two sides, Smith's Athletic and King's Stanley, the team should finish in a respectable position, just below the promotion places.

Unfortunately, the reserves have not had the best of seasons and are involved in a hard battle to avoid relegation from Stroud League, Div. 4. The team has won only 5 games out of 23 played and requires as many points as possible from the 5 remaining games.

Injuries have played a part for both teams over the past few months, making life difficult for both Martin Munden, 1st team manager and Doug. Reeves, reserve team manager. The top goalscorers for the season so far are Simon Bamford with 20 league and cup goals for the first team and Martyn Dean with 10, predominantly for the second team.

The club will be holding the A.G.M. in May. The date and venue to be arranged shortly will be posted on various noticeboards in the village. Anyone requiring information or interested in joining the club is welcome to attend or can contact any of the following:

Clive Thompson, Chairman. Tel. Falfield 26xxxx
Doug Reeves, 2nd team Manager. Tel. Dursley 84xxxx
Pete Kirby, Secretary. Tel Chipping Sodbury 31xxxx

Charfield Playgroup

I hope you all had a very nice Easter. Now we can look forward to a long hot? summer.

We held a Jumble Sale on February 22nd which helped raise some finds – thanks to all who helped and those who supported us. At least there wasn't any snow this year.

On March 22nd about thirty mums and dads went on a ‘Skittles Evening’ to Pilning. A very successful evening which enabled people to meet together and get to know each other socially.

Some of our fitter? healthier? mums and dads are taking part in a sponsored Fun Run at Badminton on April 27th. This is in aid of Charity and Playgroup funds. We wish them all speed – and a fine day.

There will be an Open Day at Playgroup on some future date, yet to be decided, when new children due to start and their mums can get together for coffee and a chat.

The annual outing is on 18th June, to Victoria Park, Bath.

Playgroup generally continues to be enjoyed by the children who come (and the supervisors, of course). We run morning and afternoon sessions at the moment, so if you are a parent and want your child's name included on the 1986–87 waiting list, please contact me, Diane Butler, Fal. 26xxxx.

One of the supervisors, Mrs. Lyn Spindler, has been unable to attend recently owing to illness. We have missed you, Lyn, and hope you make a speedy and complete recovery, and will be back with us soon.

Diane Butler (Secretary)


Charfield Cricket Club

The new season starts on 13th April with an away fixture against Woodpeckers. All the information on the forthcoming season can be found in our new style fixture cards, available from committee members at no cost!!

Fixtures – AprilSunday 13thWoodpeckersAWAY ***
 Saturday 19thAbbots LeighAWAY
 Sunday 20thStoneAWAY
 Saturday 26thBristol Civil ServiceAWAY
 Sunday 27thCaincross ExilesHOME

*** indicates 2 p.m. start, others 2.30 p.m. All players please indicate your availability to your captain for the above matches. (Ray Johnson – Saturday, Phil Rawlins – Sunday).

1986 Tour A tour of Devon has been arranged from May 25th–27th. There are matches against Stoke Gabriel, Babbacombe and Plymouth Civil Service. There are still places available at an estimated cost of £45. All players who have signed up please forward your £20 deposits to either Phil Rawlins, Ray Johnson, Rod Alexander or Bob Sowden. (Addresses in fixture card). To help raise funds for the tour, a ‘Race Night’ has been arranged for Friday, 16th May, taking place at the Railway Tavern 8.30 p.m.–12 p.m.

Youth XI All players wishing to play for the Youth XI in 1986 should contact Bob Sowden (Bristol 65xxxx) or Jason Gardiner (Falfield 26xxxx). The first match is at home on May 4th versus Downend.

*** CALLING ALL PARENTS The Youth XI is run every year, and has been very successful over the last two seasons. The team requires support from parents for transport to away matches to continue this success. There are only five of these away matches between May 4th and 27th June. If you can help, please contact Bob Sowden.

RAF Innsworth are playing on an artificial wicket in 1986, so please remember no spikes can be worn during the away match.
Indoor nets have been successful at K.L.B.S. on Sunday mornings. These will continue after Easter on 6th and 13th April.
Outdoor nets will be available on the playing field from mid April.
Subs are now payable to Alan Pearn (Seniors £10, Juniors £4)
All volunteers willing to prepare teas during the 1986 season please contact David Bradley (Dursley 84xxxx)

F.A. Cup Prize Draw. Tickets available from Ian Downing, xx Berkeley Close.
Cricket Bat Raffle.
Personal Stereo Raffle

John Cliff needs 52 runs to reach 3000 1st XI runs for Charfield.
David Bradley needs 74 runs to also reach 3000 1st XI runs for Charfield.
Alan Pearn needs 39 runs to also reach 3000 1st XI runs for Charfield.
David Bradley needs 8 wickets to reach 200 1st XI wickets for Charfield.
John Cliff needs 11 wickets to reach 100 1st XI wickets for Charfield.
David Bradley and Alan Pearn each need 2 catches to reach 50 catches for Charfield 1st XI.
Ray Johnson took his 100th 1st XI wicket for Charfield in 1985.

Richard Nuttall
Club Secretary


Charfield Tennis Club

The new season has now begun and anyone wishing to join the club is most welcome. Just contact either myself, Falfield 26xxxx, Andy Norman, Dursley 84xxxx or Anne Stokes Dursley 84xxxx.

We will be holding a social skittles night at the Berkeley Vale Hotel on Friday, May 9th. If members would like to come please let one of the above know. The cost will be approximately £2.00 per person.

The American Tournament is to be held May 17th–18th. Any member wishing to play, please contact Jackie Swallow, Dursley 84xxxx.

Well, hopefully we shall have a good summer and see plenty of people joining the club and playing lots of tennis.

Heather Crowley

Charfield W.I.

The W.I. appeals to a wide age group and tries to play an important part in the life of the village.

The most far-reaching change since the 60's has been our inclusion in the Avon County Federation (in 1974) making Bristol the focal point of County activities in the place of Gloucester. This meant joining the Avon Group for more local events. On the whole the transition was accomplished smoothly, but some of the members feel that Charfield is ‘out in the cold’, being right on the northern boundary of the county. Rising travel costs make it difficult for members to participate in all the events elsewhere in Avon. However, there are always a willing few members who are prepared to take others by car if an event of special interest arises. 2 of our members, at least, manage to attend the annual birthday parties of other Institutes in the Avon group, enabling us to keep close contact and getting to know friends in other Institutes.

Charfield W.I. celebrated its Golden Anniversary in 1978 (a long time ago, and we are still going strong, so come and join us). On this special occasion we presented the Memorial Hall with a clock and a framed map of the Parish of Charfield. Alas, we see the clock no longer functions!

Mrs. Susan Green, now in her second year as President, chairs our meetings with much enthusiasm and instils a sense of fun. She is a source of inspiration and is ably assisted by Kath. Davis, our Secretary, and committee members.

I am sure you will enjoy our meetings on the second Thursday in each month in the Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m. when we have an interesting speaker, followed by refreshments and time to have a friendly chat with each other. If you haven't tried Charfield W.I. yet, get a member to bring you along as a guest, and see what you think about us all, before becoming a member, you are assured of a sincere welcome.

A happy W.I. member


Charfield Junior Football Club

The end of the football season report seems to come round faster and faster each year, and this year I am glad to be able to report on a very successful season.

The under 12 team has been unbeaten in the league all season and is at the top with three more matches to play. On Thursday, 10th April, they are involved in a District Cup Final which is being played at Uley against Yate 4A. A supporters coach will be going along with the boys and no matter whether they win or lose (we all hope that they will win of course) I am sure they will have been a credit to the village of Charfield and our Youth Soccer Teams. Our congratulations to all the boys who have played in the squad this season and to their Manager, Brian Lovegrove. We hope the boys who are moving on to under 14 level will be as successful next season, but, more important, will continue to enjoy the sport.

The under 14's may not have reached a cup final this year, but thanks to the dedication of the boys and their Manager, Winston Leonard, they are also enjoying their most successful season for quite a while, and, at the moment, are joint second in the league, having suffered only three league defeats all season. Unfortunately, due to hard pitches during January and February then the wet conditions, they have a large backlog of fixtures and are having to play their remaining six games in the next two weeks.

Matthew Kloiber, the under 14's most successful goal-scorer this season, has also represented the District at his age level and Captained this side. Well done Matthew. The same must also be said to our two under 12 District Representatives, Stephen Benton and James Scoble.

Our last competition of the season will be at Stonehouse on Sunday, 27th April, when both teams are entered for the District outdoor 6-a-side tournament. We wish them the best of luck.

Our annual end of season disco and prize giving is being held on Saturday, 26th April, at 8 p.m. at the Memorial Hall, and dancing will be to the Simon Powner Roadshow, all families and friends are welcome to come along and tickets are available from either manager or myself.

A coach of 49 parents and boys will be leaving Charfield at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 31st May, to travel to Wembley to see the Schoolboys International, England v. Italy. This has proved to be such a popular trip that who knows maybe we will be able to run it on an annual basis.

Looking to next season, we would very much like to re-start the under 16's team. At the start of the 1985/86 season, we had just 7 boys in this age group who wished to play. If there are boys who are under 16 on 31st July, 1986, who would be interested in playing in a Charfield team, please let me have your names so that they may be passed on to our Under 16's Manager who can then get all the business of registration done well before the start of the new season.

Finally, I would like to express our most sincere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter from Manor Hair Fashions, for their donation of a match-ball to the Junior Club. Without the help from local businesses like Manor Hair, our job of providing football within the village for the boys would be made that much harder, with more time having to be spent fund-raising, instead of getting on with the job that the boys want to do, that of playing competitive football around the district. Once again, many thanks Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter.

Jenny Harvey.
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx


Charfield Mother and Toddler Group

Firstly, the new committee wish to thank the outgoing committee for all the good work put in by them over the last year, we hope we can follow in their footsteps.

It has been decided to maintain the same fee as last year, that being £1.25 membership and 40p per session, for this you receive coffee, cake, squash and biscuit

The group is run for all mothers with babies from 0–3 years old, every Thursday from 10.15 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. throughout the school year. Everyone is more than welcome, so come along for a chat, share a problem and relax, while your babies and toddlers sit and play with the many excellent toys that we have for them.

We hope to make 1986/87 a successful year, so do please support us, we will be letting you know about our fund raising events and annual events in due course.

Mary Clatworthy
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx

Baby Sitting Circle

Dear Mums,

Hello and Happy Spring. Well, that's a joke for a start.

I open up by saying that I am sorry not more of you were able to attend the evening arranged at Janet Williams home at the end of February. She went to a lot of trouble, making yummy things to eat, and only four of us turned up! Enough said about that.

Two more mums have joined the Circle. They are: Jane Fellows and Valerie Miles. Jane lives at xx, Durham Road, and her no. is Falfield 26xxxx and Valerie lives at xx New Street, Tel. Dursley 84xxxx. So welcome to the Circle. Two mums have now decided to leave as their own daughters now babysit. They are Jenny Hughes and Pam Hawkins. I would like to thank them for their support in the past.

Well, this article could well be one of my shortest ones. I can't think what else to say. I know this will come as a shock! The cold weather must have frozen up the grey cells. Oh yes, one more thing Caroline Jones is really Carolyn Jones. She doesn't really mind but I like to get the record straight. I hope that by the time I write again we shall be sporting golden sun-tans.

Until then – cheerio.   Marilyn   Tel. Falfield 26xxxx

Wanted – Sponsor for Successful Junior Football Club

Charfield Junior Football Club is currently enjoying one of its most successful seasons.

U/12Top of the league
 Mike Sharp Cup Final
U/14Going for the Championship

We require a sponsor for both teams and also the proposed U/16 team for next season. If you run a company and would be interested in discussing sponsorship, please contact:

Mrs. J. Harvey, Fal. 26xxxx
Mr. B. Lovegrove Fal. 26xxxx
Mr. W. Leonard Fal. 26xxxx


1st Woodend Scout Group

Arrangements for our Annual Clay Pigeon Shoot are now well in hand. This will once again, by kind permission of Mr. Reg. Baker, be held at Manor Farm on Sunday, 11th May, from 10 a.m. and money raised will be used to purchase a resuscitation doll for the Wotton Branch of the British Red Cross. The remaining money will go towards the proposed extension to Scout H.Q. If you're interested in Clay Pigeon Shooting, then come along and have a go. There will be a practice trap available for anyone over the age of 15, with all equipment supplied. Or if you are interested in helping, please contact me.

I mentioned the proposed extension to Scout H.Q. This is needed because of the growing number of boys in the troop which now stands at 50, with more cubs ready to become scouts in the near future. If you can imagine 50 boys between the ages of 10½ and 15½ trying to do badgework or play games in an area about twice the size of the stage in the Memorial Hall, you can appreciate why we need an extension.

Northavon District Council have kindly granted planning permission for an extension 32′ × 17′, with overhead store area, new kitchen and toilet facilities and a committee room. All we need now is to find £25,000.

Our hopes are that this will be built and in use by next winter. In order to do this we will be putting on many more fund raising events. Two recent events to help swell the fund were our Gang Show, held in the Memorial Hall which raised over £200. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, we could only sell tickets to parents and I know a lot of people in the village who would like to have attended. A most enjoyable evening which had one's sides aching with laughter. It is hoped that next year we can put the show on for two evenings.

Also the boys have just completed Job Week. The total amount is not yet known but again the money will be going into the Extension Fund and, on behalf of the Group, I would like to thank everyone who found jobs for the boys and supported us In this way.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has helped the Group in any way during the past year and if anyone is interested in helping in the future, please come along to our A.G.M. to be held in the Memorial Hall on Thursday, April 24th at 7.30 p.m., or get in touch any Scouter or myself.

Margaret Clarke
Group Secretary
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx

Hot Summer Sunshine in November!

The Rector, Kenneth Grant, is hoping to lead a party to the Holy Land in November or early December (the time at which he went last year). The weather at this time is like a hot summer day in Britain but without humidity. We can be accepted as a party of 8 as a minimum (when we would be joined to another small group). With 12 people, we could be an independent group. The price includes excellent hotels in Tiberias, Galilee and in Jerusalem, and private coaches for all the trips. £483 is the inclusive cost for four nights in Tiberius, plus two nights in Jerusalem. For this virtually the whole country is covered from the far north to Masada in the south including (if you wish) a swim in the dead Sea – an unforgettable experience!

Full details from the Rector AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASE. There is a reduction for advance bookings. K.G. Grant, Charfield Rectory, Tel. Falfield 26xxxx (best time for phoning approximately 12–2.25 p.m.: please allow phone to ring as it can be quite a walk to it!)



Ranger Guides

Thank you to all the people who supported us and helped us to celebrate Thinking Day on 22nd February. Jo-Anne Burfield pushed the pram all the 7 km., accompanied by 5 other Rangers. We filled the pram with £30 worth of toys which we hope Oxfam will have sold for us now and passed the pounds on to Band Aid Projects.

We would also like to thank all the people who have so generously sponsored Jo-Anne Burfield. Every year, International Camps are held all over the world. This year Jo-Anne has been chosen to represent us for the County at the camp to be held in Sweden. The County is sending only 3 girls as part of a South West Region Group.

Guiding must be open to everyone regardless of nationality, religion or wealth. As a result, it is very important for us to know we can say “Yes” whenever an opportunity arises for a girl to do something out of the ordinary, whether to share the experience of the world sisterhood of Guiding in Sweden, or just go to a local camp. We can say “Yes” every time because of your support. The girls are always expected to make an effort to raise money for themselves. If you have worked for it, the appreciation is much better. We are not allowed to “beg” for money on the streets – we must “earn” it. At the County Guiders' day recently, it was fascinating to hear some of the original 1920's ideas to raise funds, from soap making to growing things. It is an interesting challenge to find a new way of meeting our needs and very satisfying when we receive so much support.

If anyone who sponsored Jo-Anne would like to hear more about her adventures in Sweden on her return, please let me know. Particular thanks are due to many individuals and in particular to: Charfield Parish Council, Wotton-under-Edge Round Table, Katherine Lady Berkeley School Governors, Cotswold and Tyndale Rotary Club, Tangent Marketing.

This year Rangering is 70 years old – counting from the first “Senior Patrol”. We are holding a celebration Campfire for Gloucester County Rangers on Saturday, 5th July. If you ever were a Ranger and would like to meet today's, please let me know. We would love to meet you and hear your adventures. Our own unit is nearly 60 years old.

There are various other happenings for Rangers around the County including a Barn dance, an Overnight Hike, a weekend adventure, parascending, an Activities Camp, to include pot-holing and abseiling amongst many others. We are really prepared to try and arrange anything you want to have a go at. Rangers are invested at a place of their own choice which is particularly interesting for them – so far the middle of Trafalgar Square, Badminton Horse Trials, Brownie Pack Holiday, Radio West Radio Station. The girls coming up for Investiture are hoping to go down in a submarine, up in a balloon and halfway down an abseiling rope!

Recently we have had speakers from the W.I. and Parish Council. In the future we are going to attempt Synchronised Swimming, Hair and Beauty advice, Keep Fit and Orienteering training. We are also very proud of our half of the Worth Cup team who came 2nd recently in the Venture Scout/Ranger Guide Orienteering Challenge.

If you are between 14 and 18 years old and wish to join us please let me know. Meetings are held on alternate Mondays 8 p.m.–9.30 p.m.

Kate Mullard
Ranger Guider


1st Woodend Venture Scout Unit

Hi there,
All you teenagers out there – pay attention to this:- Bored with the lack of facilities in the village? Well, why not come and join US. Everyone over 15½ and under 20 are welcome, including GIRLS!

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month, usually at the Scout Hut, Cromhall (transport available). We participate in a wide variety of fun activities including swimming, ice-skating, rock climbing, canoeing and many more. At the moment, we are in the process of completing some canoes that we have made ourselves!!

We also took part in the Group Gang Show held in the Memorial Hall, which proved to be most hilarious, with our rendition of Swan Lake, e.g. Duck Pond, topping the bill. Also we have become the first Venture unit in the Severnvale District to win THE GUILDFORD CUP – Avon County's orienteering competition.

Our fun-filled summer programme consists of dry slope skiing, holding a bar-b-que and a games evening, not forgetting our annual camp plus various other exciting events.

So if you fancy spending your time indulging in interesting activities why not contact: Julie Clarke, xx Underhill Road, Tel. Fal. 26xxxx or our leader – Paul Leach, x Station Road, Tel. Dursley 84xxxx

Yours in Scouting,
J. Clarke
Executive Secretary

Charfield and District Friendship Club

Hopefully, now the Spring weather improves, we can plan our activities for the year. We still extend an invitation for new members to join our Over 60's Club. Those of you who have recently arrived here would meet more villagers of their own age and interests – on Wednesday every fortnight.

To supplement our funds we are organising a Spring Draw which will be drawn at our Bring and Buy Bazaar, to be held on 14th May. We hope villagers will support us in this venture.

We plan to have various excursions to places of interest, just one of the activities our members enjoy.

E. H. Orton

Hospital Transport Scheme for Housebound and Elderly

We have had just over 50 calls for our help during the last year. Our drivers have taken passengers from as far away as Ham Green Hospital to our nearby Doctors in Wotton.

As always our drivers have done a very good service, especially as their number has been reduced due to several having moved away or having other commitments. If anybody is able to give a few hours of their time to drive to hospitals such as Frenchay, Southmead or B.R.I. or locally to Doctors, please get in touch with me. You would not be asked more than once a month. A mileage allowance is given for each journey. If anybody is unable to contact me, please phone Mrs. Jane Higgins, Tel. Falfield 26xxxx. My address is xx Manor Lane, Tel. Falfield 26xxxx.

Muriel Blower.


Village Organisations

Charfield Residents AssociationChairpersonMrs. J. ClothierFal. 26xxxx
 SecretaryMr. G. Blower26xxxx
 Newsletter – Editor/TypistR. Gunning, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Baby Sitting CircleMrs. M. Smith, x Manor Lane26xxxx
British LegionMr. Mussell, x Manor Lane26xxxx
2nd BrowniesMrs. D. Lowe, xx Avon Rd.26xxxx
 Enquiries to:-Mrs. M. Smith, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
1st BrowniesMrs. J. Green, x Horsford RoadDur. 84xxxx
County Primary SchoolHeadmasterMr. MalpassFal. 26xxxx
Congregational ChurchMiss Turner, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Cricket ClubMr. R. Nuttall, x Durham Rd.26xxxx
CubsMrs. A. Booth, xx Charfield
District CouncillorMr. Pearson, xxxx Farm, StidcoteWickwar 2xxxx
Football ClubSec.Mr. P. KirbyChipping Sodbury 31xxxx
Football Club JuniorsMrs. J. Harvey, xx Severn Close26xxxx
Friendship ClubMr C.E. Orton, xx Wotton Rd.26xxxx
GuidesMrs. R. Meeks, xxxx, the Drive26xxxx
Ranger GuidesMrs. K. Mullard, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
Keep Fit ClubMrs. Poskett, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Fitness CentreMrs. J. Sheppard, Bone Mill, New St84xxxx
Hall Management CommitteeSec.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
 Booking Sec.Mrs. Poskett, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Junior Dancing ClubMrs. Campbell, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Luncheon Club for the ElderlySec.Mrs. J. Higgins, The xxxx, Charfield Hill26xxxx
Mothers and Toddlers ClubMrs. M. Clatworthy26xxxx
Netball ClubMrs. J. Hillier, xxxx House26xxxx
P.T.A. PrimaryChairmanMr. Spindler26xxxx
P.T.A. K.L.B.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Parish CouncilClerkMrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close26xxxx
PlaygroupMrs. D. Butler, x Thames Close26xxxx
St. John's ChurchRectorK. Grant, The Rectory26xxxx
 Sec.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Woodend Scout GroupSec.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Venture ScoutsSec.J. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Sports & Gala Day CtteeSec.Mrs. A. Stoakes, xx Horsford Rd84xxxx
Transport Scheme – Elderly & HouseboundMrs. M. Blower, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
orMrs. J. Higgins, The xxxx, Charfield Hill26xxxx
Tennis ClubMrs. H. Crowley26xxxx
Women's InstituteMrs. S. Green, The xxxx,Horsford Road84xxxx
Young WivesMrs. S. Vale26xxxx
Youth ClubMr. & Mrs. Everett, x Orchard Close26xxxx
CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAUMrs. J. McGonnigill, The Chipping, W-U-E84xxxx
TAXI SERVICEMr. Lees84xxxx

May Day Pram Race

[Text of leaflet delivered with this Newsletter.]


He's off to the …

MAY DAY PRAM RACE at CHARFIELD on 5 MAY 1986 (Monday evening) starts at 6.30 followed by a FAMILY DISCO WITH BAR in the Hall at 7.30


details from: Mike Green x Horsford Road Charfield W-U-E. Glos. TEL (0453) 84xxxx

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 19 sides of A4 paper (with A4 leaflet attached).

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2016-12-12.