The Wotton Gallery
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- NOTE: You may not copy or reproduce these photos without the express permission of the owner. (Send us an email and we'll put you in touch with the owner.)

War Memorial - a postcard from the 1960s (Hugo Grimes)

The Buffs, taken at the back of the Old Ram Inn, probably around the 1950s (Terry Luker)

The Old Bear Garage (Terry Luker)

St Mary's Church and the Britannia Mill before the houses in Court Orchard. (Terry Luker)

Looking up Long Street late 1950's early 1960's: Webb grocers, Rees chemist and Grimes (Terry Luker)

View from St Mary's Tower, looking North West (Hugo Grimes)

1960s Postcard: Church Street * Hugo Perry Almshouses (Hugo Grimes)

St Mary's Church from N.W - 1960's postcard (Hugo Grimes)

The Hare - 2007 (Gillie Evans)

Glossy Ibis - 2007 - it's the first time these birds have come to Slimbridge WFT, usually they only come ... (Gillie Evans)

Coot and babies - Slimbridge 2007 (Gillie Evans)

Laying Wotton Sewer pipe - the gang (Hugo Grimes)

Laying Wotton Sewer pipe - the ditch (Hugo Grimes)

Flamingo Glory - Slimbridge (Gillie Evans)

Nesting Coot Slimbridge (Gillie Evans)

Spring at Slimbridge - March 2007 (Gillie Evans)

Berkeley Castle's old water defences demonstrated by the recent flooding. January 2007 (Tim Davies)

Corner Shop in Church Street - van coming down the street (Terry Luker)

The Old Gas Works - Valley Road - The Large House in the background was 'The Cedars' (Terry Luker)

Church Street 1895 Jolly Reaper 1881-1911 on the right (Terry Luker)
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- NOTE: You may not copy or reproduce these photos without the express permission of the owner. (Send us an email and we'll put you in touch with the owner.)