Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 54 – January 1989 – 15p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1989.


St. John's Church
Charfield Congregational Church
Charfield Residents' Association
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield 40+ Mixed Leisure Group
Charfield Memorial Hall Committee
Charfield Parish Council
Charfield School Parent Teacher Association
Charfield Mothers and Toddlers
Charfield Young Wives
Charfield Primary School
Do You Know Your Local Government?
1st Charfield Guides
1st Woodend Scout Group
Baby Sitting Circle
Benefits in Hospital
Charfield Women's Institute
Luncheon Club
Hospital Transport Scheme
Charfield Tennis Club
Charfield Youth Club
Diary Dates
Charfield Cricket Club
Village Organisations



1989 will no doubt bring many changes to the village.

The first is a change of policeman. Ian Williams and his family have moved to Thornbury and we wish Ian all the best in his new post. In his place we welcome P.C. Paul Tuckley and hope that his spell of duty here will be a happy one.

Secondly, building. A new hall/gymnasium for the school and new housing by Crest Homes with the possibility of a gas supply to the village. Planning permission has been received for the Memorial Hall extension. Hopefully a good many of you will take the trouble to fill in the small questionnaire on this – see article inside – and return it to Jane Hall.

It seems to us that with the village increasing in size, we need a good “community” centre.

In closing, we have quite frequently of late heard Charfield called a “Bed and Breakfast” village. Is this so? What are your views? Let us know for the next edition of the Newsletter.

Joint Editors.

*** NEXT COPY DATE – 12th APRIL 1989 ***

Joint Editors
Jenny Peaster
xxx Manor Lane
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx  
Mike Cheskin
xx Farm Lees
Tel: Dursley 84xxxx
Mary Hall
xx Durham Road
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx
John Butler
x Thames Close
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx

Published by Charfield & District Residents' Association (CHADRA)


St. John's Church

The after-glow of Christmas services is still with me as I write (on Boxing day!). Those (many) who shared them will know what I mean. There is a magic about things at this time and I think (as you would expect me to!) that we come closest to the magic of Christmas in the quiet moments of a Christmas service, perhaps most of all the midnight service as we move into the early hours of Christmas day – the first real glimpse of Christmas day in the place where the real Christmas event in not only RE-membered, but also RE-lived. This is because Christian remembering really does mean something different from ordinary remembering. The latter (ordinary remembering, with which we are all familiar) is the exercise of bringing back to consciousness the memory, vague or vivid, of things past; a pleasant or sometimes painful experience. I am not making unfounded, special claims for Christianity but depending on the actual meaning of the Greek word for remembering in the New Testament. Here to remember is not to ‘drag up’ the past that is dead and gone. It is to make a significant past event PRESENT in such a way that we derive all the benefits of that past experience as if it were happening NOW. That could be developed a lot and it is certainly worth anyone's time to think about, if only for a few minutes. Christians are not being NOSTALGIC when they re-member the Christian past. This is a familiar (and disastrous) misunderstanding. Remembering is an act of present and living contact with the reality remembered. THE reality remembered is Jesus, whose ‘Resurrection’ means that He is alive, active and available. This is why remembering Him in the Christmas event can be such a moving experience. He is there.

Several people have said to me, “I was coming to the … (Christmas) service; something went wrong and I couldn't make it – I'll see you NEXT year!” This has been said so many times that I think it's worth a comment in the light of the above. Christmas is the season when in a special sense we ‘remember’ His birth into our world. But this event is remembered and shared WHENEVER Christians meet. So (happy news!) we don't have to put off the remembrance of His birth until ‘next year’. We are celebrating it ALL the time. And I think, and others say, how wonderful it would be if all those who ‘remembered’ so well at Christmas remembered on more ‘sometime-ses’! And if those who had forgotten for so long began to remember just occasionally! There would be far more happy hearts and happy lives if we did.

A happy new year to you all. It is quite a staggering thought that this year we finish another decade – the end of the 80's and into the 90's at the end of this year. I wish for you all that much good may come your way.

May I remind you that our Church is open if you want somewhere for quiet thought or prayer and that there is a prayer board if you have any requests for prayer, for yourself or for another. And that at 10.15 every Sunday there is a service of some sort at which you are most welcome as an ‘enquirer’, an observer, or to be fully committed in the act of worship. ALL of these attitudes are ‘recognised’ as valid. Our country these days is sadly ignorant of what Christianity is really about and I for one would like others to know what it is and what it can do for us. I am at your disposal that this may be so.

Kenneth Grant.


Charfield Congregational Church

SundaysSunday School 11.00 am
Evening Worship 6.00 pm
November to AprilAfternoon Worship 3.00 pm
Bright HourTuesday Afternoon (fortnightly) 2.30
Ladies please note the amended time of the Bright Hour – 2.30 pm now instead of 3.00 pm as previously.


If you do not already attend a place of worship please be assured of a very warm welcome at any of our meetings or services.

Well Played! The increasingly popular and surprisingly versatile Stinchcombe Silver Band pulled out all the stops (or more accurately depressed them) to provide a rich and varied programme of traditional carols and seasonal music for our annual Christmas Concert on Dec 2nd.

In spite of an unfortunate clash of dates with the Wotton-Under-Edge Dickensian Evening, the Chapel was comfortably full for the occasion with some folk in the gallery. It was good to welcome friends from Kingswood and other neighbouring churches, and especially pleasing to have some local residents with us from our own village who were visiting the Chapel for the first time.

Jenny and Linda from the ‘pip and Jay’ church in Old Market, Bristol, sang in their own sensitively moving style and proved themselves to be very popular duetists. Our most grateful thanks go to them both, to the band under the workman-like baton of Conductor Adrian Hill, and not least to our ever faithful ladies who worked so hard selling tickets, decorating the church, and providing those very acceptable refreshments afterwards.

We would also like to thank our very good friend Mr Philip Hopes for his own generous donation towards the cost of our Christmas tree this year, and would take this opportunity of wishing him God's richest blessing as he completes his studies, and takes over as “full-time” Congregational minister at Kingswood. We wish him well.

Car Sticker of the Month – “Lord give me patience – but please BE QUICK!

A PRAYER for us all – some words from St Francis:-

Lord make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon,
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is sadness, joy.



Charfield Residents' Association

The 15th Annual General Meeting of the association will be held in the National School Foundation Hall, Charfield School, on Tuesday 21st February 1989 at 7.30pm. An agenda and nomination form for the election of officers and committee members will be found at the end of this Newsletter and as stated in the agenda nominations can be made to the Hon. Sec. in advance or at the meeting. If residents have any comments or suggestions to make on the Newsletter or any other matter it is hoped that they will come to the meeting and air their views.

On behalf of the committee may I offer grateful thanks to all concerned with the production and distribution of the Newsletter and in particular to John Butler who operates the duplicator, our Chairman Mike Cheskin who collates and allocates copies to the distributors, and our Joint Editors Jenny Peaster and Mary Hall who rescued the Newsletter at the beginning of last year when it was in danger of ceasing publication and who will have completed their first year of office with this edition.


Geoff Blower
Hon. Sec.

Charfield Playgroup

On Friday 16th December Playgroup held their Christmas party. A good time was had by all, especially as Santa managed to visit us. Sadly on that day also, we said goodbye to our Playgroup Leader – Julie Hillier. On behalf of everyone at Playgroup I would like to wish her all the very best. Mrs Sally Griffiths has now taken over as leader, and Mrs Liz Goulding has been appointed as Playgroup helper.

Thank you to everyone who gave us their support as we sang carols around the village, as usual it was a very enjoyable evening.

Our annual Jumble Sale which was to be held on January 14th had to be cancelled at the last minute. The new date for this is February 4th. We shall be round collecting Jumble, Bric-a-Brac, Books etc., the week before, and would appreciate your support.

Sue Blay, Secretary
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx

Charfield 40+ Mixed Leisure Group

Hello, Happy New Year.

We meet fortnightly on alternate Thursday afternoons in Charfield Village Hall, creating an afternoon of social activities. We enjoy – card games, scrabble, darts, dominoes etc. or just have a cup of tea and a friendly chat. Somewhere to go for a couple of hours.

We have already had our first outing to “Big Ben Restaurant” for Christmas Lunch and hope to organise other outings as we get more members. We've lots of ideas, all we want is for you to come along and enjoy yourself. Maybe newcomers to the area would be glad to come along to make new friends too! Give it a try, only 50p per session, which includes cup of tea and biscuits – See you there – Pat


Charfield Memorial Hall Committee

I hope you have all recovered from the excitements of Christmas and New Year and thanks to all who attended the Christmas Get-Together on December 23rd. It really helped to get my Christmas off with a swing and I know from many of you that it was enjoyed greatly by all ages. Please keep Friday 22nd December free for this years “Do” as I am determined to make this event an annual one.

Now, down to business. The New Year is here again and we can look forward to the future with enthusiasm! As you are probably aware, it is proposed to extend the existing hall building to include a lounge bar, new changing rooms and showers, and a skittle alley which, if required, could be used as a further function room.

The Hall Committee would like an indication of the general feeling of a cross section of villagers as to whether support would be forthcoming for this very costly and ambitious project. Would you please tick the appropriate box in answer to the Questions at the foot of this page and return to J. Hall, x Berkeley Close.

At present we have reached the stage of applying for building regulations, having already received planning permission. This will allow us to apply for grants and fund-raising for the project. I hope that all this information will encourage you all to become involved.

There are many functions and fund-raising activities going on in the hall both to raise money for the extension and to keep the present hall in a suitable condition for hiring. If anyone would like to help with fund-raising or even come onto the committee please remember the A.G.M. coming up soon in March.

Events for your diaries:-

Sunday,19thMarch –Easter Craft Fair.
Sunday?March –Car Boot Sale. (to be arranged)

Hopefully, Car Boot Sales will return monthly after this date. We would be most grateful for help with refreshments for any of these events. We have a very important vacancy on the Committee at present and that is for a treasurer. This post comes with quarterly honorarium plus several other perks and as you can imagine this person plays a vital role in the running of the hall. We have in the past two months lost two important people connected with the hall. Firstly our cleaner, and then our treasurer, both of whom I would like to thank for their hard work over the years and wish them all the very best with their new endeavours. We have thankfully managed to fill the post of cleaner now but the treasurer's vacancy still exists. Anyone wishing to apply, please contact me urgently. See you all at our A.G.M.

Jane Hall

Are you in favour of the extension?Yes.No.
Do you feel that a meeting of interested parties should be arranged?Yes.No.
Would you support fund-raising functions to help raise the capital to carry out the project?Yes.No.

#[Plan of Village Hall extension]


Charfield Parish Council

Following representation by a large number of young residents, the Parish Council is undertaking an investigation into the feasibility of providing a skate board ramp. Two sites are being considered 1) the central play area, Old Manor Estate and 2) the playing Field near the tennis court entrance gate. The skate board ramp is being considered as an up-to-date piece of playground equipment, however if sited on the playing field would remain the responsibility of the Parish Council. A committee of Councillors and interested adults has been set up and scale models and plans will be discussed at the next meeting.

In recent weeks considerable concern has been expressed and many problems raised regarding the state of the roads in and near the village. The work being carried out in both Station Road and Little Bristol Lane for the drainage for the new housing estate is agreed to be a real nuisance and a hazard. The Council has been in contact with County Highways and hopes to arrange a meeting with the Managing Director of Crest Homes in an effort to ensure that the work is carried out with the minimum of disruption. However worse is to come as both roads are the subject of a temporary road closure order in early February.

With regard to the Tortworth Waste Disposal Tip, following considerable pressure from the Parish Council, nearby residents, and our District Councillor, the site licence is being changed and a wheel wash will be installed on site. This should go a long way towards a cleaner Tortworth road.

Spring should see the blooming of a further sack of daffodils which have been planted around the village. A number of flowering trees should also be noted on previously bare patches of grass.

Jenny Hughes,
Clerk to the Council

Charfield School Parent Teacher Association

Hello! Happy New Year.
I hope that you can come along and enjoy the events to be as you obviously did during the last term.

Our Cake and Handicraft Sale made a profit of £200 and for the first time we carried on until 4.00 pm, after school, in order that the children could take part, too.

Renishaw's kindly donated a most generous sum as we plan to purchase some new computer equipment.

As for the Cheese and Wine Quiz night, brilliantly organised by John MacLellan, Clive Felton, Rene Williams and Wendy Jotcham, I can only say to those who had their Sunday and to some, their Monday wiped out, keep away from strong cheese!

Now plans for this year:

Throughout this Newsletter a date will keep popping up and I'm advertising like mad because I do so want it to be a success.

Saturday 11th February, at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall at only £2.50 per ticket we present Richard and Steve to entertain you. There will be a few bits to nibble and the Bar is booked. They're a marvellous pair of entertainers so please come along, have a drink with friends and have a good giggle.

7Our Spring Fayre is going to change a season and we have chosen Saturday June 10th for a hot balmy afternoon's summer bash! So tell your diaries to get prepared.

Now don't forget, even if you do not have any close connections with the school you are most welcome to come along to our “do's”!

Just phone me, Marilyn
Her-in-Charge on Falfield 26xxxx

Charfield Mothers and Toddlers

Hello Mums!

Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas and unlike me didn't eat too much. I was pleased to see a large turnout at the Christmas party on 15th December, with Mothers and Toddlers alike enjoying themselves. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Popham Senior for playing Father Christmas.

I've seen a few new shiny prams around the village lately, so why don't those new Mums wheel them around to the Village Hall on a Thursday morning between 10.15 to 11.30 am for a cup of coffee and a chat.

In March we will be holding our AGM to select a new committee, so if there are any mothers who would like to be involved in the running of Toddlers, please come along. Ten to twelve members are needed to form a new committee. Without a committee there would be no Toddlers Club.

No time for any more now, I'm off to watch Inspector Morse.

Tina Crooks

Charfield Young Wives

Hello, and a happy new Year to you all.

I hope you all had a great Christmas.

Just a quick look back on '88, our members enjoyed their yearly visit to London which was very well supported, and also the Christmas party was a great success. Special thanks to John and Ollie behind the bar.

Now to 1989 and future dates:-

January 19thSkittles Night
February 16thA Day in the Life of a J.P.
March 16thOur AGM followed by, I hope, a delicious supper and sweet dishes.

March brings us and me to the end of the 1988/89 programme. Your new Chairlady will be Laurene Tubbs.

So may I say a very big thank-you to all our members for your support in the last year and also to my committee ladies for all their hard work. Every success to Laurene and her committee for the 89/90 year.

Jeanette Halliday


Charfield Primary School

This particular January is a little special for me because it is now twenty years since I came to the school. I made a fairly spectacular beginning because on my first morning, before school had even started, I had to call the Fire Brigade, which arrived at the same time as most of the children. It was a relatively minor problem with the heating system, but symbolic because I have had problems with the various heating systems ever since!

Within a few weeks, the building of the present infant block commenced and in later years the double classroom block and the hall were added as the children in school nearly doubled in number. Now, I am leaving it to someone else to cope with the fairly major building project, a new hall, scheduled to begin in July, for it is then I intend to retire.

This seems to me to be the appropriate time for many changes lie ahead. The National Curriculum is to be introduced in stages from September of this year. Local Management in Schools is to be introduced during the following year. These are major changes for schools and additional burdens for teachers. I hope they will have the desired effect.

The “winds of change” do not end there. During the next year or so, the cleaning of schools, playing field maintenance, the school meals service, all go out to tender and private firms may well take over these services. Did I say “winds of change”? More like a hurricane!

And a happy new year to you all.

D.A. Malpass

Do You Know Your Local Government?

1989 will be another Election Year.

No – not a General Election, unless of course some unexpected event precipitates one – but it will be election time for County Councils.

Many people of my age group will no doubt remember the time when Party Politics was not the main criteria, but rather what local issues were relevant. Some would argue that it is the Party Machine that stimulates electors to exercise their vote, and to some extent this is true – but it is also sad.

When one appreciates the efforts of our fore-bearers to legislate for a general franchise, then the greatest respect that one can offer them is to use one's vote. Maybe, one will be influenced by one's particular party allegiance – but what is equally important is which candidate can prove his or her worth as a Councillor both in and out of the Council Chamber.

There may well be some who have come to reside in Charfield within the last decade or so who may be unaware that prior to April 1974, the County boundary for Gloucestershire extended to the fringe of the then County Borough of Bristol. There were five District Councils in what was then South Gloucestershire:-

Thornbury Rural District,
Sodbury Rural District,
Kingswood Urban District,
Mangotsfield Urban District,
Warmley Rural District.

9Under Local Government Re-Organisation, the first two were amalgamated to become the Northavon District Council, although five parishes north of Falfield were allowed to remain in Gloucestershire and become part of the Stroud District Council. The remaining three Districts in the old South Gloucestershire were amalgamated into just one new District, but retaining one of the original names, namely, Kingswood District Council.

What other changes then took place?

Both Bath and Bristol lost their County Borough status whereby they had their own Local Government autonomy, and Bristol in particular is striving to reverse that Local Government Act 1972 decision rather than continue to be subservient to the new County of Avon which also included a sizeable part of what was then North Somerset!

Even so, the County of Avon began to evolve its own form of Local Government Administration despite being hampered in its early days with inadequate financial resources and now, more latterly by the spectre of “Rate capping”.

Charfield is unique in that the parish is on the fringe of the County of Avon, with Avon providing the Primary School education, but with Avon then having to pay a capitation fee to Gloucestershire to provide Secondary School education.

In addition then to education, what else is the County of Avon responsible for? There are four main categories:-

Social Services,
Community Leisure,
Public Protection,
Planning, Highways and Transport.

Readers of these notes may be aware that the County of Avon does publish a regular News Sheet known as “Avon Report” and it can be obtained free of charge at the Charfield Post Office.

Since the Wotton-u-Edge edition of the “Gazette” understandably does not include a full range of Avon news, the “Avon Report” does help to fill the gap – as indeed to some extent does the Northavon edition of the “Gazette”.

Next time that your Rate Demand comes through the letter box, just have a look at how the money is spent.

There will be the District Council Rate and the Parish Council precept included with the County and if one was to assume that the average weekly ratepayer's bill amounted to £7.55, the apportioning could be on the following scale:-

Social Services£1.04
Planning, Highways & Transport.63
Public Protection·43
Community Leisure.22
Other services.12

Local Government then has a job to make the money go round. Central Government legislation imposes more requirements on Local Government, but does not necessarily increase the Central Government block grant accordingly. One example which readily comes to mind is the D.H.S.S. 10policy of reducing psychiatric in-patient care with the concept that that it is for the County to provide community care, and the cash is just not there for the vast capital outlay that ought to be forthcoming.

If one then considers the third tier of Local Government, namely the Parish and Town Councils (known as Local Councils) there are also responsibilities spelt out in the Local Government Act 1972. The Avon Local Councils Association, is concerned to maintain local standards and in the Northavon Area Group meetings of Parish and Town Councils, many wide ranging issues are considered including:-

The Avon Structure Plan,
The Rural Areas Development Plan,
Footpaths and Bridleways,
Central and Local Government Housing policy.

One cannot conclude this “thumb-nail” sketch of Local Government without looking into the future, and the “big bang” which will arrive in due course will be the introduction of the “Poll Tax”. For some, the Rate Demand will be greater assuming that there will be adults in the household, while for the small family or the individual, then the Rate Bill could be less than under the present system of payment according to property.

Watch out then for the forthcoming County Council elections. For my part, I will disregard Party Politics and vote for the candidate as a person on whom I can rely in the complex days ahead.

Rev. David W. Parker,
Northavon Area Local Councils Association.

1st Charfield Guides

Guides started back on January 11th.

We ended last term with a party where the girls came in Fancy Dress. The theme was Walt Disney. The group was split into two, one group for the older girls and the other for the girls from Charfield Primary School. We had a lot of Mickey and Minnie Mouses! The winners were Hannah Stares with her Minnie Mouse outfit and Julie Spindler with a really good Pinnochio.

We will be holding a Jumble Sale at the Village Hall on 4th March and someone will be round to collect any jumble you may have. Please support us; all money raised will be going to Guide Funds.

This year we are going to Dursley for our Thinking Day Service which is on February 19th.

We are still trying to go away for a weekend as most of the girls have yet to do this, and we are trying to get to Cowley Deer Park or Badminton.

If there are any girls who would like to join us who are 10 years old, please contact Mrs. Meek or myself.

M. Westlake
Assistant Guider.


1st Woodend Scout Group

Here we are, another year stretching ahead, with more fund-raising required, more organising and work needed to support our young people and hopefully lots more fun and enjoyment to be experienced by all.

During the Autumn term four members or ex members of the executive committee (the committee dealing with the group finances and how to obtain them) were shown how much their support has been appreciated by the Chief Scout's Commendation for Services to Scouting being presented to them by the County Commissioner, Alan Cross. They were Derek Hardwick of Rangeworthy and Bob Hunt of Kingswood recently retired from the committee, Dennis Crookes of Cromhall and Margaret Clarke, both still serving members.

Apart from this occasion the fund raising activities have included a very successful and enjoyable Race Nite and our usual Autumn Fayre and Car Boot Sale at Charfield. For the first time ever the Woodend Route was staged. A walk (or run for some) of the non competitive sort except against oneself, held on a somewhat damp day which could have provided some excellent views of the countryside, but if they weren't seen by lunch-time they were missed, unfortunately. However, many people enjoyed the day and it is planned to repeat the event in the coming year. The event was organised by John Laing and Norman Haines doing much of the background work but on the day the “full force” of the executive was fully “employed”. The group is indebted to Lord Ducie for his indulgence in allowing so many to walk across his land and for his suggestion of a different portion of the route to that which was planned in a small area, also the kindness of Mr Scolding in offering the Jubilee Field as a car park.

December also saw the re-introduction of a Christmas Grand Draw. Personally I had a shock when arriving for the drawing of the tickets as there appeared to be only five prizes! But all was in the hands of our competent secretary, Margaret Clarke, so although those who were kind enough to turn up didn't have the pleasure of seeing the prizes they were told what they were.

One disappointment was the cancellation of the proposed Craft Fayre which due to lack of support, or rather, previous bookings. It transpired that there probably would have been enough stalls taken on the day but it was thought it would have been unfair on those who had booked if we couldn't put on a good effort and so the event was cancelled. We regret that anyone should have been disappointed by this decision.

Some of the activities undertaken by the various sections have included Venture Scouts Dance on 21st October to celebrate the years they have been in existence, a Lion's Sixers and Seconders “sleep in” in Scout HQ over the weekend of 8/9th October, a party to celebrate all the cups and shields won over the year by the Tiger's pack on 9th November and a PL's and APL's weekend (patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders) held at HQ on 2,3,4th December. You can probably realize that the new extended version of the HQ is well used now and likely to he used more in the future.

Future events will be including:-

Pub Games Evening planned for February 10th
Usual Spring Fayre at Cromhall in March
Replacing the Group Camp this year will be a Group trip to Cotswold Wild Life Park in April
St Georges Day Parade at Thornbury 23rd April (please keep this date free)
Clay Shoot at Reg Baker's Farm Sunday 14th May
Many thanks to all who have supported the Group in the past and best wishes to all in the New Year

Margaret Coomber, Group Scout Leader
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx


Baby Sitting Circle

Howdy y'all! Well, I have just watched Dallas.

Great News! A new Mum has joined the Circle – so please add her name to your list. Her name is Lorna Button of xx Manor Lane and her number is 26xxxx. So welcome Lorna to the circle and enjoy your nights out.

I know you are all hoping that you have heard the last of M. J. – well when I showed my sister the last article I did, she said you've missed out the second most exciting bit – the loos! How could I forget. Well to be blunt about it – if I can't get to the loo its the uppermost thing on my mind. Knowing that there were 72,000 people in that stadium, we had to pick our time. There were several locations about and we (that is Elaine and I joined a queue of about 60-odd women and girls. Well this official guy came up and said if we didn't mind sharing we could go into the other end of “the gents.” Not being ones to turn down a chance like that we joined a shorter “ladies” queue. As we were nearing the entrance the giggles from the girls end and the rude jibes from the blokes end became louder and cruder!

Well when we got in there I just didn't quite know where to face. There were three lockable doors for the ladies and the remainder of the building consisted of four long channels with men standing all along. Some even had pints of beer in one hand – can you believe it, and a policeman even took his helmet off!!

All good fun!

The next bit is on behalf of Keith who told me to put this bit in as he's gone all David Attenboroughish.

To those of you who have been to the Cotswold Wild Life Park you'll know that there are three white rhinos. Well when we looked in on them in their covered enclosure one was leaning just below us against the wall. We leant over and stroked him, then he wandered off and came back for another tickle of his ears. Although he was caked all over in mud his skin was really warm. It was really great touching him – obviously he's paid to keep the punters happy! If you haven't been there it's open every day except Christmas day and a great place for a good old amble about.

Early November, I held a book party with all proceeds to the Meningitis Trust. What a day we all had – it was great. I know I started this paragraph as “I” but it soon developed into “we” with all the gang arriving.

It kicked off at 10.00 am and I bamboozled Vi and Jane into doing drinks and, of course, washing up. I charged 20p for coffee/tea and bikkies, Sharon and Linda very kindly donated two lovely books to raffle and I'd like to thank all my helpers and visitors. We raised £50.45. I had a lovely letter from the Trust and anyone can come and have a read if you wish as you all helped!! But I must tell you about the laugh of the day. It was about 1 O'clock lunchtime – everyone else had popped home for eats – Vi and I were sitting having a coffee when the doorbell rang. It was a fireman.

“Just come to check your hydrant, love,” he said. So I invited him in for a coffee – he stayed for one hour and bought three books! He'd been to see Dame Edna Everage the night before so we had something in common as I went several years ago. Then we talked of New Year and he and Vi chatted on about drunken nights in Glasgow – a friend had taken him up there and he can just remember some bits.

13Anyway more people started arriving and just assumed we, the firemen and I, were old friends! He said held had a great time and would definitely paint my hydrant next year.

Now I'm quite flattered that some people have said they like my little bit in the Newsletter so I'm taking the liberty of advertising before I finish off.

On Saturday 11th February at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall the school PTA have booked Richard Lewis of the Rangeworthy Court Players and his partner, Steve. The tickets will be £2.50 and this will include some nibbly bits. So do try and come along. They are great fun and will give a good evenings entertainment.

Well I'd better sign off now. Do you know I'm re-writing this listening to the John Dunn Show and he's just done the mystery voice. Well, about six years ago I wrote off stating that I knew the particular voice. When the Beeb phoned I was on the tennis court at the time. Well, Keith was making arm signals over the field and I was determined to ignore him as he was sitting for Sophie. Anyway, he shouts over “It's the BBC”. Well I nearly had palpitations of the heart. The Beeb were terribly impressed that I was on court at that moment and would I be on the air the following evening. I was in my heated rollers all day – well you've got to feel in the mood, Beryl, my neighbour looked after Sophie and taped me. I didn't guess the voice and spent the rest of the evening shaking. Well it didn't put me off – I actually sent my details to Blankety Blank! Well a year later this gravely voice phoned me and asked was I still keen? Well I'd told so many people, I thought it was a hoax call – told this bloke to buzz off and never heard from them again.

I'm definitely finishing now – anyway I'm going to see Jonny Mathis in April – I'm going to be a little more you know what this year, not so much gyration of the hips!

Have a great year and lots of thanks to Mary and Jenny, who decipher this lot.

Tel: Falfield 26xxxx

PS It's a pleasure to type articles like Marilyn's, but I wish the Fairy Godmother would put a exclamation key on my typewriter! instead of an apostrophe and back space to a full stop! Keep up the good work, Marilyn.



Benefits in Hospital

If you need to go into hospital and you are checking off the things to take with you it's a good idea to add one or two things to the list. They're not necessarily items you'll need in the ward, but they may help to make your stay as stress free as possible. If you are working, make sure your employer knows you are going into hospital and for how long. Make sure your mortgage or rent is paid up to date and check that your gas, electricity and telephone bills will be taken care of. (You can make payments direct through the bank.)

Check if any benefits you are getting will be affected – the rules can be found at the back of your benefit book. The general rule is that they are not reduced for the first six weeks of your stay in hospital. However, if someone whose benefit is reduced is allowed to spend some time at home during a course of in-patient treatment, full benefit can be paid for each of the days spent at home. It might also be possible to get help with fares to and from the hospital at the beginning and end of a stay or during temporary visits home, or if someone is needed to accompany you to hospital.

There are also special rules for people in hospital who claim sickness benefit, invalidity benefit or severe disablement allowance. Payment for these benefits can be backdated if the claim is made within 13 weeks after admission to hospital or 3 weeks after discharge. If you are on Income Support you might also be able to claim help with paying for temporary board and lodging so that your partner or a dependant can stay near the hospital.

If you're not sure which of the benefits you are receiving might be affected or how to be certain you are getting all you are entitled to, your local Citizens Advice Bureau will be happy to help. You will find us in the Council Offices. The Chipping Car Park, Wotton-Under-Edge every Tuesday between 10 am and 1 pm. telephone Dursley 84xxxx. Our Stroud office in the High Street is open Monday to Friday 10 am–4 pm (Tuesday til 6 pm) and Saturdays for 2 hours from 9.30 to 11.30 am, telephone Stroud xxxx.

Charfield Women's Institute

We meet every second Thursday of the month (i.e. next meeting 9th February) at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Our meetings take the format of short business followed by a speaker, and then coffee and home-made goodies, of which we are famous.

However, we do not just make cakes and jam. Recently members have been on a squash coaching day (with a very dishy coach – weak at the knees job!), windsurfing at Cirencester Water Park, and we have a car driving day for charity coming up. And yes, I have also learned how to make cheese scones as well!

I hope some of you will be tempted to come along to find out more about the W.I. (Wallies and Idiots my family call us) – perhaps you too may be lucky enough to meet the squash coach …

Claire Haines


Luncheon Club

Luncheon Club has had another successful year and membership has continued to rise. Many thanks to all our helpers – without whom we could not operate.

If you are a pensioner and would like a break from cooking, we are in the Village Hall every 4th Wednesday. So come along about 12.30pm and enjoy a meal followed by a game of bingo. Below are the dates for 1989.

13th December

Jane Higgins
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx

Hospital Transport Scheme

As usual I am asking for volunteers for this scheme.

I am finding TUESDAY MORNING very difficult to cover. It seems that almost all drivers are either working, keeping fit, playgrouping or toddlering on that morning. If anyone has free time and a car on a Tuesday (or any other day) I will be very pleased to hear from them.

Our main journeys are to the Doctors, Hospitals and Clinics, and your petrol expenses are amply covered.

Muriel Blower
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx

Charfield Tennis Club

We are holding a Disco at Charfield Village Hall on Friday 10th February from 8–11 pm for 11–16 year olds. Usual notices around KLB will remind you nearer the date.

Wednesday 8th March our AGM is being held in the Foundation Room (Junior Dining Room at Charfield School). It will start at 7.30 pm to enable junior members of the Club to come along to hear of new arrangements planned for them. Also during the evening we will be doing the draw for an informal (very informal!) American Tournament. So, come along for a short time that evening and support the Tennis Club. The business is very short – about 20 minutes – and then we retire to the pub for the longer business!

See you on the Court for a game of Tennis during this mild weather?

Claire Haines


Charfield Youth Club

We go into 1989 with the Youth Club having as their Leader Mrs. Kerry Cordy and her husband David as Assistant Leader. In addition Mrs. Elaine Bennett has joined us as a part-time helper. Welcome to them both.

The role of helper should not be considered unimportant and we hope that other members of the community will come forward with the offer of help, if only on occasional evenings – the more the better.

It was a pleasure to start the new year with seven club members receiving certificates from the Northavon Area Youth Committee for their services to others. They have kept their efforts very quiet but congratulations to them all!

Dave Colla has now left the Committee and on behalf of all members of the Club, past and present, I would like to thank him for his help over the years both as leader and treasurer.

P. Peaster

Diary Dates

February 4thPlaygroup Jumble Sale
February 10thIn-Service Training Day, School closed
 Tennis Club Disco 11–16 year olds Village Hall
February 11thP.T.A. Entertainment by Steve and Richard of Rangeworthy Court Players Village Hall
February 21stCHADRA A.G.M. Foundation Room Charfield Primary School.
March 8thTennis Club A.G.M. Foundation Room Charfield Primary School
March 15thIn-Service Training Day, School closed.
March 16thYoung Wives, A.G.M.
March 19thEaster Craft Fair
March ?
(to be arranged)
Car Boot Sale
April 12thCopy date for next Newsletter


Charfield Cricket Club

Charfield Cricket Club is making its plans for the 1989 season and welcomes all those interested in cricket to join us. 1988 saw continued progress for our club, as the First XI, under Captain Ray Johnson, were engaged in a titanic struggle for the Premier Division Title, failing by the narrowest of margins (1 wicket) in the last match of the season. The Second XI, despite playing well on occasions found the opposition in Division 1 just that bit more unforgiving. However the team did manage to hold on to its place in the division and 1989 will see a change of fortune we are sure. On Sundays Charfield managed to field two teams, containing many of our younger members, who if they had recovered from playing in the Youth XI (U.17), could enjoy another game with the U.21 XI on Monday evenings. As you can see there is plenty of opportunity to play cricket and the committee will promise a game to anyone who is interested enough to become a member.

From all these games there were many outstanding performances, and at our Presentation Evening in November at the Cotswold Edge Golf Club, members could see what had been achieved.

Premier Division ChampionshipRunners-Up
C & G League Batting AwardAlan Pearn
C & G League Wicket-Keeping AwardTony Gannon
John Macey League 6-a-side WinnersDel Gannon, Mark Young, Paul Bath, Jason Gardiner, Martin Scott and Shaun Dix.
Club Awards:-
First XI BattingA Pearn
First XI BowlingM. Young
First XI All-RounderD. Bradley.
Second XI BattingT. Webb
Second XI BowlingC. Davies
Second XI All-RounderT. Carter.
Peter Dand AwardT. Carter
Most Improved PlayerD. Gannon
Youth Player of the YearShaun Dix.
Centuries scored byT. Webb and N. Bennett.

Our guests, Mr & Mrs G. Terrett and Mr & Mrs S. Phelps were pleased to attend and congratulated all our prize winners. The evening's success owed much to Social Secretary Alan Foxwell's hard work.

The A.G.M. took place in September and appointments for 1989 were made. The most important decision from the meeting was to try and run a 3rd XI on Saturdays. At the time of writing, the team has been confirmed in Division 3 of the C & G League and is to play its home matches at K.L.B. School, Wotton-u-Edge, after assistance and co-operation from Headmaster, Mr. J. Law, and the Warden of the Sports Centre. Mr. M. Mewse. Now, what is needed are members old and new to sign up and make themselves available for selection.

In order to finance and administer an ever-growing club, the Committee must work hard during these winter month, and the Social Secretary, Rod Alexander, ran a splendid Christmas Draw at the Railway Tavern, and the Committee would like to express their thanks to all who bought tickets, sold tickets, or donated prizes. It was a first class effort!

If you feel like “turning your arm over”, as the expression goes, then nets are available, organised by the Committee, at two venues:-

18Sundays9.15–10.30Wotton Sports Centre£0.50
Mondays8.30–9.30Thornbury Sports Centre£1.00

The Club will provide kit as necessary and the practice will enable the Captains to begin to sort out the League sides, including a new U.15 XI for the Bristol and District Youth League.

Also, the Committee have broken new ground by designing and ordering a club sweater, which members will be able to buy as required, costing in the region of £15.00 to £16.50, depending on style.

If you feel like joining us, then you will need some idea of our subscriptions and match fees (not including teas).

Membership.Senior Members£17.50
 Under 21£13.50
 Under 17Match fees only.
Match Fees.Senior Members£1.00
 Under 21£1.00
 Under 17£0.80
 Under 15£0.50
All MembersEvening Games£0.50

Now, some important dates for your diary.

Friday, March 10thRace NightCharfield Village Hall
Friday, April 7thQuiz EveningCharfield Village Hall
Saturday, April 15thFirst Matches 
Saturday, April 29thFirst League Matches. 

For any further information on any of the above matters please do not hesitate to contact one of the officials listed below. We would love to hear from you.

D.S. Bradley
xx New Street
Tel: Dursley 84xxxx
D.C. Bradley
xx New Street
Tel: Dursley 84xxxx
A. Pearn
x Katherine Close
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx
Social Secretary
R. Alexander
‘The xxxx’
Abbey Place
Tel: Dursley 84xxxx
1st XI Captain
R. Johnson
6 Underhill Road
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx
2nd XI Captain
S. Bushell
xx Walkmill Lane
Tel: Dursley 84xxxx

D.S. Bradley


Village Organisations

Charfield Residents Assoc.Hon. Sec.Mr G Blower, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
NewsletterEditorsMrs M Hall, xx Durham Road
Mrs J Peaster, xxx Manor Lane
Baby Sitting CircleMrs M Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx
British LegionMr D Millman, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
1st BrowniesMrs Green, x Horsford Road84xxxx
2nd BrowniesMrs M Smith, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
County Primary SchoolHeadmasterMr D Malpass26xxxx
Congregational ChurchMiss Turner, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Cricket ClubSecretaryMrs D Bradley, xx New St.84xxxx
CubsAkelaAudrey Chappell84xxxx
District CouncillorMr E Gadsby, xxxx Farm, Brinkmarsh Lane, Falfield26xxxx
Football Club – SeniorsSecretaryMr M Green, x Horsford Rd84xxxx
Football Club – JuniorsSecretaryMrs C Bullock, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Friendship ClubChairmanMr E H Orton, xx Wotton Road26xxxx
Girl GuidesCaptain
Asst Leader
Mrs R Meek, xxxx, The Drive
Mrs M Westlake, xx Old Manor Close
Keep Fit ClubEnquiriesMrs Poskett, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Luncheon Club for the ElderlySecretaryMrs J Higgins, The xxxx, Charfield Hill26xxxx
Management Committee – HallChairlady
Mrs J Hall, x Berkeley Close
Mrs Poskett, xx Charfield Green
Mothers & ToddlersSecretaryMrs T Crooks, xx Farm Lees84xxxx
PTA – Primary SchoolChairladyMrs M Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx
PTA – KLB SchoolVice-ChairmanMrs M Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Parish CouncilClerkMrs J Hughes, x Berkeley Close26xxxx
Play GroupSecretarySue Blay, x Thames Close26xxxx
PoliceP.C. Tuckley, Police Station84xxxx
St Johns ChurchRector
Rev K Grant, The Rectory
Mrs M Clarke, xx Underhill Rd
Woodend Scout GroupLeaderMrs M Coomber, x Orchard Cl.26xxxx
Venture ScoutsSecretary
Matthew Richards, Wickwar29xxxx
Transport Scheme for the Elderly and Housebound 
Mrs M Blower, xx Manor Lane
Mrs J Higgins, The xxxx
Tennis ClubSecretaryMrs C Haines, xx Horsford Rd26xxxx
Women's InstitutePresidentMrs C Haines, xx Horsford Rd84xxxx
Young WivesChairladyMrs J Halliday84xxxx
Youth ClubLeaderMrs K Cordy, Berkeley Close26xxxx

Please Note, If any of the above information is incorrect or requires amendment please contact the Editors

Telephone Numbers commencing 84… use code 0453, Numbers commencing 26… or 29… use code 0454.

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 20 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2017-01-13.